I Have Officially Decided to Transition - Need U'r Help!

Lucia said:
:shocked: Whoaaa, how did I miss this, congratz SG,
I hope your trans goes great, I can't wait to see the curls. I hope your doing a long transition, it would be shame to chop off all that length at 1 sitting.

Thanks Sweetie!!

No more chopping for me. I'm hoping to be completely transitioned in about 3 years.

Girl. I am so sad to see you leave the relaxed world. Because you are an inspiration. When was your last relaxer? I have about 4 more years until I go for the natural look. I wish you the best on your venture.
Mahalialee4 said:
Ladies you never cease to amaze me. You are brave and inspiring Southerngirl. Always loved your album and will continue to do so. I have never transitioned but I can tell you that natural hair is a mind set first of all. So after the mental change you will of course be looking at products that may work better for natural hair than relaxed. Will be checking you regularly. bonjour

I agree!:grin:
hottopic said:
Girl. I am so sad to see you leave the relaxed world. Because you are an inspiration. When was your last relaxer? I have about 4 more years until I go for the natural look. I wish you the best on your venture.

Hey Chica :wave:

I know, I'm gonna miss you guys!! It's sad, but my hair has been the same for so long, that I'm ready for a change. They say we always want what we don't have, and I've always wanted curly hair w/o having to straw set.

My last relaxer was at the beginning of November, but I already have a ton of new growth. I took pics of my "big chop" album, but I haven't really styled it since it's been cut. We're taking family pictures tomorrow so when I do my hair I'll post pics of how it looks styled. Here's my link:
http://public.fotki.com/SouthernGirlz/im-transitioning!!-/the-big-chop---wash-n-go/ password in profile.

Luv ya,

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so1913 said:
I'm late but...congratulations on your decision!

GIRL :shocked:

I LOVE YOUR HAIR!!! I just PM'd you to get the scoop, although I must admit your album is very informative. You are officially an inspiration for me, b/c the pic in your siggy is exactly how I want my hair to look once I'm fully transitioned.

Talk soon,

LAWD! SG done cut her hurrrr off!:cry3:

Ok, enough of that right thurr.

You look good with the short cut....hell, I can't imagine a style you wouldn't look good in, but I digress.

Good Lord, I feel like a groupie. I'ma stop now.

How's the transition going?
JCoily said:
LAWD! SG done cut her hurrrr off!:cry3:

Ok, enough of that right thurr.

You look good with the short cut....hell, I can't imagine a style you wouldn't look good in, but I digress.

Good Lord, I feel like a groupie. I'ma stop now.

How's the transition going?

I am cracking up so hard that I had to put baby down so I could write back :rofl:

Thanks for sharing in this journey w/me. I feel crazy posting these updates, as if anyone cares (LOL) so it was funny to see your response.

I had to cut it because I am so impatient! I don't know how I'm going to make it through a long transition. I hope my hair continues to grow fast, b/c as soon as I get some real length I'm chopping more! I figured I may as well get used to having short hair now. Might make it easier for me when all the relaxed ends have to be chopped.

The transiton is going okay, I just haven't figured out the best products to be using now and moving forward managing diff. textures. Right now I'm using MNT which has worked great for my relaxed hair, but if there is something that works better on natural hair and while transitioning let me know!!

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Wow, I saw your original post when you first decided to transition and I was surprised. Imagine my surprise today when I discovered you've actually cut some of your hair!:eek: It looks good on you!

Congratulations on your decision to transition! You were one of my first inspirations when I was relaxed (I went natural in August) and also the first person to send me your fotki pw when I was just stalking the boards.

I can't wait to see your hair when you are fully natural.

