i hate taking vitamins!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
does anybody know any easier way to take vitamins....after reading all of these posts about the different vitamins everyone takes it makes me wanna give them a try. But i absolutely hate swallowing pills and the chewables make me hurl seriously no joke. I saw this advertisment for gummy bear vitamins aimed for kids but hey im a kid at heart too. any suggestions for making it easier?
I've seen a gum ball multivitamin on a commercial before
. What other vitamins do you want to take? If it is in a capsule perhaps you can empty it into a drink. MSM comes in powder form. Flax seed oil comes in flax seeds that you can grind and mix with food (like cereal) or flax seed oil you can mix it with some orange juice.
cool....does the flax seed have anykind of funny aftertastes? and what exactly is flaxseed and its benefits? i heard about it but never bothered to look into it. the only vitamins that i love is vitamin c chews because they taste like sweet tarts!....lol

You could try pill crushers or as someone else mentioned dissolving into other drinks. Of course, if you dislike it that much, you don't "have" to take vitamins. My hair grew long without any vitamins.