I Just Need To Vent...


New Member
Let me preface this by saying that I realize all hair is beautiful. But as many of us know, dealing with our hair in it's natural state can be a challenge. That being said, I tend to conduct internet searches for natural hair blogs which will inspire me to continue along this journey for long, healthy hair. This is where the problem arises. On most of the blogs I come across are similarly structured: The blogger details her hair story, in which she had an "aha' moment and decided to finally stop relaxing her hair. She has since embraced her curly coils and is better for it. The central theme seems to be that most of these women who let go of the "creamy crack" appear to be 3a-3c and I'm left wondering why their hair was ever relaxed in the first place. This has repeatedly left me frustrated and wondering why it seems like so few people with hair like mine create these kinds of blogs. Where are all the 4a-4c length success stories? What do you guys think? Any recommendations for blogs that I can reference?
There are plenty of blogs out there. I know a lot of blogs feature a variety of curlies aside from their own hair curl pattern. Here are some of my favorite blogs who's creators are type 4:
A Happy Nappy Affair.com

A lot of these bloggers feature natural's with various curl patterns. Why does the creator have to be your curl pattern though? There is plenty of information and inspiration to obtain by various textures of natural hair. Good hair care and healthy hair is all appealing and worthy of my awe. :yep: It's not even just about length because you can have some long hair but if it looks scraggly and whatnot...:nono:

At the end of the day though, you have to accept what you have. Don't become envious of the type 3's and dismiss the information they have to share. People shouldn't dismiss any valuable information based on curl pattern.
Kisforkinky.com, who is a member here btw, has an awesome blog. She also has a dedicated type 4 series.

You should also peruse the various threads on LHCF for type 4 hair. PM me if you need links.
There are a ton of bloggers for 4s. I love CocoT's list. I've focused on the ones for little kids because I'm trying to learn for my youngest daughter. And keep in mind, even though the bloggers themselves might be 3s (aka CurlyNikki) they feature all kinds of curls/naps/coils/waves.

Good luck on your journey. All natural hair is beautiful!
Check out youtube. Type the following names in the yt search engine. These are all natural type 4 haired ladies. I believe some of them have blogs that they will reference in their videos.

Length and thickness for days (their hair don't make no darn sense, lol):
Rustic beauty

Other personal faves:
Who said anything about being envious??? Frustration from what appears to be a lack of information and envy are two totally different things. While information is appreciated from all sources, one naturally looks to others with similar hair types for inspiration/tips/advice. But thanks for the lengthy list.
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There are plenty of blogs out there. I know a lot of blogs feature a variety of curlies aside from their own hair curl pattern. Here are some of my favorite blogs who's creators are type 4:
A Happy Nappy Affair.com

A lot of these bloggers feature natural's with various curl patterns. Why does the creator have to be your curl pattern though? There is plenty of information and inspiration to obtain by various textures of natural hair. Good hair care and healthy hair is all appealing and worthy of my awe. :yep: It's not even just about length because you can have some long hair but if it looks scraggly and whatnot...:nono:

At the end of the day though, you have to accept what you have. Don't become envious of the type 3's and dismiss the information they have to share. People shouldn't dismiss any valuable information based on curl pattern.


People shouldn't dismiss common sense advice...such as "moisturize your hair", "protective styling can help retain length" and "trim raggedy ends".

Everything else, all other advice, i only look to folks with my hair type.

I'll get hype about a product, technique, style ONLY if the person has success with it AND has a very similar texture of hair to mine. I see nothing wrong with that, and to me, it's very logical. I don't see how people with type 2 or 3a hair can inform a type 4 c-napp on a specific product or technique that gets their own hair 'soft' or 'ringletty' or what not. I'm definitely more likely to try something if the person endorsing it has hair that looks like mine.
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I don't blog because I can't keep it as current as I'd like, but you can check out my fotki. Not like my hair is long though. Also on fotki, check out Loolalooh (she has a blog too), Lina40, Giselle, Labellenoire etc. All beautiful heads of 4b head.

On youtube, I like hairmania3000, her hair is the closest to mine I've seen out there. I totally understand your frustration though.
when you have a tighter coil pattern retention is hard but once you get what works for you it should make things easier and more enjoyable, that being said i was also very discouraged but its good that you vented, people here will share and help, even if it may seem hard and frustrating vent and then find a way i am too....

starting with a chop i did a few weeks back, i am 7 years still chasing long hair! i feel your pain. but we will get there all of us type nappy kinky coilies out here lol :hug2:

People shouldn't dismiss common sense advice...such as "moisturize your hair", "protective styling can help retain length" and "trim raggedy ends".

Everything else, all other advice, i only look to folks with my hair type.

I'll get hype about a product, technique, style ONLY if the person has success with it AND has a very similar texture of hair to mine. I see nothing wrong with that, and to me, it's very logical. I don't see how people with type 2 or 3a hair can inform a type 4 c-napp on a specific product or technique that gets their own hair 'soft' or 'ringletty' or what not. I'm definitely more likely to try something if the person endorsing it has hair that looks like mine.