Don't have any tips right now because I'm still in the learning process but maybe I'll have something to offer in the near future.
I don't know, girl. I'm torn with my emotions OVER YOUR HAIR. :lachen: I feel funny even saying it. Your hair is so awesomely beautiful that it'll thrive in whatever road you take so I'm proud of you for being so brave but I felt like I got hit by a car when I saw how much hair you cut. The crazy part is that it is still the dayum bomb!!!! I've been so caught up in trying to get my hair healthy again and growing it long that I forgot how beautiful shorter healthy hair is too. You are really blessed.
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wow, you big chopped so fast it's hard to absorb. your new hairstyle is really cute and fits your face well. can't wait for more pics :)
lmjenk67 said:
Wow, I saw your original post when you first decided to transition and I was surprised. Imagine my surprise today when I discovered you've actually cut some of your hair!:eek: It looks good on you!

Congratulations on your decision to transition! You were one of my first inspirations when I was relaxed (I went natural in August) and also the first person to send me your fotki pw when I was just stalking the boards.

I can't wait to see your hair when you are fully natural.

Don't have any tips right now because I'm still in the learning process but maybe I'll have something to offer in the near future.

Aw, how sweet :kiss:

You guys are so supportive. I'm excited about transitioning, but I feel like a fish out of water because I know nothing about caring for natural hair. I'm fortunate to have the resources available on this site to help me, and I'm looking forward to being au natural.

As for the cut, thanks for the compliment! I appreciate the feedback moreso because I cut it myself. It's a little harder when you're a do-it-yourselfer, because it's tough to compete with a trained professional when it comes to cutting. I like the end result and I'm hoping it will make my transition easier.


Cayenne0622 said:
I don't, girl. I'm torn with my emotions OVER YOUR HAIR. :lachen: I feel funny even saying it. Your hair is so awesomely beautiful that it'll thrive in whatever road you take so I'm proud of you for being so brave but I felt like I got hit by a car when I saw how much hair you cut. The crazy part is that it is still the dayum bomb!!!! I've been so caught up in trying to get my hair healthy again and growing it long that I forgot how beautiful shorter healthy hair is too. You are really blessed.

Okay Girl,

My whole family is over here in tears! YOU ARE SO SWEET!!! I can't believe you wrote that, but I'm so touched. Not to get all sappy, but I am!!

BELEIVE ME, I went through a tough time for a couple days after I got to this length. What I did was gradually trim a few inches off each time over the course of 3 weeks. I did that just in case I changed my mind about going shorter. I was fine until I did the last chop, and I gasped because it was so short. Since I only cut my hair when it's straight, I had to flat-iron it out then cut. Because of that, the look was very severe. I looked like a dayum dutchboy :rofl: Once I washed it and played around with a bit by airdrying and scrunching w/leave-in conditioner, I realized that my hair has more texture closer to the root (new growth and some hair not being relaxed as long) so it looked cute and kinda wind-blown wavy.

What also helped was my supportive hubby. Each time I cut, he let me know that my hair is only an extension of my beauty and is not what defines me. He said I could even go shorter and still be beautiful :). He is so loving and supportive and takes an active interest in my hair. What a metro! :)

I've had long hair for so long, and it wasn't until I cut that I realized how much of a crutch it was for me. I've always loved being asked, "Is that your real hair?" It's a shame that the myth is out there that we can only grow our hair to a certain point. I do miss my locks, but they'll be long again but the next time they'll be long 'n curly :)


Congrats on your decision. I'm 3c and decided to transition approximately two years ago. It's the best hair decision I ever made. I would have never known all the fun things I could do with my hair if I hadn't stopped relaxing.

I wasn't brave enough to do the bc, so I gradually cut off the relaxed ends. Naturally, there were times when I wanted to give up, but I found lots of helpful tips on the NaturallyCurly site, and finding the right products for my hair was probably THE most help in getting over the hump.

I definitely don't miss the days of relaxing and burning! Now if I want straighter hair, I simply do a roller set, do a little flat ironing to remove some of the curl (my hair gets very curly with a rollerset), and voila! When I want to go back to curly, I simply wet my hair and the curls reappear in all their glory! And, being natural has been a tremendous life saver to me since I work out a lot. Now I don't have to worry about sweating out a hairstyle.

Album link shown below.

Good luck!
SouthernGirl said:
I've had long hair for so long, and it wasn't until I cut that I realized how much of a crutch it was for me. I've always loved being asked, "Is that your real hair?" It's a shame that the myth is out there that we can only grow our hair to a certain point. I do miss my locks, but they'll be long again but the next time they'll be long 'n curly :)

My hair wasn't as long as yours, but I felt this way too a bit. I realized that how much I was used to being "Cheleigh, the dark skinned sister with the long hair" because my hair had been a part of my identity for my whole life. I have no clue how people describe me now--"Cheleigh, that dark skinned sister with that nappy curly hair?" :lol:

I saw a picture of my hair from 2001, and my hair looked like a weave, LOL. A little part of me missed it, but it's just a little part. The largest part loves my natural hair, even at this length.
You will be beautiful relaxed or natural :) Also as long as you keep in mind that natural hair doesn't "act" the same way relaxed hair does, you'll be fine. Sounds silly, lol, but for instance, I had to get used to my hair growing "outwards" instead of "downwards".

Good luck on your journey!
Even with a big chop, your hair still looks fabulous! I must say, my heart skipped a beat though.

Babygirl is so precious.
neenzmj said:
Congrats on your decision. I'm 3c and decided to transition approximately two years ago. It's the best hair decision I ever made. I would have never known all the fun things I could do with my hair if I hadn't stopped relaxing.

I wasn't brave enough to do the bc, so I gradually cut off the relaxed ends. Naturally, there were times when I wanted to give up, but I found lots of helpful tips on the NaturallyCurly site, and finding the right products for my hair was probably THE most help in getting over the hump.

I definitely don't miss the days of relaxing and burning! Now if I want straighter hair, I simply do a roller set, do a little flat ironing to remove some of the curl (my hair gets very curly with a rollerset), and voila! When I want to go back to curly, I simply wet my hair and the curls reappear in all their glory! And, being natural has been a tremendous life saver to me since I work out a lot. Now I don't have to worry about sweating out a hairstyle.

Album link shown below.

Good luck!

Wow, you and your hair are beautiful!!!

Thanks for the advice, and the referral to the other site. I will definitely check it out. You mentioned something that I've been curious about...

You mentioned that you press your hair pretty regularly and it still goes back to curly when wet. Is that pretty much the case with most naturals? I know I want to have the option of wearing it straight on occasions, but I thought I heard that if you press you loose the curl pattern.

Anyhoo, off to check out your album :)

Thanks :kiss:,

Cheleigh said:
My hair wasn't as long as yours, but I felt this way too a bit. I realized that how much I was used to being "Cheleigh, the dark skinned sister with the long hair" because my hair had been a part of my identity for my whole life. I have no clue how people describe me now--"Cheleigh, that dark skinned sister with that nappy curly hair?" :lol:

I saw a picture of my hair from 2001, and my hair looked like a weave, LOL. A little part of me missed it, but it's just a little part. The largest part loves my natural hair, even at this length.

That's way cool. Your hair is beautiful! I've found that it's not important how other people define us (although my personal motto has always been that image is everything), but more importantly how we see ourselves. That confidence can be projected no matter what our physical attributes look like.

Congrats to you for making the decision as well :up:

I have to be the oddball here. Forgive me, I do not mean to offend anyone...but I am really shocked at the number of exceptionally long haired ladies who have worked so hard to grow their hair to a wonderful length, and persevered while some have not been able to achieve these goals as of yet, and suddenly there is this dramatic switch to "transitioning, or big chops. I am wondering, why not at shoulderlength or bra strap? I mean this is happening with a LOT OF LADIES, on the longhaircare boards! I really do not get it. Some started out natural, grew it long natural and then decided to relax, then changed their mind and are now transitioning to natural....but the majority are suddenly talking "transitioning...or going natural. Are you planning to stay natural or is this just a change? or Are you afraid to keep relaxing? Is it a health issue, ie. chemical fears? I really want to know. IThis is happening too often with too many to just be a coincidence! If I had reached my long desired goal, I would not be able to cut my hair, that is the truth! I would transition and keep all of my length, trust me. Shock and awe over here! lololol bonjour
Mahalialee4 said:
I have to be the oddball here. Forgive me, I do not mean to offend anyone...but I am really shocked at the number of exceptionally long haired ladies who have worked so hard to grow their hair to a wonderful length, and persevered while some have not been able to achieve these goals as of yet, and suddenly there is this dramatic switch to "transitioning, or big chops. I am wondering, why not at shoulderlength or bra strap? I mean this is happening with a LOT OF LADIES, on the longhaircare boards! I really do not get it. Some started out natural, grew it long natural and then decided to relax, then changed their mind and are now transitioning to natural....but the majority are suddenly talking "transitioning...or going natural. Are you planning to stay natural or is this just a change? or Are you afraid to keep relaxing? Is it a health issue, ie. chemical fears? I really want to know. IThis is happening too often with too many to just be a coincidence! If I had reached my long desired goal, I would not be able to cut my hair, that is the truth! I would transition and keep all of my length, trust me. Shock and awe over here! lololol bonjour

Well, my question would have to be why not??? Must we all be one trick ponies and all have the same goals? Must me all want to hold onto something because simply because other people want it and don't have it? Must we all base our personal hair decisions on the idea of pleasing or not displeasing others? Some woman aren't so attached to their hair where they aren't afraid to play with various lengths, textures, styles, etc. It's not a plague or some type of disease that needs to be stopped and controlled. Long relaxed hair is the only way to go, lol. What is so foreign odd and strange about black woman wanting to see, experience and experiment with their natural hair??? If that means the person decides to cut off a substantial amount of hair at their desire to meet their personal goal, there's nothing crazy about it at all. I think it's even more odd for us to think that the idea is absurd. I think for long haired woman to be able to just cut off inches of hair off only shows their is more to them than their hair and that their life simply doesn't revolve around it. Everyone has their own personal priorities in life. Although it may still be a goal, simply having long hair may not be #1 amongst all the other things we have to deal with. Some people have been there done that, and are ready to move on to something new.

I personally think "trend" in question is a BEAUTIFUL thing and hope to see it continue.
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so1913 said:
Well, my question would have to be why not??? Must we all be one trick ponies and all have the same goals? Must me all want to hold onto something because simply because other people want it and don't have it? Must we all base our personal hair decisions on the idea of pleasing or not displeasing others? Some woman aren't so attached to their hair where they aren't afraid to play with various lengths, textures, styles, etc. It's not a plague or some type of disease that needs to be stopped and controlled. Long relaxed hair is the only way to go, lol. What is so foreign odd and strange about black woman wanting to see, experience and experiment with their natural hair??? If that means the person decides to cut off a substantial amount of hair at their desire to meet their personal goal, there's nothing crazy about it at all. I think it's even more odd for us to think that the idea is obserd. I think for long haired woman to be able to just cut off inches of hair off only shows their is more to them than their hair and that their life simply doesn't revolve around it. Everyone has their own personal priorities in life. Although it may still be a goal, simply having long hair may not be #1 amongst all the other things we have to deal with. Some people have been there done that, and are ready to move on to something new.

I personally think "trend" in question is a BEAUTIFUL thing and hope to see it continue.

ITA!:grin: BTW, I think SG's new cut is beautiful and it looks great on her! She's doing what she feels necessary to reach her goal of being natural; and although this board is "long hair care forum" it doesn't mean the hair has to be relaxed. I, for one, can't wait to be fully natural!:D
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Allandra said:
Even with a big chop, your hair still looks fabulous! I must say, my heart skipped a beat though.

Babygirl is so precious.

