I Have Officially Decided to Transition - Need U'r Help!

SouthernGirl said:
Hey Chica :wave:

AS SOON as I had more time and could get to my PMs I was planning to contact you to get the scoop on your hair b/c I love it. I was showing DH some pix tonight and I used you and a few others as my desired "end result hair." We picked a few transitioning cuts from magazines (no, not hair magazines :), but he wanted to see what I was shootng for. He thought your har was beautiful!


Thanks girlie! When I transitoned, I did a lot of deep conditioning and wore braids till my patience gave out. That's when I chopped and looked like MJ on the cover of Thriller. I kid you not! That's because the only products I could think of using were jheri curl products. Well, 11 years later and I think I look a whole lot better! Thankfully we have this forum to help because I had no clue what I was doing back then.
good2uuuu said:
Thanks girlie! When I transitoned, I did a lot of deep conditioning and wore braids till my patience gave out. That's when I chopped and looked like MJ on the cover of Thriller. I kid you not! That's because the only products I could think of using were jheri curl products. Well, 11 years later and I think I look a whole lot better! Thankfully we have this forum to help because I had no clue what I was doing back then.

I'm dying over here with that picture of MJ in my head!

Congrats SG...

ive also had some thoughts about transitioning..but im still in i guess the corporate world so i think thats why ive hesistated on it....unless i can just work the wigs and braids until im fully transitioned...

but good luck and keep the pics updated to see ur transition....
melodee said:
Hi SG( My Expressive Eyed twin):) ,

Long time, no type!LOL

Congrats on your decision to go natural. I am confident you will not have problems. Your hair is so pretty, and it will be so natural as well.

I am in my 11th month of transition. I plan to fully chop when my hair is a little below shoulder unstretched. The back can be stretched to the shoulder at this point, so I'm figuring it will be another 5-7 months at least.
So far, I am loving the look and feel of my hair. My one issue is that the styling sometimes leaves something to be desired during the latter months of transition. I pull it back in a ponytail or bun, and none of my fam/friends really likes Mel in a bun (except hubby who is being supportive--but he really likes long hair.)

I'd love to chat transition with ya. PM me anytime.

Hey Eye Twin :kiss:

I miss you!!! You know you now have a little niece that also has your expressive eyes :)

I didn't know you'd been transitioning for that long. I'd love to transition with you and get the scoop on how things are going :clap:

Glad hubby is being supportive. Mine is being very supportve as well - even helping pic styles.

Talk soon,

I can't lie...I'm a little sad because yours was the first album I stalked. You're the reason I use Vitale and Mane and Tail, and self-relax!

OK, now that I got that out...congratulations!:D
I'm late on this thread.

I'm a natural 4A too and I transitioned with long hair...took FOREVER. On wash days, I did regular rollersets then flat ironed or pressed my roots only. Worked for me.

Also - I find that for my hair type as a natural, the best conditioners are not the ones that are extremely thick, as they just sit on top of your hair - even if you sit under the dryer. Cholesterol and Loreal Nature's Therapy (in the yellow jar) for example are not good conditioners for me. The best conditioners are the ones that have some thickness but are a little more "watery" in consistency and can give way to thick natural hair for maximum absorbtion. These are conditioners like CON, Silicon Mix, and Aubrey's White Cameila.

bluediamond0829 said:
Congrats SG...

ive also had some thoughts about transitioning..but im still in i guess the corporate world so i think thats why ive hesistated on it....unless i can just work the wigs and braids until im fully transitioned...

but good luck and keep the pics updated to see ur transition....

Hey Blue :wave:

I know, having to conform in the corporate world is definitely one of my hot buttons. I've had to for years and could talk about it all day, but I guess I'll have to go to the Off Topic Forum for that :)

Either way, you look great in your pic. Is that a wig? Looks really nice on you - not at all like a wig!

lauren450 said:
I can't lie...I'm a little sad because yours was the first album I stalked. You're the reason I use Vitale and Mane and Tail, and self-relax!

OK, now that I got that out...congratulations!:D

Oh, don't say that!!! I'll get all misty :( You're too sweet.

I will never remove my relaxed pics from the site, nor my steps, nor wll I ever knock a relaxer. It's a little sad for me too b/c change is always hard. Now you see why it's taken so long for me to make this decision. A lot of people stop relaxing due to damage from processing. I have never had any issues with Vitale, so I'll still leave feedback about the product when asked for relaxer recommendations.

