I found my first gray hair...


Well-Known Member
I found my first gray hair and I'm only 27. :wallbash: i didn't expect to start graying this early. i wonder if it's from stress? i use herbs that are supposed to keep your hair dark, like rosemary, sage, amla, shikakai, etc...

oh well...my mom said be thankful that i have lived to see a gray hair. some people don't.

when i do my next henna treatment, hopefully it will turn it brown or something.
I found my first gray hair at age 7! I learned then to attribute my early graying to wisdom :yep: When I henna, the gray strands turn gold! Doesn't bother me much, I just feel it makes me unique.
I found my first at 23. Both my parents were using Just for Men in their 30s so I knew it was coming
WOW...Funny you posted this, I found myfirst one yesterday..I'm 28.

It really freaked me out, and I got a tad depressed, but so glad I'm not the only one
I'm 28 and I found my first a few months ago. I'm not to worried because my mom only isn't very gray. I color anyway so it's all good.
LOL. Join the club. I found my first one 2 yrs ago.

It's this 1 long strand of gray in the dead center of my head! :ohwell:
i was a little depressed at first. but it's in the middle of my head so no one can see it anyway. plus i know it's a part of life, so i'm not worried about it anymore. i guess i wil also say i'm getting wiser!! :grin:
Pluck that sucka out!:yep:

When I was 27 I went to this stylist to get my hair flat twisted and she said, "How old are you?" I told her and she said "Oh, you have some gray hairs so I was just wondering.":perplexed
I had a bunch of grays in my early 20s that disappeared now I have 1 that I heard that sublingual copper can reverse. I haven't been consistent with the copper so I don't know if it works -- I haven't seen that gray lately tho....
I found my first on my head last year and I'm 29. I now have about 4 or 5. They are a different wiry texture and I don't like them, but I don't dislike them enough to pluck yet. But I found my first in another place a few year ago, or rather my "friend" found them. :perplexed
I have one and Im 28, it dosen't bother me. I would never pluck it out. It looks weird against the rest of my hair though....all shiny and white. When the light hits it I can see it flash, lol.
Found mines a few months ago. Thought I found another but it was actually blond :lachen:I still have it. I saved it and taped it to my id. If it grows back Ima snatch it out again.
I found my first gray hair at age 7! I learned then to attribute my early graying to wisdom :yep: When I henna, the gray strands turn gold! Doesn't bother me much, I just feel it makes me unique.

I guess I'm not the only one! I've had stray grays as long as I can remember. I even found a pink strand when I was like 8 years old:lachen:I started using cellophanes at 12 (not because I was graying, but because it was cool). It seems to me that the minute I turned 28, however, the grays (or should I say whites) started coming in full force :wallbash:. Now I use a semi-permanent every 6 weeks just to blend my edges... :ohwell: