I gotta vent about my RELAXED hair

Hello ladies, I am typing, use my cell phone due to cpu viruses. I need to vent about my relaxed hair....I HATEEEEE it!!! *urg* My hair is growing well but I feel like I want to shave all relaxed hair OFFFFFF!!!!! Because I hate how my hair looks so THIN, FLAT, and how it feels on my head. I try not to think negative about my hair, I sometimes get depressed that I wished I never got relaxer when I was young! I don't understand I did well with my hair but I still hate relaxed hair. I want my hair goes back to natural because I love curly hair and how it looks so thick and bouncy but I'm too scared that my hair would take forever to grow. :( *sighsssssssss* does anyone feel that way too? Help me out to make me feel better plsssss! Should I?!
Maybe you can try some braids to help you transition if thats what you want to do. if you still want to relax, try to not relax bone staright so your hair will not be as flat and lifeless. Rolersets and co washes also help with volume :)
i know how you feel. i used to love touch-ups, now i hate how FLAT my hair looks afterwards. i'd try texlaxing, but i doubt there's a stylist around here who knows what that even means. i can't wait until i have some length (i'm growing out a short cut now) for my touch ups to look nice. all that short, flat hair on my head does not work! i plan to stay in braids for at least three months just do i don't have to deal with my hair as much as i do now. we both need a break.

but i'd wait a few days, if not weeks. people typically regret hasty decisions. pamper your hair for a few days; work with it; be patient with it. if you still feel the same way, then seriously consider a BC.
WAIT!!! have you thought about switching relaxers?.... I used to use Affirm (great relaxer), but I actually like Design Essentials better because it doesn't break my hair down as much, it retains more of it's thickness---not a texturizer in the slightest, but when for example I have new growth, the line of demarcation is not as extreme....
i'm happy with my relaxer but you're not, so i encourage you to transition. i see it this way: time is gonna pass and your hair is gonna grow. might as well start growing it out natural now if that's what you really want.
there are things you can do to rectify the situation, i think switching relaxers and/or trying other styles is a great idea. try twistouts or braidouts to give yourself some texture, and rollersets for bounce and swing. and if you DO decide to shave or transition...see you on the dark side!
WAIT!!! have you thought about switching relaxers?.... I used to use Affirm (great relaxer), but I actually like Design Essentials better because it doesn't break my hair down as much, it retains more of it's thickness---not a texturizer in the slightest, but when for example I have new growth, the line of demarcation is not as extreme....

I use Design Essentials (have been for a few years) and my hair is STILL like deafprincess2007's. In saying that, I'm not too sure "switching" relaxers would be the sure thing. Everyone's hair is different however so take my advice with caution.

Deafprincess2007, your complaints are exactly like mine and that's why I'm transitioning. My stylist will be helping me so I'm hoping for a successful one. I've tried twice before on my own and couldn't stand it.
i feel like this sometimes!!!! i can totally relate my relaxed hair drives me crazy sometimes i it makes me even more mad that i did a bc was natural for a yr and then relaxed again i am considering transistioning. i was going to relax again in feb after a 6 month stretch but i may just ride it out in braids!! at least if you have braids you can have your hair covered wheras if you shave it theres not much other option but to brave it out till it grows back. shaving it would be a quick fix!!
Do Texlax (the hairstylists call it texturized). I started to hate my bone strait relaxed hair too and now that its 80% texlaxed I LOVEEE it. It never gets that thin, justrelaxed, limp feeling anymore. And the only breakage I see are from what's left of the bone straight ends.

Texlax honey. Just Texlax.
I agree with what the other ladies have stated. I would not do anything major just yet (i.e. BC). Now that you've vented, I would weigh my options...transition or texlax. I am texlaxed and i can see where the texlaxed hair is much thicker than my relaxed ends. I suggest texlax because you said your relaxed hair is fine, limp and thin. If that doesn't work out for you I would then transition and ultimately BC. Good luck:grin:
You should give yourself 6 months. You may change your mind. If you really want to go natural, I would suggest you transition. What if you hate natural hair? Please don't make this decision rashly. Other than that, educate yourself about natural hair. I've BCD rashly in the past and relaxed because I did not fully educate myself. Care for natural hair is different because you really have to treat your hair more delicately. I hope you find the answer U seek.:wave:
Hello ladies, I am typing, use my cell phone due to cpu viruses. I need to vent about my relaxed hair....I HATEEEEE it!!! *urg* My hair is growing well but I feel like I want to shave all relaxed hair OFFFFFF!!!!! Because I hate how my hair looks so THIN, FLAT, and how it feels on my head. I try not to think negative about my hair, I sometimes get depressed that I wished I never got relaxer when I was young! I don't understand I did well with my hair but I still hate relaxed hair. I want my hair goes back to natural because I love curly hair and how it looks so thick and bouncy but I'm too scared that my hair would take forever to grow. :( *sighsssssssss* does anyone feel that way too? Help me out to make me feel better plsssss! Should I?!

I feel you!!! :yep:Thats why I have made the decision to transition to natural!!!!!Im very excited about it!!! Theres a point when you get a relaxer that it does feel lifeless and dull and you are ready for a change!!! Do what makes you happy. Im gonna transition to natural and probably BC this summer but im not sure yet. Just follow your heart and know that your hair will grow back!!!!!Good luck!
Now you know on this board everyone is gonna tell yout o do the extreme and CUT IT ALL OFF!! loool. There are other methods you can try. You can try a new voumizing shampoo and conditioner, because maybe the ones you are using are doing no good to your hair. You could try rollersets to give your hair more bounce and volume. Cutting off split ends and layering could give your hair a little more volume than you're experiencing now...The possibilities are endless. Don't be so quick to cut away yoru relaxed tresses. Work with it babe! If you are still unhappy, then begin to transition
Don't jump just yet!!! Take your time to decide what is best for you. Maybe you could try a different relaxer, relaxing less/stretching (your hair could be over processed) look at your current hair regime (do you need to tweak it? add or delete something?)...Lastly, be patient! it takes time to get your hair looking and feeling the way you want it to (regardless of being natural or relaxed)

Good Luck!!!