So, I'm transitioning for a change because my hair has been straight for sooooooo long, but I'll always only have pleasant things to say about my relaxed days :)

Luv ya,

WoW..so u really gonna do it..U leaving us behind:sniff:..lol
ConGrats on your decision. Maybe it will be your transitioning album that will inspire me in the future:-)))
I Love your hair girl.
Congratulations on your decision to transition Southerngirl!!!!!:D :) :p i ve always loved your hair and admired it. Its so beautiful ;) Good luck with everything and my full support girl!
congrat's on your hair independance. i definitely understand the corp america standards. i'm sure your natural hair will be just as stunning as your relaxed hair. be sure to post plenty of pic on your progress and your little angel. oh and enjoy your new full-time job :)
Congrats. You album is one of many that I've looked at for inspiration and techniques. I couldn't believe that you as well as others with your length
do your own relaxers. But no more, right. Keeps us posted.

BTW how does your dog react to the new member of the family
SouthernGirl, congratulations on your decision!! You are beautiful with relaxed, so I know you'll be beautiful with your natural hair. I can't wait to see your pics!
WOW I didn't see this one coming either :D congrats on your decision!

I transitioned for 2 weeks short of 1 full year and for me it was pretty easy. I think the longer you get into your transition it's good to find styles that blend your NG w/ your relaxed ends and will last and minimize having to comb a lot...like twistouts, braidouts, rollersets, etc. I mainly wore braidouts because it was the easiest style to do and it would last me a week at a time. I would just wash and condition my hair and then braid it up in medium-sized braids and then set the last few inches on small rods or straws. The next day I took the braids down and finger fluffed until it looked like a wavyish fro. I would wear it with flattwists in the front sometimes too. Having styles that looked good and didn't take a lot of time made transitioning much easier...so I would find 2 or 3 that you master and can always fall back on if things get rough. I also just cut about an inch off every few months. By the time I did the BC, the back was 100% natural because I started of with SL hair...since your hair is a lot longer I would keep that length and gradually cut off inches because it will probably make the process a lot easier.

Good luck! :D
Congratulations and I am transitioning also. My last texlax was September 27,06. I think I gonna do braidouts,twistouts, and buns. Your hair is beautiful and I know your natural will be too. I also agree with all of mkstar's advice. I dont want to big chop either.:)
Wow, your hair is so beautiful so a part of me is saying 'oh no'. Anyway, somethings are only for a season and we are all entitled to change our minds, good luck and god bless.
SouthernGirl said:
So... I jumped out of bed this morning to see all the responses I missed last night :)

Thanks everyone for the invaluable feedback.

JCoily, Wyldcurlz, Miss Tress, Honey Jammz, Luv 04, Carlie, Poohbear, Pokahontas, Jaded Faerie, and anyone else I may have missed, big kisses to you :kiss: :kiss:

My biggest dilema right now is what to do with my hair to prepare for transition. Thanks to those of you that have recommended that I not do a big chop b/c I don't want to. I don't mind the two textures. I agree with your points, and I think that ponytails will be key - especially since I don't have as much time not to fuss with my hair. It is important that I am able to have styling options that are as easy as possible. Eventually, wash 'n wear is what I'm shooting for.

I need to go back and view all of your albums, especially the ones that did not BC to transition. I was thinking last night that a bob would be cute, but as I'm transitioning and cutting little by little of the relaxed ends off, I don't know what shape my natural hair will be in. I guess I have a lot of homework to do so I'll be reaching out to you guys with more questions as I go along.

BTW, did you guys go to a salon when you began your transition for a cut or advice or did you just do it all solo? I've never been a fan of salons but I thought I'd have to go for this. Sounds like I have all the info I need right here! That's why I love this site :)

Thanks again,


Totally solo, well almost....I got my mom to do my trims. Salons in my area would've just messed up my transition so I didn't go. The lady that did my relaxers relaxed my whole head each time I got a re-touch:( , so I knew I wasn't going back to her. I wish I had been blessed to have this site at that time. You'll gets loads of info from the lovely ladies here. Good luck and God bless!
Thanks everyone for all of the great responses and advice!!!!! I believe I have more than enough info to get me started between this thread and the transitioner's support thread.

I'll keep you all updated periodically with pics and progress so you'll know how I'm doing. Since I'm not going to chop, this will be a long road, but hopefully hanging on to my hair will make the transition easier for me.

Thanks again, :kiss:

SouthernGirl said:
Hey Girlie :wave:

I saw your album, and I must say your hair is AMAZING!!!!! I remember when you started your transistion and I have watched your hair flourish. I saw a thread you posted the other day about wanting a change. I started to reply and tell you I was transitioning then, but I wanted to be 100% sure first :)

BTW, I know we're both in the same area. Do you go to a stylist for anything now that you're natural?



