I Give Up


Active Member

I give up, I'm finished, I quit. I'm not longer stressing and obsessing over my hair. Since June 2002 I've religiously practiced healthy hair techniques. The first year and a half my hair amazed me by retaining length and being full of body & healthy.

Then came December of last year and the bottom fell out. The whole last year has been one long hair drama. I have bags and bags of hair that use to be on my head and I feel like a little shedding puppy. Sometimes it decreases for what seems to be no apparent reason.

I've had my entire body checked out for diseases that may have caused my hair loss. (Found some problems, was treated and yet my hair is still falling out) Went to the dermatologist, got scalp injections, purchased protein products, started a vitamin regiment, spent hundreds of dollars, yet my hair is still falling out.

I will continue to practice healthy hair techniques but I'm not longer obsessing over my hair. I'm discontinuing my search for a reason and a "cure".

I've purchased Surge, Aphogee, Nexxus Emergencee, Dudley DRC28 during the past year and used them at different times. Nothing helps so I QUIT!!!
Aww, I'm sorry that you've had to go through all this :(. Hopefully you will find something to help it, even though you're not looking anymore. Best Wishes.
diamondlady said:

I give up, I'm finished, I quit. I'm not longer stressing and obsessing over my hair. Since June 2002 I've religiously practiced healthy hair techniques. The first year and a half my hair amazed me by retaining length and being full of body & healthy.

Then came December of last year and the bottom fell out. The whole last year has been one long hair drama. I have bags and bags of hair that use to be on my head and I feel like a little shedding puppy. Sometimes it decreases for what seems to be no apparent reason.

I've had my entire body checked out for diseases that may have caused my hair loss. (Found some problems, was treated and yet my hair is still falling out) Went to the dermatologist, got scalp injections, purchased protein products, started a vitamin regiment, spent hundreds of dollars, yet my hair is still falling out.

I will continue to practice healthy hair techniques but I'm not longer obsessing over my hair. I'm discontinuing my search for a reason and a "cure".

I've purchased Surge, Aphogee, Nexxus Emergencee, Dudley DRC28 during the past year and used them at different times. Nothing helps so I QUIT!!!

I just took a look at your album and your hair is lovely. I dont know what is going on with your shedding, but I feel your pain. Have you tried revising your diet, the use of vitamins or exercise? Have you tried Mane and Tail? It has controlled my breakage and split ends alot! The more I use it the more I see results. I have found consistency with one product is the key.
I wish you luck.
Sorry to hear you have gone through so much Diamondlady. :kiss: I remember some of your earlier posts. I have a feeling that in this giving up or letting go of the stress and obsession, your hair will thrive as never before.
Poohbear - my hair is really thin now and I have never had thin hair before in my life. I enjoyed having the super thick hair, and people use to marvel at how thick my hair was. You can't see my scalp but the ends seem thin, so I no longer wear it really straight, so it will look thicker.

mrslee - Thank you for the compliment but the last time I posted a picture was March or June and my hair doesn't look the same. (I had hair disaster in 2001 with some bleach and my hair was about 3" long when I started, so I was happy with the progress I had made) Right now, it's longer and thinner. I've tried exercise and I will keep exercising but health reasons and I'll keep taking vitamins but not just for hair.

Candibaby - Thanks for the support.
Isis said:
Sorry to hear you have gone through so much Diamondlady. :kiss: I remember some of your earlier posts. I have a feeling that in this giving up or letting go of the stress and obsession, your hair will thrive as never before.

I agree, isis.....when i stopped stressing over my hair growth, it seemed to grow soooo fast!!!!!! you will be ok, diamondlady.....
I am so sorry to hear that you are going through these trails...I think that for you to stop obsessing would actually be the best thing. When I was going through post-partum shedding I would sit and count the hairs and check every one for a bulb to make sure it wasn't breakage, but as soon as I started wearing my proctive styles and started to enjoy the things in my life that actually were going my way, everything started to turn around.

I wish the same for you :Rose:.
Diamond...I think the first 4 sentences in your post is going to be the key the health of your hair! Trust that I speak from experience. Look in my album if you dont believe me. I lost my hair through surgery and stress...but good vibes and good wishes and prayers and love from others brought back the health of my hair.

Not surge...not vitamins...not protein.

It was peace that brought it back. It was happiness and joy and just having fun with hair and loving others hair and tenderly taking care of my hair that brought it back.

Going back to the BASICS...and I mean the basics...no chemicals...purest ingredients...simplest routines...is what is restoring my hair.

Please rethink things.

Please start there.
Isis said:
Sorry to hear you have gone through so much Diamondlady. :kiss: I remember some of your earlier posts. I have a feeling that in this giving up or letting go of the stress and obsession, your hair will thrive as never before.
ITA...I think the letting go is a good idea :kiss:.
Diamondlady, I am sorry that you are going through this. i think pookeylou gave good advice, go back to basics....you said that you bleached your hair, that probably was a "shock" to your system so you should just baby your hair and try not to stress about it. I know it's hard.
I totally agree with the ladies. My hair was thinning and I went back to the basic's and started to take care of my hair a lot better and it has shown me that taking care of my hair is best. I felt that I could do anything to my hair and it will always be lush and thick it showed me. What ever your choice is just do it for you.
pookeylou said:
Diamond...I think the first 4 sentences in your post is going to be the key the health of your hair! Trust that I speak from experience. Look in my album if you dont believe me. I lost my hair through surgery and stress...but good vibes and good wishes and prayers and love from others brought back the health of my hair.

Not surge...not vitamins...not protein.

It was peace that brought it back. It was happiness and joy and just having fun with hair and loving others hair and tenderly taking care of my hair that brought it back.

Going back to the BASICS...and I mean the basics...no chemicals...purest ingredients...simplest routines...is what is restoring my hair.

Please rethink things.

Please start there.
Great post pookeylou!

DL, I am praying for you and I think it is good that you stop with the "obsession" and your hair will thrive like never before.

Best wishes
Diamondlady I know what you are going through! in '97 I started having this weird type of shedding where I wouldn't see any hair coming out, but I would have about 100 short strands of hair sticking up throughout my hair. I went to the dermatologist and she had me on steriod creams, checked my thyroid, then on topical Loprox. My hair still does that weird shedding today. But I also noticed that when I stopped using hot oils, super moisturizing conditioners my hair didn't break as much. I thought my shedding finally stopped until I used L'Oreal Smoothvive line in June. My hair hasn't been the same since. Believe me, I just want to shave it all off and start over! But I didn't. I just picked up the pieces and started over. The less I thought about it the better my hair became. Its still thin, but its healthy and I'm happy about it. I don't stress about it anymore.
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I am so sorry to hear this. You sound really upset so just try and relax. Don't stress or obsess over your hair just practice good hair care and it will repair itself :)
I'm sorry about the shedding. It's aweful to see your hard work go down the drain. Have you thought about getting braids for a couple of months? Get thick ones that are not too tight and in a cute style.then forget about it and let you hair rest for a while.