I Have Officially Decided to Transition - Need U'r Help!


New Member

I have finally decided to do it. I have debated in the past, and have even stretched for several months, but now I'm committed to transistioning 100% to my natural hair, starting today.


I've stalked several natural heads over the years - Hairlove, Peachtree, and Bublnbrnsuga to name a few, but have not had the patience nor motivation to do it. I hate to admit it, but leaving corporate America and staying home now is a HUGE motivator because I don't have to worry about what it looks like during the transition period :)

Anyway, I'm posting to solicit your help! For those of you that have transitioned, please forward links to your albums and any useful tips that you have to get me started, including regimens.

Additonally, I'm not planning to do a Big Chop, but I am planning to go much shorter - maybe a bob just above the shoulders, then just transition. Since I'm a do-it-yourselfer, I may decide to do the cut myself, since I've done this cut before, or go to a salon here in DC. If anyone knows of reputabale ones, please let me know! This will be a one-time shot, then I'll maintain on my own.

Thanks in advance!!

First of all. Congratulations!!! I have to agree. Now that I work from home, I'm a lot more patient with my hair.

What's your hair type? I think that will help us give you tips on how to transition.
Hey SG :wave:
I don't have any transitioning tips or albums being that I am relaxed, but I may transition sometime w/in the next year.Just wanted to Congratulate you on your decision to transition :yay: Your hair is beautiful relaxed or natural:)
zora said:
First of all. Congratulations!!! I have to agree. Now that I work from home, I'm a lot more patient with my hair.

What's your hair type? I think that will help us give you tips on how to transition.

Sorry - I didn't give you guys any details!!

Here's the scoop:

-4 a/b hair
-Relaxed (last relaxer November '06)
-No Color
-Current length is bra-strap or a little below, very healthy
-Blunt cut with bangs
-Most recent trim was over last few days, about 5 inches cut
-Hair is pretty thick even though I relax often

Here are my most recent pix - taken just days ago
http://public.fotki.com/SouthernGirlz/recent-hair-pics---/november-2006---pos/ password in profile

Let me know if you need more info,

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Congratulations on your decision to go natural. Can't wait to see what it will look like in a couple months.
Congratulations on your decision! Your hair is so inspiring and I know you're going to just as inspiring with your natural hair.
Thank Everyone :kiss:

Congrats on everyone else that has also made the switch -good luck on your journeys as well!

I'll definitely post pics of the transition cut. I'm leaning towards doing it myself, so if I do, I'll have pix taken step-by-step as an instructional trimming guide.

Also, I'll check out the support thrads.


Congrats on your decision! Your album was one of the first ones I stalked when I joined the board so I will be anxious to follow your journey. I have thought about it as well, but I have to admit that I am so chicken and would like to do it w/o the big chop too, so be sure to keep us updated with pics and progress reports!

Wow!! You're going to be gorgeous relaxed, natural, however!

Transitioners always wow me especially when they have long hair. I went from relaxed hair past shoulders to a twa in a matter of minutes. I was young so transitioning never crossed my mind.

All the best and keep us posted on your journey as a mommy and a natural.

blackbarbie said:
Congrats on your decision! Your album was one of the first ones I stalked when I joined the board so I will be anxious to follow your journey. I have thought about it as well, but I have to admit that I am so chicken and would like to do it w/o the big chop too, so be sure to keep us updated with pics and progress reports!


Hey Sweetie,

Your hair is just as GORGEOUS as ever!!!!! :up: :up:

I know it's scary to do it - I've gone back and forth for a couple of years now. Don't worry, I'll keep you posted with my journey and hopefully that will help you decide whether or not to do it.

Take care,

patient1 said:
Wow!! You're going to be gorgeous relaxed, natural, however!

Transitioners always wow me especially when they have long hair. I went from relaxed hair past shoulders to a twa in a matter of minutes. I was young so transitioning never crossed my mind.

All the best and keep us posted on your journey as a mommy and a natural.


You are so sweet :kiss:

Thanks so much for this.

The only reason I won't do a TWA is because I've worn long hair since my Junior year in college and I'm 36 now. I love my hair, and I'll admit I have an emotonal connection to it. Cutting it at or above the shoulders just doesn't seem as frightening to me, and I think it would be cute, and easier to manage than transitioning at this length.

I'll keep you posted with my hair and motherhood.

