I have a short fuse


Well-Known Member
Please pray for me. I have a short fuse, I know it, and it seems as though I can't control it. I have prayed about it for years. I have asked God to purge it from me. I have cried about it. It makes me sad. I want my light to shine. I don't want people to look at me and say, she has an attitude. It's like no one can say anything to me without me going on the offense or being combative.

I think deep inside I may have low self-seteem and feel like people are out to get me. I really don't know what it is.

When people respond to me nasty. It makes my blood boil. When I am in a store and I get bad service or a person does ot understand what I am syaing to them, it makes my blood boil. I know that it is me and I need more patience. I have prayed for patience. But it just seems as though I am angry all of the time and I am tired of it. I just want this purged. I don't know what else to do. I have tried. I really have. I mean to com off as I do. But I come off as short.

This is not Christ like. I don't know what else to do. This is a burden to me. I just want to be more Christ Like.
I will pray for you, zeal. God wants so much to set you free from this and seeing that your desire is to let Him, it shall come to pass.

I think that there is definately a root cause as too why you experience this in your life. I do know for a fact that spending more time with God will turn around any situation, so my advice would be to spend more and more time with God and allow Him to get way down deep into those areas of your soul and work out those things in you.

satan knows that this is a problem for you so he will do his work to keep you in this state as much as possible. Your mission is to destroy the works of the devil and you can do it by speaking words of life only.

This is something from Joyce Myers ministry that may help:


$26 US
Mind, Mouth, Moods and Attitudes

Do you have attitudes you'd like to change? Do you have mood swings you'd like to stop? It all starts with renewing your mind.

Blessings to you, always!