I got scoped


Active Member
Hi Ladies,

I have been missing in action for a while now, but I wanted to share my experience at getting scoped.

A new Ulta opened in my neighborhood. As part of the grand opening they were offering the chance to get your scalp scoped by Nioxin.

Well I went last Saturday and guess what I learned? My scalp has lots of product build up. I couldn't believe it because I have been rinsing and shampooing nearly every day for more than a year. But the evidence was right there in front of me. The scope magnifies your scalp 200 times.

The rep showed me an example of a healthy scalp and compared it to mine. My scalp is in the "infected" category.

The Nioxin representative said that the build-up could be from years ago from old products used on the hair.

It makes sense, because I used to use petroleum and mineral oil-based products on my hair and scalp before hitting it with the pressing comb.

And now when I use products with peppermint or other stimulating oils, I rarely feel a tingle.

I had been planning to visit a dermatologist or trichologist about my hair issues so the free Nioxin scope was a true blessing.

The Nioxin rep recommended that I shampoo daily with the Nioxin prescriptives line. She said the shampoo would detoxify my scalp and remove the product build up.
Could they have said that just to get you to buy their products? I would have asked if there were any alternatives to the Nioxin line. i.e.baking soda or apple cider vinegar.

Also, did you ask what the risks of having an "infected" scalp are? Does it damage your hair, cause dandruff, slows growth process?
SweetNic_JA said:
I would have asked if there were any alternatives to the Nioxin line. i.e.baking soda or apple cider vinegar.

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That would have been hilarious if you asked the product rep about alternatives.

I agree that she may have been trying to push her products. Even if what she said re your scalp was true (I don't really doubt that), it seems like you could achieve a clean scalp via a clarifying shampoo only on the scalp (I like Pantene) or a natural mixture (i.e. vinegar rinse).
Nope. The scoper was a sister she was great. We talked for about 15 minutes before she scoped me. I have been doing ACV rinses for more than a year--every day this summer and the build up was still there. Your magnified scalp shows up on a t.v. monitor and I saw the build-up with my own eyes. And, I didn't buy any products after getting scoped. I am going to see if I have stuff at home that will work. But I am considering getting a trial size of the shampoo and conditioner that costs only $3 and would last about 10 shampoos.
miss_brown said:
SweetNic_JA said:
I would have asked if there were any alternatives to the Nioxin line. i.e.baking soda or apple cider vinegar.

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That would have been hilarious if you asked the product rep about alternatives.

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I know but that's me! Shoot, it's my money I would have asked!
Actually I did ask about clarifying shampoos. The rep, who had great hair, said clarifying shampoos don't detoxify the scalp. Nioxin products contain herbs that detoxify. Clarifying shampoos contain harsh detergents. And again, she didn't push the products on me and I DIDN'T BUY ANY PRODUCTS. She didn't even have any Nioxin products on her counter. Actually the Nioxin products were on the other side of the store. You guys are real skeptics.
P.S. Ladies, even if she did "push" the products on me it would have been worth it. A dermatologist quoted me a price of $120 for a consultation on my hair/scalp. I also was considering taking a trip up to NYC to meet with a trichologist. The price of the visit would have been $70 plus the train ride.

A 34-ounce bottle of the Nioxin shampoo and scalp therapy at Ulta was on sale for only $39. But again, I DIDN'T BUY ANY PRODUCTS.
How interesting! I would love to have this done....does anyone know if there are places other than ulta or a dermatologist or trichologist to get this done?
The condition of my existing hair seems fine. It is very manageable. But I had been wondering why it grows slowly and why it doesn't get the tingly feeling when I use peppermint and other essential oils.

Re the cost. Ulta had a sale $39--for a 34-ounce bottle of both the shampoo and scalp therapy. But as I said before ladies, I didn't purchase any products.

Re: the question about a "heathy scalp" You guys are so skeptical. All I can say is call your dermatologist and set up an appointment to get your scalp magnified 200 times.
yeah, i'll admit im pretty skeptical when sales people tell me the only way to cure myself is to buy what theyre selling

but i was actually wondering what a healthy scalp looks like...cuz i dont know...is it supposed to be pink or brown or what??

and also, i understand that the nioxin products would have been cheaper than going to your drmatologist....but what if the troubles with your scalp are deeper than just build-up?? something that cant be solved by nioxin products??

but anyway, im just a skeptic....
The way the rep presented the problem and the solution to me was:

1.) My scalp had severe build-up, perhaps from years go.
2.) It needed to be detoxified.
3.) Nioxin products detoxify.
4.) She wrote a prescription for products that she felt would help.

She didn't say the only remedy was to buy Nioxin. Of course she will recommend Nioxin because she knows that line, uses that line and she works for the company.

If you don't want to go to a Nioxin rep for fear of products being pushed on you, go to an independent dermatologist.

You can't tell a healthy scalp by the color of it. Scalp skin is just like facial skin. The health is determined by whether the pores are clogged or blocked or whether there is product build up on the scalp.

During our 15 minute conversation we talked about my background. Based upon my personal history and what I saw with my own eyes as she moved the scope around my scalp, I am sure that I received a correct diagnosis.

Guys I am not trying to sell you on Nioxin. I only wrote the note to share my experience in the hopes that someone else could benefit. Again ladies. She did not push the products on me and I left the store without spending a dime.
Well, I always have been intriqued by the Nioxin products, and that $3 sample pack and the $39 special for the large bottles of both the poo and scalp therapy seems like a good deal.

But for now I will see what I have at home that might help. In the past I have tried using essential oil growth blends that were recommended by board members without the same success--and now I know why.