:lol: Ain't it funny how we get attached to other folks hair around here!
Your transition is really coming along SG. I too was shocked to see the cut but it looks great on you and very thick and healthy. At this rate you'll be fully natural in no time.....and a beautiful natural at that. Best of luck girl!!
Ok...this is off topic too. I am 28 weeks pregnatn and your "Post-partum" album is cracking me up. 3 minutes 3 x a week on a treadmill for 2 weeks sounds like some "work-out" plan I would develop! I hope my weight melts off like yours has.
Mahalialee4 said:
I have to be the oddball here. Forgive me, I do not mean to offend anyone...but I am really shocked at the number of exceptionally long haired ladies who have worked so hard to grow their hair to a wonderful length, and persevered while some have not been able to achieve these goals as of yet, and suddenly there is this dramatic switch to "transitioning, or big chops. I am wondering, why not at shoulderlength or bra strap? I mean this is happening with a LOT OF LADIES, on the longhaircare boards! I really do not get it. Some started out natural, grew it long natural and then decided to relax, then changed their mind and are now transitioning to natural....but the majority are suddenly talking "transitioning...or going natural. Are you planning to stay natural or is this just a change? or Are you afraid to keep relaxing? Is it a health issue, ie. chemical fears? I really want to know. IThis is happening too often with too many to just be a coincidence! If I had reached my long desired goal, I would not be able to cut my hair, that is the truth! I would transition and keep all of my length, trust me. Shock and awe over here! lololol bonjour

Hi Mahalialee,

I'm not offended at all. Many people have expressed concern/shock over my decision to go natural and to chop. For women with shorter hair that desire to but have a hard time growing it longer I completely understand the sentiment. For women that already have long hair, I understand the attachment and the work it takes to get there and maintain it so believe me I get it. The comments expressed on this site have really touched me, and I think it's sweet that people even care what I do w/my hair :)

I agree with many of SO1913's comments, especially regarding change. I've had long hair for most of my life so for me, change is welcome. My hair has been long and straight (relaxed) since college. Even when I was in high school my mom would press my hair, so I have no recollection of what my natural hair looks like!

I'll be 37 in a few months, and I guess I'm at a point where I feel more confident than I ever have, so chopping my hair off and starting over is not so big of a deal. I'm willing to take hair risks (I know that sounds crazy - as if natural hair is so risky) :rofl: As soon as I get enough new growth, I'll probably chop again!

I've said before that I would never knock relaxers b/c they've been very kind to my hair. I don't have damage, it's not falling out since having a baby (I had a bit of shedding which has completely tapered off), as you saw the pix taken days before I chopped. As for chemicals, I have no issues with them b/c I've never had my scalp burned. I'm just ready to see my natural hair for once! Don't gete me wrong - I'll still experiment with styles and I will abolutley wear my hair straight sometimes, I just want to be able to appreciate my hair in an un-altered state and appreciate the beauty I've never been able to. That doesn't mean I don't still want length. I plan to still grow my hair out as long as I can - it just won't be relaxed!

Hope that helps,

so1913 said:
Well, my question would have to be why not??? Must we all be one trick ponies and all have the same goals? Must me all want to hold onto something because simply because other people want it and don't have it? Must we all base our personal hair decisions on the idea of pleasing or not displeasing others? Some woman aren't so attached to their hair where they aren't afraid to play with various lengths, textures, styles, etc. It's not a plague or some type of disease that needs to be stopped and controlled. Long relaxed hair is the only way to go, lol. What is so foreign odd and strange about black woman wanting to see, experience and experiment with their natural hair??? If that means the person decides to cut off a substantial amount of hair at their desire to meet their personal goal, there's nothing crazy about it at all. I think it's even more odd for us to think that the idea is absurd. I think for long haired woman to be able to just cut off inches of hair off only shows their is more to them than their hair and that their life simply doesn't revolve around it. Everyone has their own personal priorities in life. Although it may still be a goal, simply having long hair may not be #1 amongst all the other things we have to deal with. Some people have been there done that, and are ready to move on to something new.

I personally think "trend" in question is a BEAUTIFUL thing and hope to see it continue.

Very well stated Sis!!
