I have updated my pics !!!


New Member
I have updated ladies. I have some blowout pics, and hopefully these pictures are slightly clearer. I tried to sharpen but my computer froze.
What's your regimen, Steph? And how long have you been growing your natural hair? It's so thick and beautiful - definitely a goal of mine!
Your hair looks great! It's very thick and I bet it's below bra strap. Keep up the good work.

P.S. What's your routine? Spill the beans, girl!
I agree with hairlove, thick and beeyoootiful!!! Keep up the good work!
the last thing I knew I was trying to get up off the floor...then I cleaned my glasses...
...and fell out again...!!!!!Stephanie, your hair looks amazing !!!
... Now...I found a pen and I am going to take down everything you say about your hair care regime. You know this thread will not end until we get every detail...Thank you, we love your pics. Bonjour.
could somebody please get me a glass of water!!!! Now I have a renewed goal. I hope I did not post this twice.....(n0 ...I am just still in shock....
Steph, nice hair girl! And from the likes of your one pic, you could be the next Victoria's Secret supermodel!!!
wow! you have lovely hair and you're now my official hair idol! how long would you say your hair is? and how long did it take to do the whole blow-out process? beautiful hair!

Your hair is beautiful, thick, and long.
You got it going on, Gurl.

Pooh123, I took a look at your album - Beautiful also.

Very encouraging. Keep it up!!!
Steph, your hair is beautiful! I noticed that you said that you couldn't get rid of your waves, I have that same problem! I have pressed hair, and my waves are so strong that often times my hair had waves in it after I just got my hair pressed and flat ironed! I just wanted you to know about this one product, that is good especially for those who have naturally curly hair to get rid of those waves. It's called Bumble and Bumble Straight. You could go to the website bumbleandbumble.com and you could find out where you can get it in your local area. All you do is apply into your hair while wet and blow dry straight, and let me tell you, you'll love the results! The waves will go away, trust! Also, Joico, Paul Mitchell and Sebastian have products that you could use to get rid of your waves.
Now see, I told u once about ur pic skills
! Girl, let me take ur hair pics for now on
! I'll make sure that everyone gets a clear full view of that absolutely drop dead beautiful hair of urs
I was sitting over here having all kindza attacks, hoping to see a nicely framed full view of ur length.

Ur such, & I emphasize SUCH a lovely hair inspiration

Keep up the wonderful work

(( just kidding about ur pic skills
dontspeakdefeat said:
http://photos.yahoo.com/kinseyla98 I had to copy and paste your link to view it.

Your hair looks great! How long is it really. It looks like you may be approaching waist length?

Keep up the good work!

[/ QUOTE ]
Hi don't speak defeat. My hair is mid-back around 3 inches past bra strap. I am approaching waist length. I would probably be there if did not have breakage problems with the hard water, but now i have that under control.