Should I just give up???

T Bird, the best moisturizer Ive found for my hair is Elasta QP recovery. And its only 2.50 @ sally's. A tip I got from Carlie over here is to mix a nickel or quarter amount with the same amount of light oil. Works like a charm! even more so with the oil.

No other moisturizer works for me, it might feel smooth going on but in a few hours it feels hard/dry again. this is definitely a staple for me.
cowgirl said:
TBird, from reading your post, you and I seem to be having a very similiar problem. Your routine and regimen are very similiar to mine also. But one thing stuck out like a sore thumb in your post. And the reason it stuck out is because I am soooooo guilty of the exact same thing.

*************** WATER DEFECIENCY ***************

I do not think I have had an entire 8oz glass of water in several weeks. Even when working out, I take a bottle of tea instead of water. This seems to be a common denominator in both our situations. We should become water buddies
I'm putting down the coffee now & going get some water. You do the same (drop that pepsi.....).

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Cowgirl you're so right about that. Reading your post just made me notice how parched my throat feels. I haven't been drinking water which is soo important to growth and overall health.
TBird said:
I know there have been countless topics started about discourgement. But I've been a member of this board for nearly 4 months. I've done everything. CO washes, protein treatments, deep conditioning, leave-ins, oils, spritzes, protective styles, no heat, stretching relaxers, vitamins, water, carrots, exercising, protein shakes, serums, you name it and I've done it or am doing it. I've tried to be very consistent because I feel that is key. And yet my hair looks the same as it did 4 months ago. The one change I did notice was what MSM did for my hair. What am I doing wrong? Am I expecting too much. My hair was badly damaged from daily curling iron use and other things. Maybe it takes time to repair the damage and then start seeing real progress. My hair is a little longer but not much. Its already too thick. Its still dry, thin ends. And I am at wits end about what to do.
What do I do!!!! I want to just say f*** it and just make sure my hair looks good even if it isn't healthy. Please help.

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Hey T

Just give it time... i didn't notice ANY change in my hair until i viewed the first set of pictures that i took. Do you have an online album (forgive me if this question has been asked, i didn't read all of the posts), if not, i would suggest you start that. It's amazing the difference that you notice once you keep track of where you were 6 months ago. Also, don't take pics every month... once every 3-4 months is good enuf.

For your ends, i definately suggest profective healthy ends and tigi ego boost. My ends r superb now b/c i apply this to my ends every other day (sometimes daily). Also, if u bun it daily, try slathering a little conditioner on ur bun before bunning it, that'll keep it from drying out. You could also try putting evoo or vaseline on ur ends and that'll definately improve ur ends health.

Do you have split ends?
CH I just got a trim so I don't think my ends are split but they are very very thin. I'm going to get to work on an album a.s.a.p. As always its good hearing from you. Oh CH this is off topic but thanks for your tips about where to shop in NY I had the best time and the clothes I bought are hot. Thanks!!!
There's lots of great advice here already. I just wanted to encourage you not to give up or give in. It's 4 months! And though it feels like a long time, it's not AT ALL. Keep in mind that you started w/damage and first needed to return your hair to health. With all that you've been doing I'm sure you're accomplishing that. Just have faith and remain encouraged. I started just a little while before you and am reaping the benefits eventhough I get disheartened sometimes as well. But this is a goal we have set collectively and I'm not giving in, so you can't either
. We're here to support each other, so we owe it to each other to try and try again. Be encouraged by the changes you've made in your hair, eventhough they may not be in length
AT THIS MOMENT. A change has already come
TBird said:
CH I just got a trim so I don't think my ends are split but they are very very thin. I'm going to get to work on an album a.s.a.p. As always its good hearing from you. Oh CH this is off topic but thanks for your tips about where to shop in NY I had the best time and the clothes I bought are hot. Thanks!!!

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Im glad u enjoyed urself
I love you're new avatar, where did you find it? But I have to admit I miss that cute lil face I'm so used to seeing!