I helped my friend because of you!


Well-Known Member
Well she's in her 40's and I went to visit her this weekend and she hasn't seen me in three months or so (although we talk all the time). Anyways she said, "Girl your fall is gorgeous, I need to get me one of those." (The last time she saw me I was wearing a fall (a half wig)
I told her, "This is my real hair!"
She didn't believe me. (laughs) I mean she did but she was incredulous.
I showed her my scalp just being funny and she immediately started asking me what I did, how I grew my hair so fast. Guys it's not that long, just a little past collarbone length (but I love it!). But to her it was bangin!

Anyway, she asked me to feel her hair. I did and it felt like straw. I'm not joking. It was hard and dry. I asked her what she had been doing to it. Using what products? She showed me and guess what? Almost all of them had protein! I told her she had overloaded her relaxed hair with protein which in my modest opinion was why she had dry brittle, breaking hair.

We immediately left for the BSS. (laughs)

We bought one staple product. Can you guess? Yup, Keracare Humecto Conditioner! That softens my hair up like butter. We hung out for a while but she was eager to get to washing. I gave her directions, she did a pretreatment, shampoo, deep condition.

She called me shouting in joy! She was so happy, her hair turned out bouncy and beautiful. I love Keracare but most of all I love LHCF for teaching me healthy hair practices that allow my hair to grow and me to tell others!(If they ask)

Now she's interested in stretching relaxers, texlaxing (like me), pretreatments, deep conditioning and the list goes on. I also turned her on to Boundless Tresses (for growth).

I haven't shared this site with her yet but I will if she is ready for it.
Wow, that's great. Sounds like she may be open to the site. All you can do is ask her right? You know LHCF welcomes newbies!
Cool beans! It feels good to help someone who is willing to take in the information and advice and is grateful. I hate giving advice only to see people looking at me crazy talking about why am I using white people products....sheesh....nother thread!

Glad you could hook her up though!
That is great.. that is how I found this site,, a very good friend turned me onto it also, and my hair has never looked healthier :D and longer.
Aww that's cute. You should get her to sign up.... Unless you tell your deep dark secrets in the off topic room and want to keep anonymous! LOL
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I do kinda want to stay anonymous. But I just wouldn't tell her that I'm a member (laughs). No harm no foul.
Awwww! See, this is a good story. We don't all hate on each other, and it's good she felt comfortable asking you for help and that you willingly offered it. But I understand keeping LHCF quiet. I like the fact that I'm anonymous here.