I need to vent :-S

That is just plain awful and my heart breaks for those poor little girls. It sounds like your brother needs custody now. I just pray everyting falls into place so he can do so.
Yeah, no one in my family saw this coming. We, never in a million years, thought she would do something like that. But she did. And my brother saw it on the news before he was even contacted!!! Can you imagine that? It was a crazy time for my family. And her trial drug on for a year. The totally sad part is that she only got 10 years. Yes, 10 years for murder!! We just put it in God's hands. She'll get her just due.

It's something I'll never understand.

You and your family are in my prayers.

I am sorry for your family's loss, and you & your fam are in my prayers as well.

Thank you for keeping mine in yours.
That's mean. Why would she cut her daughters' hair for no reason. That's very odd.

Why do parents beat on their kids to the point they're bruised and bleeding? Why did a mother in brooklyn kill her little son a month ago? Beat the poor boy and he just died with his father.

Because they're SICK and abusive.

OP, yall need to document stuff, for real. If the mother isn't doing what she's supposed to, I'd take pictures and keep it in case your brother needs to go back to court. No reason the babies should suffer cause the mother has issues.

Hammercy PDub I just saw your post and my heart goes out to you and your family. That evil wench is going to pay one way or another. People are truly evil.
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I would be angry too. AngelEyez, that's so sad. And right now, here at the holidays. I know you did nothing to burn that little girls hair, I've known people like that too, she's so insecure and ashamed you had to do the girls hair that she has to turn it around to it being all your fault.

I hope your brother can take custody of his girls soon. I shudder to think of the other head games she plays on those children.
I know this in my heart, but I still hurt for them. You only get one childhood. :sad:

Yeah and this trifling hoochbiscuit is scarring them for life. Not everyone deserves children.... they are a gift. :( I'm so sorry girl. Just keep being a good influence on them and they will love you for it.
Is there any way your brother can fight to get his kids full time. this chick is going to cause more and more issues for the kids in the long run.

Agreed. Birth mother or not, this woman doesn't sound like someone that should have children under her care. I feel for those kids. :bighug: for you.
I would be angry too. AngelEyez, that's so sad. And right now, here at the holidays. I know you did nothing to burn that little girls hair, I've known people like that too, she's so insecure and ashamed you had to do the girls hair that she has to turn it around to it being all your fault.

I hope your brother can take custody of his girls soon. I shudder to think of the other head games she plays on those children.

Thats exactly what it is.
I think she did think that. My bother told her he was calling child protective services on her and that no chemicals were used. After that she started freakin' out. trying to find other reasons to justify what she did.

Freaking out?. How much hair did she cut? I'm praying for you and your fam AngelEyeZ. Hope your brother gets them soon.
I know the frustration you are feeling, just trying to give a little love and normalcy only to have it shoved back down your throat. She really has got issues :nono:

Someone close to me is in a similar situation (baby mama never ending CRAZY drama). The woman will take her maternal insecurities and hatred of your brother out on those kids. I'm so sorry for those girls, and pray that your brother gets custody soon.
First and Foremost, My Blessings go out to Your Neices! I know of a Woman who is exactly like that, She is So severley jealous of Her childrens Father's new relationship that She takes it out on the Children, That is not a Good situation, You never know how far She may go to vent Her frustrations, It seems as though She was highly upset that they were Happy at the hands of His Family, So She called Herself taking it away, Who knows what else She is capable of if She can Hurt Her Darling little ones by cutting off their Hair, How Freakin Ridiculous of Her to make a claim that their Hair was falling out within that short period of time, even if it was damaged it would not have immediatley fell out in chunks like the next day, not just from a flat iron job, WITH Heat Protectant. But in any case, put the Fire under Your Brother, stand behind Him, thats all You can do, until things work out in His favor, and it will. Best Wishes to You all!
She sounds like one of satan's soldiers. You keep those babies uplifted in prayer constantly and ask Him to protect those babies while in her care. I pray that you brother gets custody soon. And I think those babies might need counseling too. To cut a childs hair because she can't get her grown woman on and get her bizness together makes me angry!
Sounds like she's using the kids as ammo. Your brother should try and get custody full time b/c chick seems kinda off. If their hair was already matted before....why didn't she cut it then...I mean, why wait until it's all puuuurty to do it? Jealous beyotch.
Wow, I feel for those poor babies. Grateful they have you and your brother, your never ending love will eventually over power all the ill being bestowed upon them.
This is upsetting...

I don't know what state you're in but unfortunately, severe physical harm has to happen in order for the courts to respond from what I’ve observed. Mind manipulation (like cutting your child's hair out of spite among many other scenarios I’m sure) never seems to be sufficient for the courts to change their perception (if that's even possible) of the mother... Is your brother trying to get custody of the children?

There are many unstable mothers walking around, some maybe on the forum! Sad, but true. It's easy to point fingers at other women when we're not 'IN' the situation.
We don't always act rationally when faced with strong emotions. How many times have we heard folks make incriminating statements because they were really, really upset? So flip it. In this case, the mother had an opportunity to act, she was in a position of power and she used that power. Control and power are major factors in parenting. We exert those forces in various degrees. Human nature.

As difficult as it may be, the one thing you can do is to not react. Not saying don't pursue legal means to get custody if that's what you (your brother and your family I assume) want. The more you react, the more satisfied she will be. She is in control because she has custody and the only ones that get hurt are the children. Period. Ya gotta be strategic with this woman....

Don’t you wish folks could go through thorough psychological evaluation before becoming parents?
Hearing this just breaks my heart. Someone needs to have a serious talk with the mother about what she's doing to her girls. When they grow up they will end up resenting her.
This is upsetting...

I don't know what state you're in but unfortunately, severe physical harm has to happen in order for the courts to respond from what I’ve observed. Mind manipulation (like cutting your child's hair out of spite among many other scenarios I’m sure) never seems to be sufficient for the courts to change their perception (if that's even possible) of the mother... Is your brother trying to get custody of the children?

There are many unstable mothers walking around, some maybe on the forum! Sad, but true. It's easy to point fingers at other women when we're not 'IN' the situation.
We don't always act rationally when faced with strong emotions. How many times have we heard folks make incriminating statements because they were really, really upset? So flip it. In this case, the mother had an opportunity to act, she was in a position of power and she used that power. Control and power are major factors in parenting. We exert those forces in various degrees. Human nature.

As difficult as it may be, the one thing you can do is to not react. Not saying don't pursue legal means to get custody if that's what you (your brother and your family I assume) want. The more you react, the more satisfied she will be. She is in control because she has custody and the only ones that get hurt are the children. Period. Ya gotta be strategic with this woman....

Don’t you wish folks could go through thorough psychological evaluation before becoming parents?

I wish folks had to pass a psych eval AND an IQ test before being allowed to procreate.