I Give Up!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I've been trying to do everything right. I use protective styles, I moisturize my ends, I found a moisturizing shampoo, stretched relaxers to 10 weeks as opposed to my usual six..... and I still have breakage. My hair is not only not retaining length, its getting SHORTER. :cry2: I've never had this happen before. Even when I had bad hair habits, it never got shorter, it just stayed the same length. I have no idea what to do.

I think I'm going to go in a hole and cry now. :cry3:
Don't cry my sister!!!:kiss: I'm sure there is something going on!!!

Let's see:

1)Relaxer? - did you try a new one. Lye or no Lye? Did you properly neutralize when you relaxed?

2) Protein? - are you doing any protein treatments? If so, how often? Light or Heavy?

3) How are your eating habits?

4) Deep conditioner? Do you deep condition? If so, how often.

5) New products? Are you using any new products?

6) Do you have hard water? If so, do you have a filter or water softener?

We'll get to the bottom of your breakage!!!
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What are you eating? Are you taking vitamins? Do you have hard water? All questions to ask before you give up!! Don't be discouraged :kiss:
natalied said:
Don't cry my sister!!!:kiss: I'm sure there is something going on!!!

Let see:

1)Relaxer? - did you try a new one. Lye or no Lye? Did you properly neutralize when you relaxed?

2) Protein? - are you doing any protein treatments? If so, how often? Light or Heavy?

3) How are your eating habits?

4) Deep conditioner? Do you deep condition? If so, how often.

5) New products? Are you using any new products?

6) Do you have hard water? If so, do you have a filter or water softener?

We'll get to the bottom of your breakage!!!
great minds think alike!! We posted at the same time!! haha
First of all, dry the tears. We'll get you squared away.

1. If you already had extensive damage, there is NOTHING, NOTHING at all, you can do to reverse it. So, you can pamper your hair until you clip away all damaged sections, or you can do a big cut.

2. If you hair is not damaged, then you may be over using products and perhaps 10 weeks is too long for you to wait for a touchup, try 8 weeks.

3. Patience, combined with the proper products for your will be the only way to see results.

Now, dust yur self off and get back on the hair wagon :kiss:
Low red blood cells will make your hair get shorter also. If you haven't already, getting a blood test at the doctor will reveal whether or not you are anemic. If so, the simple solution is taking iron, which will improve hair results almost right away.
The ladies have raised great points. Be careful that your protective styles aren't doing more harm than good. Some people experience breakage from wearing buns. I also want to co-sign that protein (in moderation) is a crucial part of a healthy regime. And speaking of moderation, make sure you're not overdoing anything. When I first joined I tried everything that got mentioned before I had a chance to learn what worked for me. I ended up getting breakage and having to start all over.
I agree with Webby.

There are so many factors that go into this (also, are you manipulating your hair everyday?).
asubeauty said:
I've been trying to do everything right. I use protective styles, I moisturize my ends, I found a moisturizing shampoo, stretched relaxers to 10 weeks as opposed to my usual six..... and I still have breakage. My hair is not only not retaining length, its getting SHORTER. :cry2: I've never had this happen before. Even when I had bad hair habits, it never got shorter, it just stayed the same length. I have no idea what to do.

I think I'm going to go in a hole and cry now. :cry3:

Don't give up, you WILL get there, and I love the questions that the ladies posted.

What type of moisturizer are you using?

Do you moisturize all of your hair, or just your ends? (I know that what comes out of the scalp is all ends, but I just want to be specific)

I didn't read anything about conditioners, do you condition after every shampoo? How much are you shampooing?

What protective style do you use? This can make a difference because some people try buns, and notice thinner edges (bun too tight), or some people will use braids and get breakage (braids to tight, or hair locks fast) so let us know what protective style you are using.

I know you want to give up, (I HAVE BEEN THERE BE'FO!) but don't. I can say that with hair growth, it takes some tweaking sometimes before you get it right.

Last thing, what was working for you before? If we can narrow down what worked before, you may be able to go back to your old routine, and just change a *few* things, but not everything.


p.s. edited to say LuvSlave, I just saw what you wrote :D sorry for the repeat, LOL!
Let's see:

1)Relaxer? - did you try a new one. Lye or no Lye? Did you properly neutralize when you relaxed?
I don't self relax, but the last relaxer that I had was one that I had never had before. It was called Silky Touch, and when I tried to do a search, I couldn't find any info on it. Hmmm..... maybe I should have been suspicious.

2) Protein? - are you doing any protein treatments? If so, how often? Light or Heavy?
I use EQP Breakage control serum every three weeks. I have never done a heavy duty protien treatment.

