Just wondering what is everyone doing so far?

Right now I have in a partial sew and I tame my new growth in the front with a little bit of Fantasia Hair Polisher Solid Pomade.
That's about it ... I can't think of anything else to do while waiting for my new growth to become untameable :bookworm:


I started using castor oil and WGO last week and both have become my new sweethearts!!!:love: My new growth is so soft right now- I almost can't believe it! These are keepers for me!!!!:spinning:
I'm currently toying with the idea of transitioning myself. Im about 12 weeks post and this is the best my newgrowth has ever behaved. Im intrested in seeing how my natural hair looks I will not be bc'ing!! I have fine hair that will not hold a curl to save my life and I usually were weave styles that look natural.
Count me in. My last relaxer was in December. I put my hair in a low ponytail last month and chopped most of it off. I am planning to keep cutting a little bit off every few months and BC in December.
Just wanted to wish all of you ladies the best of luck! Just be patient with yourself and your hair as you transition, you can do it! I'll reach my 2-year natural anniversary in about a week--time really does fly. I didn't transition though, I bc'd.
Count me in. I'm only 6 weeks into my transition.

I know my hair will be much healthier in its natural state.
I don't plan on bc'ing either. Just trims here and there
I'm THINKING about doing it but I'm nervous as hell! I have no idea how to do my hair straight so got knows what I will do once i go natural :perplexed. I really want to do it though. I think once I do I will wear a sew in weave until my hair is at a length that I can manage.
My hair was really tangled and with new growth on top of that, I was determined to relax my hair this weekend! :wallbash: This morning I went to work with some conditioner and my Jilbere shower comb in the shower and I detangled and I swear that was all I needed! My hair is managable again! :yep: I'd gone more than a few weeks without detangling (just slicking it back after my shower and c/o wash)... But that was probably a little too long- I think I can continue on my mission to transition/stretch or whatever it is I'm doing. But atleast now I know I can make it to 12 weeks, at the minimum (only 2 more weeks to go!! )
Ladies, I think I will BC today. I had some of my hair cut off and I absolutely hate the way it looks so I think I am just going to cut it all off.:sad::sad::sad::sad:
Hey ladies, I am so sorry to leave you all up in here, but I decided to BC, I just could not see my hair making it through the transitioning process. I will check in with yall as often as I can, I am still kind of transitioning. I hope that this support thread will go on and that everyone will benefit from it.
Whats next for me?
1. DCing like mad
2. Taking my vitamins regularly ( I can not stand swallowing those things, but..)
3. Growth aids galore
4. Moisturising

These are the things I want to focus on for now.
Hey...I'm transitioning (I think) I battle with it daily...I'm 8 months post and this is the LONGEST I've gone without a relaxer since my first one at 9. I have a good 3 to 4 inches of NG and I battle with if I want to BC or transition...right now my mind is set on doing it the day I graduate so I'm trying to hold out to May 17th. We'll see...I want micros so I can stay out of my head because it was breaking like crazy and this ponytail is getting really tired, but I'm scared of getting micros for fear of more damage.

*whispers* i am... considering... transitioning...
i don't want to shout it out yet, because I am not 100% sure.

BUT, I have to admit that I haven't been fully happy with my hair for the past 1.5 years, partly due to setbacks...

I don't like my hair color. It is brown, and i KNOW that that isn't my natural hair color. My natural hair color is very dark, but with the relaxer, it seems that my hair is susceptible to lightening in the sun.

I don't like the bone-straight look. I have fine hair, and blowdrying and all that makes my hair look extra fine, and all I really love is big bushy hair:love: even if it's straight. I love when it's thick. I doubt my hair will ever be that way if I continue to relax. It can LOOK that way sometimes, but it will never be consistent.

My edges have gotten extra fragile. I think that is the result of wet brushing... but anyway I just feel like my hair would be stronger at its natural state.

I am only 11 weeks post and considering. The longest I've gone without a relaxer (consciously) was about 14 weeks, so this is still good so far.
Though this an old post....how is everyone doing??? I'd like to join in on this! My last relaxer was 11/26/07.
Hello All! I'm a new transitoner.. knocking on 9 weeks today. I decided to transition because I'm tired of NOT doing things because of my hair. Can't work out.. might sweat out the hair. Can't go to the club.. time for a touch up and might sweat out the hair. I want to be free! :lachen:

I've been reading up on how to make the transition easy and quick. This week was my 1st week wearing a protective style: all back in a bun. It's been a little difficult because I have a 5-head ( not a forehead.. a five head :grin:), but I'm trying! I'm really excited though, can't keep my hands out of the new growth. So curious about what it will look and feel like.

Good luck to all the other ladies.. and congrats on the new BC'ers. Yes we can! Transition 08!