Luv ya,

I never transitioned so I dont have any tips to offer, but I just wanted to say congrats and I hope your transition is a successful one! :D
Congratulations!!! Echoing what others have said your hair is beautiful, and I'm sure it will thrive even more. But, I'm glad I got those self relaxing tips, before you transitioned:lol:!
missvi said:
SG, Your new pictures are beautiful. You are such an inspiration.:)

Thanks so much!!!

Your hair is very beautiful as well. Glad I can be an inspiration to you :)Hopefully we can help each other with our transitions!

All the best,

amr501 said:
Congrats on your decision to go natural! I'm sure your hair will be just as beautiful natural :grin:
I'm also transitioning (4 months post)...I get inspiration from viewing naturals' fotkis.
Here's a couple of links that have helped me:



I wish you well on your journey!! :)

Thanks girlie :kiss:

I am there!

Good luck to you, and congrats on going 4 mos!

shawniegee said:
Congratulations!!! Echoing what others have said your hair is beautiful, and I'm sure it will thrive even more. But, I'm glad I got those self relaxing tips, before you transitioned:lol:!

Thank Sweete!

I will always keep my tips out there, so don't worry if you lose them. Besides, I want to launch a beauty venture at some point, so hopefully I'll still be able to use my tips on someone else :)

Your hair is always beautiful!!

Bill Lawrence at the Bill Lawrence Salon on 18th and U would really be able to give you a nice bob. He is very reputable.
LocksOfLuV said:
Congrats, your hair is beautiful.

What made you decide to transition?

Thanks so much!!

I should have mentioned this early on, but here goes:


As a matter of fact, one of the reasons I've debated about going natural is that I wanted to be an inspiraton to people that you can absolutely have long, healthy hair - even with chemicals. I am living proof of that.

Also, I wanted to prove to women that you don't have to pay someone else a fortune to do you hair. I've done my own relaxers and trims since forever.

My reason for going natural is that I love change, and I have never had my natural hair in my adult life. I have no idea what it looks like under there :) I want curls without having to use rollers (although I love my pincurls). I really just want wash-n-go hair that will respond to a bit of leave-in conditioner, a bit of finger combing and that's it.

Also, I mentioned that I've been in corp. America for about 12 years but I resigned last month to be a stay-at-home mom. In my field, others have unfortunately dictated what is considered professional in terms of hair. I am now at a place in my life where I can make my own rules, and not feel like I have to wear my hair a certain way, for fear of not making a big sale or fitting in.

I'm looking forward to the change, and the new styling options it will bring! Oh - by the way, I'm going natural, but I want the flxibility of blowing out/flat ironing if I want to achieve a straight look, but I plan to wear it curly more often than not.

Oh - one last reason - a fcouple of years ago my mom had to cut all of her hair off (TWA) due to chemical damage. I watched her hair grow back natural and fell in love with it! I saw her last month and couldn't believe how amazing it looked in it's natural state. She helped me make the decision that day.


myoung said:
Your hair is always beautiful!!

Bill Lawrence at the Bill Lawrence Salon on 18th and U would really be able to give you a nice bob. He is very reputable.

Ooh, thanks!!!! I've heard of him. I worked with someone that went there when I worked in DC a few years ago. I'll try him first.

Also, someone mentioned Andre Chreky's. The person was not AA, so I'm not sure about that one. I want to be able to show someone what my end result is, so that they can give me a cut based on my desire to transition to natural. My self-trims have aways been blunt b/c they're easy, but I'm not sure if that's the best cut for transitioning purposes.

Thanks a bunch :kiss:

Congrats! Lucky for you you have this wonderful reserve of helpful tips to get you through! Welcome to the club!
good2uuuu said:
Congrats! Lucky for you you have this wonderful reserve of helpful tips to get you through! Welcome to the club!

Hey Chica :wave:

AS SOON as I had more time and could get to my PMs I was planning to contact you to get the scoop on your hair b/c I love it. I was showing DH some pix tonight and I used you and a few others as my desired "end result hair." We picked a few transitioning cuts from magazines (no, not hair magazines :), but he wanted to see what I was shootng for. He thought your har was beautiful!

Congrats... I have no idea how to transition cuz I BC'd BUT when I was relaxed I would relax my hair every 6-7 months. I think what really saved my hair was braid outs and greasing/oiling the new growth. I didnt realize it at the time because LHCF wasn't in my vocab then. Good Luck!!!!!