I am doing some research on way to detoxify the scalp. I have access to an herb shop and may try to concoct something on my own.
My apologies....I didn't think I was being skeptical. I just wanted to know what effect the build-up on your scalp was having on your hair as it currently is.

If this buildup is causing you to have less than normal growth or other problems with your scalp then of course you would want to find a solution for that. I asked because in your original posts you talked about getting scoped and you told us what the results were as well as the cure but you didn't say why your choose to be scoped or what problems this build-up is causing for you.
Yeah keep us posted, Also Kasey where are the Uta Salon (spelling?) I would like to check it out, I went to a trichologist once b4 and my scalp pores were blocked, and when I went to them which yes they did push their products on me and I did see a difference in growth, but their treatment prices were out of this world, eventually I stopped, my hair tecture did change and so did the growth, but I felt like I was being duped, and eventually with TLC, I had my hair back to normal, but after my pregnacy, things have sort of declined.
I have been having some scalp issues because of the Surge. It caused my scalp to be very dry and no matter what I do. I can't get rid of the flaky build-up on my scalp. I wonder would using this product help get my scalp back to normal? I am gonna go do a little research.
How long does it take to detoxify one's scalp? is it one wash?

I think it makes sense. Kinda like using Baby Oil. I used it faithfully in college everyday. We only had showers in college so when I went home for a visit I decided to take a bath and after soaking in that water for a few minutes that baby oil started oozing out my pores. It was so disgusting. I could squeeze my leg and it just shot out like little worms...Gross.

so even though I showered everyday, it still built up and I can imagine a product doing the same to your scalp.

I think I'd like to detoxify. Tell me more like is it a shampoo and a conditioner? How often do I need to use it?
Thanks for posting about being scoped I have the whole Nioxin line that's been pushed in the back of my cabinet.
I am going to start rotating this line again in to my regimen.
Isn't Nioxin like Rogaine? If not what is the difference?

What type of herbs are in Nioxin that detoxify?

My magnified scalp was very shiny. This indicated product build up. In some places there appeared to be globs of product stuck to the scalp. This was quite a surprise because the day before I got scoped I had given myself a good shampoo and scalp massage with a "deep cleansing" shampoo. I do not apply oil or grease to my scalp. My routine has been to shampoo two times a week, rinse with conditioner after exercise, and use a leave in conditoner.

The rep showed me a picture of a "healthy" scalp. There was no shine on that person's scalp. There was almost a matte-like appearance. The side-by-side comparison with my scalp and the "healthy" scalp was very striking.

I was very impressed with the experience, and again, no products were pushed on me.

DSD, Do your research first. Also, if there is an Ulta in your neighborhood ask if they could bring in a Nioxin rep for a day of scoping. If you are skeptical, visit an independent dermatologist who does scalp scoping.
That is very interesting, thanks for sharing! I wonder if this buildup of products would have anything to do with dandruff? Are you going to buy the Nioxin or do a little more research for other products first?
This thread got me thinking, so I googled the topic.

Time for Detoxification of the Hair?

Gary Callan

Detoxification is a very popular expression recently. There are centres for every type of detoxification, from alcohol to cholesterol. From drugs to carbohydrates. Yet you never see anything about detoxifying the hair, and believe me the hair needs it.

No matter how rich and pure the shampoo and conditioner you are using is, it will leave a very slight residue. Add to this the amount of product you use for styling your hair. The gels, mousses, waxes, pomades and sprays, all add up to create a build-up on the hair shaft. Eventually this build-up will cause the hair to become dull and lifeless. This is when you need detoxifying.

If you remember, in past articles I have explained the structure of the hair shaft. The outer layer is called the cuticle and is similar in appearance to an acorn. The residue left by various products gathers in the folds of this layer and inhibits shine and reduces flexibility. Your hair will gradually become more difficult to style, and the style will not last as long.

To detoxify the hair is very simple. First we use a clarifying shampoo to remove all of the external build-up. We then use a deep conditioning treatment specifically designed for cleansing and providing nutrition to the scalp. This will remove any debris on the scalp and clear the area around the dermal papilla (hair root), thus allowing healthy hair growth..

The results of detoxifying will be noticeable immediately. Your hair will feel cleaner and new. If you have a really bad build-up, it may take more than one treatment, but that is rare. It is an excellent idea to have a detoxification treatment about every three months. If you use a lot of mousse or gel and then apply generous amounts of hairspray, you may have to have more often.

At home you can help the detoxification process by following these steps.

a) Check the alkalinity of your water supply. You may need a filter. (It should be around 7)

b) Always rinse your hair thoroughly with fresh water.
c) Do not over apply mosses or gel etc.
d) Use hairsprays sparingly.

e) Do not go too long between shampoos.

f) Find a shampoo and conditioner that is right for your hair.

g) Avoid 'supermarket brands' of shampoo and conditioners. (They will leave a heavy residue).

If anyone has any problems with their hair or scalp, please feel free to come and see me for a free consultation, at my salon in the Strand. (949 0022)

Until next week
Humm.... I wonder if ORS scalp scrub would work as well for this? Its a scrub you mix with baking soda and apply gently with a brush (like a toothbrush) and massage in. I always got better growth the weeks following when I used it. I bought it on a whim at Sally's. They had it for a dollar because of a damaged truck sale. I think its reglarly 8-10 bucks. It says four uses but I got at least 6 from it.
I've clarified recently using ACV but my hair still seems to have a film on it and doesnt respond to my products as well as it was a few weeks ago. I think its because of this silicone product I recently started using tho.

Thanx for the info, its something to think about.