3) How are your eating habits?
:down: I am on a crazy schedule right now, so many times I don't eat breakfast, rush through lunch and don't have time for dinner. And when I do have time to eat, I usually don't have time to worry about how good for me it is. I'm in school right now, so I should be back to my better eating habits when the semester ends.
4) Deep conditioner? Do you deep condition? If so, how often.
I deep condition every week when I wash.

5) New products? Are you using any new products?
I am a total PJ, so almost ALL of my products are new.

6) Do you have hard water? If so, do you have a filter or water softener?
My school has hard water, but since there are only 2 weeks of classes left, I was thinking "I could wait till next semester for a filter...." I guess not. :nono:

Now that I've answered some of those questions, I see why I may have some breakage. I'm a little embarrassed. :blush:

Tara, I usually moisurize my ends with EQP Mango Butter when I put my hair in a bun because usually when I moisturize all over, my hair ends up plastered to my head and really greasy looking. I have not found a light moisturizer for my fine hair.

I have also been thinking that maybe stretching relaxers is not for me... but my stretching is not totally a voluntary decision. I don't self relax, I go to a really rural school (we're about 45 minutes away from a stylist!), and needless to say, I'm usually broke. So many times, my relaxers have to wait until I have both the time and money for it.... and that's not very often.

Sorry so long, but I'm giving all this info hoping some of you ladies can help me!!
Don't feel embarassed! We are ALL on a journey to better healthier hair. That's why we are on this forum! Along that journey we will make mistakes. I myself had a big boo boo back in January. Ya pick yourself up, learn from your mistake, and move on.

1) I think you really need to evaluate the relaxer. Go with what has worked for you in the past. Did your stylist overlap?

2) Do a heavy protein treatment. Some ladies use Aphogee every 6 weeks. I recommend Nexxus Emmergencee. Emmergencee can be used every week until your breakage is under control.

3) Obviously, you need to eat healthier. Try adding vitamins to your diet. Nothing fancy, maybe just a women's daily vitamin to start with.

4) Try going back to products that worked for you in the past and only changing in 1 new product at a time. It will help isolate the one's that don't agree with your hair.

5) Until you get your filter, you can use distilled water to wash your hair. If its to expensive, just wait until you can afford or get the filter.

6) Like Isis suggested, may you need to check if you are anemic.

7) Some of the ladies here don't do well with water based moisturizers. Either go lighter on the Mango Butter or try shea butter or another oil.

Now get to working that hair. Keep us posted!

asubeauty said:
Let's see:

1)Relaxer? - did you try a new one. Lye or no Lye? Did you properly neutralize when you relaxed?
I don't self relax, but the last relaxer that I had was one that I had never had before. It was called Silky Touch, and when I tried to do a search, I couldn't find any info on it. Hmmm..... maybe I should have been suspicious.

2) Protein? - are you doing any protein treatments? If so, how often? Light or Heavy?
I use EQP Breakage control serum every three weeks. I have never done a heavy duty protien treatment.

3) How are your eating habits?
:down: I am on a crazy schedule right now, so many times I don't eat breakfast, rush through lunch and don't have time for dinner. And when I do have time to eat, I usually don't have time to worry about how good for me it is. I'm in school right now, so I should be back to my better eating habits when the semester ends.
4) Deep conditioner? Do you deep condition? If so, how often.
I deep condition every week when I wash.

5) New products? Are you using any new products?
I am a total PJ, so almost ALL of my products are new.

6) Do you have hard water? If so, do you have a filter or water softener?
My school has hard water, but since there are only 2 weeks of classes left, I was thinking "I could wait till next semester for a filter...." I guess not. :nono:

Now that I've answered some of those questions, I see why I may have some breakage. I'm a little embarrassed. :blush:

Tara, I usually moisurize my ends with EQP Mango Butter when I put my hair in a bun because usually when I moisturize all over, my hair ends up plastered to my head and really greasy looking. I have not found a light moisturizer for my fine hair.

I have also been thinking that maybe stretching relaxers is not for me... but my stretching is not totally a voluntary decision. I don't self relax, I go to a really rural school (we're about 45 minutes away from a stylist!), and needless to say, I'm usually broke. So many times, my relaxers have to wait until I have both the time and money for it.... and that's not very often.

Sorry so long, but I'm giving all this info hoping some of you ladies can help me!!
natalied said:
Don't cry my sister!!!:kiss: I'm sure there is something going on!!!

Let's see:

1)Relaxer? - did you try a new one. Lye or no Lye? Did you properly neutralize when you relaxed?

2) Protein? - are you doing any protein treatments? If so, how often? Light or Heavy?

3) How are your eating habits?

4) Deep conditioner? Do you deep condition? If so, how often.

5) New products? Are you using any new products?

6) Do you have hard water? If so, do you have a filter or water softener?

We'll get to the bottom of your breakage!!!

ITA with all of the above and may I just add: Are you currently on medication? Do you have an iron deficiency? This will also effect hair growth.