I found a way to make those 'natural' poos work for me....


Well-Known Member
I bought a couple of natural poos (Gary Null's and another called Earthly Delight) that was a rave from a good friend of mine.

I used them but they left my hair a stripped mess. I tried diluting to no avail... I gave them one last try this past weekend with great success.

The secret, for me, was using 2 parts water to 1 part shampoo. This when used after pre-pooing did the trick!

My scalp feels great and I love using a shampoo with minimal chemicals.

Of course, those who dilute love the cost savings that it provides also :grin:

I hope this post prompts others to give natural poos on their shelves another try..
Ohhh... that's what I have to do? Thanks because natural shampoos give my hair so much pain. Thank you!
I took it a step further before I stopped altogether. I started keeping a 16oz bottle in the shower. I add one capful of poo, a little water ~1-2oz, shake vigorously, then fill to the top with more water. Adding a little oil helped too. That cleaned my hair w/o it feeling stripped. Now-a-days I only use poo once every 4-6 weeks. :eek:

The bottles of poo I brought last year are still full.