Thanks. It really means a lot coming from you. I love your hair. I can't wait to straighten my hair so I can do the headband shot you have in your avatar. I do my own hair. I use to go to a stylists intially but got tired of waiting at my appointments. I am contemplating going a stylist for special occasions. I do mostly twists or wear it out. I agree with the other posters about keeping your hair long enough to wear it in a bun. Some folks will have to get use to you being natural so gradually cutting the relaxed parts off will help in getting family and friends use to your new look.

Slyver is suppose to maxiglide my hair. So I will post pictures when she does it.
Country gal said:
Thanks. It really means a lot coming from you. I love your hair. I can't wait to straighten my hair so I can do the headband shot you have in your avatar. I do my own hair. I use to go to a stylists intially but got tired of waiting at my appointments. I am contemplating going a stylist for special occasions. I do mostly twists or wear it out. I agree with the other posters about keeping your hair long enough to wear it in a bun. Some folks will have to get use to you being natural so gradually cutting the relaxed parts off will help in getting family and friends use to your new look.

Slyver is suppose to maxiglide my hair. So I will post pictures when she does it.

I can't wait to see the results :clap: Also, I have to look into getting that maxiglide thing. I've heard great things about it!

Can't wait to see your hair!!!

Luv ya,

Peachtree said:
Am I late or what, lol

Congrats on ur decision to transition!

I transitioned for 18 mths. I'll have to gather up my transition tips & come back to post them. Here's my transitioning album http://www.fotki.com/peachtree

Thanks Sweetie :kiss:

You are such an inspiration to me. I have always loved your hair!!! I'm off to take a peek at your album now. Feel free to send any tips you may have!

I booked an appointment for Tuesday to have a consult, but I may not need to go based on all the great tips here!


Ladies you never cease to amaze me. You are brave and inspiring Southerngirl. Always loved your album and will continue to do so. I have never transitioned but I can tell you that natural hair is a mind set first of all. So after the mental change you will of course be looking at products that may work better for natural hair than relaxed. Will be checking you regularly. bonjour
Southerngirl, congratulations on your decision!!! In no time you will be swinging a head full of curls with your little mini-me doing the same thing! :D I have been transitioning for almost 20 months and so far it's been great. Sometimes I get frustrated with styling options because I'm styling challenged so transitioning without the BC was a given for me. I agree with JCoily-- keep your hair long enough to put into a ponytail or bun-- it will greatly maximize your options while you transition!

I've learned a lot about my hair, as I'm sure you will, too. It straightens almost fully with just a blow-dry so the 2 textures has not been a problem for me. Like you, I am just waiting for the days of the cute wash-n-go :) I've found that my best shampoo is CON or Aubrey Organics. Best conditioner is CON (again) or 100% EVOO (heated) mixed in. I still haven't found my perfect leave in but I've been experimenting with lots of stuff. Co-washing everyday is too much of a hassle for me and my hair so I do my whole routine once every 7-10 days. During the summer I may co-wash 2 or 3 times a week but simplicity is better for my hair. Right now my hair is almost 100% natural and it is a little past shoulder length. I'll cut the ends off in April and hopefully be fully SL so that I can rock my cute wash-n-go :) Albums I stalk: peachtree, bublnbrnsugar, so1913.

Good luck and keep us updated!! :)
Thanks Mahalialee and Cupcake :kiss:

It is definitely a mind change - moreso than I thought. I told my best friend about my decision and she strongly urged me not to do it. She said it's so hard to achieve length and health. Anyway, I am mentally ready and have decided that I just can't listen to other's comments.

On another note, I decided to cut a few more inches off so that I could get used to having shorter hair and be ready to trim as new growth gets longer. Based on my cut, My nape and bangs will be the first to reach 100% natural -probably a few months. I have plenty enough to still wear up, but it's a little past shoulders at this point I guess. I'll post pics tonight. I like the length and it is helping me gear up for having to cut my relaxed ends.

I trimmed using my self-trimming method, and of course, I left it blunt. I've cut about 8-10 inches off in the past few weeks since deciding to transition. I think my transitional pin-curl style will look cute at this length :)

Stay tuned for pics later tonight or tomorrow!!!



Almost forgot, my DH made the same comment you made about watching my curls grow in at the same time a my baby girl's. He goes, "Aren't you gonna be so excited when you guys have the same kinda hair?" I thought this was kinda cute, but I wondered if he's been secretly using my password to access this hairboard (LOL)? It's nice that he's trying to be supportive
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:shocked: Whoaaa, how did I miss this, congratz SG,
I hope your trans goes great, I can't wait to see the curls. I hope your doing a long transition, it would be shame to chop off all that length at 1 sitting.
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