Totally agree. There's nothing wrong with the OP being frustrated by the lack of type 4s (though there are a number of them out of there) with documented hair success stories compared to the type 3s. Even I ask myself the question: "Why in the world did they relax their [type 3s] hair in the first place?" More often times than not, a type 3 may have a completely different regimen compared to a type 4. Type 4s generally need more moisture (since sebum cannot naturally move down their extremely curly/tight hair shaft to provide moisture), protective styling (since their hair tends to be more susceptible to damage due to the tight curl pattern), etc. To be honest, a lot of personal things that work for a person with type 3b/c hair will do little to nothing for my 4a/b hair, so I don't see anything wrong with narrowing one's search to specifically type 4s.

But don't worry OP, there are a good amount of type 4s who have blogs/YouTube accounts that have a wealth of information to provide. Good luck! :yep:
I didn't mean to offend. It's just that when people make reference to hair type/curl pattern (3b, 4c, whatever) I just don't think of that in conjunction with texture (porosity, thickness of the hair strand, density, etc). I was speaking generally when I said "envious". I probably could have used a better word (discouraged) but that's all I had at the time. :ohwell:

I do believe that you can learn useful information from people with different curl patterns and even textures. That's all I was trying to say. It's alright to be frustrated. I get frustrated with my own hair all the time.
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Why don't you start your own blog?? If the info isn't out there like you wish it was why not blaze the trail??

I believe that there is information to be learned from anybody willing to share :yep: and there are plenty of ladies here and on other portals of the web that will share your texture and their information.
Great info shared with the blogs! I love coilycrowns. I always wonder why people say " why do 3's relax in the first place?" that makes absolute no sense to me. If you aren't taught how to manage your frizz/unruly hair, the first instinct is to tame it. In the black community that usually means relax it.
Great info shared with the blogs! I love coilycrowns. I always wonder why people say " why do 3's relax in the first place?" that makes absolute no sense to me. If you aren't taught how to manage your frizz/unruly hair, the first instinct is to tame it. In the black community that usually means relax it.

Exactly. Curly hair of any kind wasn't 'cool' when I was growing up. Girls would only buy 'curly weave' if they were broke because that kind was always on sale. I wore type 3 synthetic curly extensions (that wouldn't fool anyone now) throughout my teens and people would stay thinking it was my real hair because it looked kind of close to 'nappy'.
Hmm, I know how you feel. I've been doing this since 2005 when I went natural and I can name the 4bc people on one hand. That is my hair type. I'm talking about kinky haired women who have long hair and actually wear it out. I don't pay attention to protective style blogs b/c (1) its boring, and (2) i will never wear my hair like that. So it's hard to find someone to relate to.
No harm in venting at all. In fact, I appreciate honesty and representation of all hair types. You basically brought up this woman's point, but you said it in a far more respectful and reasonable way :yep::

YouTube - You natural hair girls make me sick !!!!!!

Wow, I would never speak that way, but this video is right on point & it was pretty funny (other than the language). I know exactly what she's talking about. She was just bold (or crazy) enough to say it without any editing...I mean none at all, so I know alot of people are probably mad at that...I think she matched your vent OP :)
I didn't mean to offend. It's just that when people make reference to hair type/curl pattern (3b, 4c, whatever) I just don't think of that in conjunction with texture (porosity, thickness of the hair strand, density, etc). I was speaking generally when I said "envious". I probably could have used a better word (discouraged) but that's all I had at the time. :ohwell:

I do believe that you can learn useful information from people with different curl patterns and even textures. That's all I was trying to say. It's alright to be frustrated. I get frustrated with my own hair all the time.

Coco: No worries, although I was a little taken aback by the wording of your message. :look: I understand what you mean about getting "useful information from people with different curl patterns and even textures", as I've received a wealth of info from ladies with all different hair types. But lately, I've been looking for product recommendations/reviews and as such, I prefer to defer to the ladies who share a similar hair texture.

I do appreciate the lengthy list and will definitely check out the sites. :yep:
I know how you feel OP, I wrote a similar post a while back

glamazini.com she's also on YouTube - she's type-4. The blog is focused on her and her hair and not user submissions, but she does a lot of different styles, great non-hair content and has a great personality.
I don't blog because I can't keep it as current as I'd like, but you can check out my fotki. Not like my hair is long though. Also on fotki, check out Loolalooh (she has a blog too), Lina40, Giselle, Labellenoire etc. All beautiful heads of 4b head.

On youtube, I like hairmania3000, her hair is the closest to mine I've seen out there. I totally understand your frustration though.

I'm gonna need "certain" people to immediately find a mirror, stretch a piece of that gorgeous hair down, and realize that duh- BSL hair is very long, and actually, drool-worthy :lachen:

OP- I hope you've found the list helpful. I too know how frustrating it can be to find inspiration during a long-hair journey when your hair is super-kinky. I hope you take the advice of another poster and consider starting your own site or blog. The 4b newbies who'll come behind you will greatly benefit from your story and future advice.
I was noticing the same things. Many blogs with Type 3 and not a lot of Type 4. So I decided to start my own blog. I am definitely a Type 4. I just started it January 1 but I have big plans for my blog and plan to keep it up-to-date. Post at least every 1-2 days.

Check it out and follow me. I'm sure you will enjoy it.