I knew my hair had grown when.........


Well-Known Member

I was sat at my desk today with a vest on. For a few hours I feel this tiny little tickle jst pass my neck. I think its the label on the vest or something. Anyway I go to the bathroom look in the mirrior and ITS MY HAIR.
It wasnt out, it was in a high pony tail and the ends were brushing against my back.

It was such a nice suprise, I couldnt believe I have a pony tail that long.

When did you realise you hair had grown(Besides Pictures)......

Kizzy xx
Great feeling, huh Kizzy!

Well, I cut my hair to an ear length bob last May. The other day i had my hair down and It kept snagging on my shirt! I was like, wow, my hair is actually a little past shoulder length now!!!
Miss_Jetsetter said:
Great feeling, huh Kizzy!

Well, I cut my hair to an ear length bob last May. The other day i had my hair down and It kept snagging on my shirt! I was like, wow, my hair is actually a little past shoulder length now!!!

Yes its a great feelin,

Your doing a great job darling. I love your hair
Thank you Kizzy. I'm sending that compliment right back to ya! I remember looking through your album a while back thinking, man, this woman's hair looks wonderful! Amazing progress! Keep it up.
My mom and grandmother commented and how thick my hair had gotten, and how it really recovered from last year when it was overprocessed and thin. And believe me, that felt good, because last year they sure let me know how terrible it was looking!!! Mother's don't lie :lol: , so that's how I knew my hair was turning around!
when i decided to flat iron my hair for the first time and two hours later i was staring in the mirror and barely recognized my own hair because it was well past the shoulder length i remembered the last time i had it straightened....
I pulled my hair into a high ponytail to make a bun and realized that the end of pony tail was past shoulder length. I was like :eek:. I guess my hair is growing, it just won't grow past bra strap length. :ohwell:
when I finally got a ponytail again. I cut my hair above the ear in 2003 and early 2004 (my stylist at the time said I should cut it to get it grow) but 2004 was a bad year for my hair. :( It has finally gotten past my ear this year when I got serious about the care.
(1) others point out my hair looks longer :clap:

(2) When I'm washing my hair and my wet hair feels heavier than usual :clap:

(3) When it takes me three circular motions to wrap my hair into a bun instead of the usual two :clap:

I can't wait until I get my relaxer at the end of this month. Its been 15 long weeks with 5 inches of NG and I anticipate seeing how long my hair looks when straightened! :yay:
I knew that my hair had grown when it started getting caught in my backpack straps if I didn't move it out of the way. I also know that my hair has grown when I have to stretch my arms out further to roll it.
I knew my hair has grown because when I last washed it last week (been to the beautician since then) it reached past my boobs in the front without my combing it. What a strange feeling to have it reach all the way down there... :look:
When pink rollers were exchanged for black... then purple... then gray... then the 2.5in, then the 3in rollers!!!! WOW!!!
When I couldn't just blow dry my hair with comb attachment at random.I HAVE TO do it in a lot of sections now with clips holding the hair that I am not blow drying. That is when I knew my hair had grown and truly gotten healthier and thicker. When my hair was damaged and breaking off--it was a breeze to blow dry my hair, now it is a chore and it takes a while but I AM GLAD !!!! :)
Congratulations Kizzy. It is a great feeling when the revelation dawns on you isn't it? :D

SandySea said:
I knew that my hair had grown when it started getting caught in my backpack straps if I didn't move it out of the way.

Same here. And also when I finally realized I didn't have to wear a phony-pony for length. My hair was peaking out beneath the phony-pony.
I've been wearing some tops with low backs this summer. I realized how much my hair had grown when I could feel my hair grazing against the middle of my back. What a cool feeling.
recently, i realized my hair had really grown when the bottom of it was still touching my waist even though it was in curls...!!!!!
Wow! :eek: :notworthy :cry: These are tears of joy for you Kizzy. I won't have long hair for awhile. Just Bced in July. :ohwell: My hair has never been so healthy since ixnaying my relaxers, though, so I'm still happy. :D
kizzylonghair said:

I was sat at my desk today with a vest on. For a few hours I feel this tiny little tickle jst pass my neck. I think its the label on the vest or something. Anyway I go to the bathroom look in the mirrior and ITS MY HAIR.
It wasnt out, it was in a high pony tail and the ends were brushing against my back.

It was such a nice suprise, I couldnt believe I have a pony tail that long.

When did you realise you hair had grown(Besides Pictures)......

Kizzy xx

and congrats to you on the growth, ms kizzy......
I realized my hair grew a few days ago. I took out my indian hair weave & fully relaxer my previously texturized hair. I was shocked by the length. My husband was even shocked because he always sees my weaves, wigs, etc. He could not stop looking. lol I had a short afro . Now it is past my shoulders!
I can tell my hair is getting long because it takes me longer to comb it out. I always start at the ends and work my way up. When I hold a section away from my head and start combing the ends out, I'm like "dang, it's getting long."
Oh yeah, when I wear a halter top and can feel my hair on my back. I almost don't recognize it because I never wear my hair down! I'm like, is this MY hair? haha