I GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep your head up! All the advice and encouragement is fuel for your tank! I feel your pain especially when you want something so much it feels like forever and you don't see progress.

Give yourself AND your hair time. It can take a year or longer to see results and you've made the first step in doing the things that contribute to healthy hair (first), and length (second).

I read that you had the micro braids and I caution everyone here to stay away from those braids that "swing" from the scalp because they are NOT good for anyone's hair unless they have the type of hair that you can attach to a train and pull it! :lol:

Focus on other things. Live life because it's precious and short. If your hair feels good and has a nice sheen then length is just around the corner!

Love ya. Keep us posted and I KNOW that next year this time, you will have a different story to tell. PRAISE HIM!
M J said:

This is a long road we travel. We have to crawl b4 we walk!

I just started in August & I am so happy with just the fact of having healthier hair (I keep telling myself this to stay motivated & with hopes that the growth will follow!)!!

As far as the edges, I feel you. Mine are thinning as well as my top (you can almost see thru the hairs!) I know some of the thinning is from hereditary (sux) but the devil is a lie on that one too!

I am using MN on them to bring my hair back (it's growing slowly but surely!) and I'm waiting for my castor oil to get here (for thickness) bcuz the ladies here have HIGH praise for it!

It's only been 3 months, but we ALL gotta hang in there. As long as we all have each other for support, ideas and 'tried-&-trues', there is light @ the end of the tunnel!

Wow! Your progress is amazing:eek: . I am so NOT anywhere near there yet.