Health vs. Hair: I Gave/Threw Away all My Hair Products Away

Sweetcoco82 said:
Girl i was looking at that the other day. I was very disturbed that some baby products were at the top of this list. Very shocking. I used to like using the johnsons and johnsons baby lotion on myself. Then i looked it up on there. I wont be using the little that is left of that. I am so glad i never put that mess on my kids.
What did you use for your babies instead?
naturallady said:
What did you use for your babies instead?

I had been using the Gerber Giggles and Grins Oatmeal on them. The lotion is a 2.6 on that site and the wash is a 2.1. I am going to switch to Burts Bees though and see how i like that. I might also look into some other 100 natural sites to find something else to use on them I might just order some raw shea butter and whip up something myself.
Jewell said:
OFF TOPIC, BUT FYI: Red food coloring found in food and drinks is one of the number one carcinogens found in food, according to health care providers.
It's funny you mention that. When I worked in a restaurant, and Hi-C fruit punch would drip on my hand, it would tint my skin color for a while. I made a point not to drink it, because judging by what it does to my skin I couldn't imagine what it would do to my inner organs.

And why am I just reading this thread?
anky said:
Please send all carcinogenic conditioners to The United Negro Anky Fund (UNAF will pay for shipping).


Need some help??

NAKHM (Natl Assc of Khandis Hair Management) is accepting donations as well :lol:
Sweetcoco82 said:
Girl i was looking at that the other day. I was very disturbed that some baby products were at the top of this list. Very shocking. I used to like using the johnsons and johnsons baby lotion on myself. Then i looked it up on there. I wont be using the little that is left of that. I am so glad i never put that mess on my kids.

yes, after reading parts of this post and checking my poo/cond i then checked my daughters babybath and it was in there indeed!
SweetCaramel1 said:
yes, after reading parts of this post and checking my poo/cond i then checked my daughters babybath and it was in there indeed!

The thing that got me was that alot of baby products are loaded with them. Not just a few, but alot. It may be one thing for you to use something once you have matured and finished growing. But you use that stuff on a new born/infant. :perplexed I bought the unscented castile soap. It says it an be used on babies so i am going to try that. I have been using Sweet Almond oil with vitamin E on my 21 month old daughter and her skin is softer than ever before. I plan on ordering some shea, cocoa, aloe and mango butter and making my own moisturizers. I love shea butter and half the stuff on the shelf boosting about containing shea butter only has 5-15% in there and thats not much.
Well I've taken the last step, I've finished my carcinogenic make up and I've ordered some natural lipglosses and lipsticks I really never wore alot of make-up so even though I started fresh w/ all new stuff it shouldn't be that bad-it's still what I would spend if I were to buy all new synthetic make-up.
Even Almay Mary Kay hava parabens wow this is really something. So I will be completely 100% paraben free very soon. The Carol's daughter and Myhoneychild products work really nice and smell good too, I haven't had shelf life problem I just keep them tightly closed, except for the deep condish i keep that in the fridge.
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I'm not sure about all of them, but I was sulfate free b4 changing to all natural-check the ingredients list but they really shouldn't be.
sareca said:
I just ran across this ( and thought it was cool, but personally I'm not worried about parabens. But I do want to make a baking soda shampoo substitute and a toothpaste.

Wow. That is some great info sareca. :yep: Thanks! I'm not crazy about doing the natural thing yet, but this site makes me think abut a few things and gives so much info if I ever decide to do certain things naturally in the future. Thanks again.
More info:

The Menstrual Cramp (Dysmenorrhea), Xenoestrogens and Parabens used as Preservatives
When my patients, cut out xenoestrogens diligently and take Natural Progesterone, almost always menstrual cramping becomes a thing of the past, and they begin to feel "normal" - menstrual cramp free again.

The most prominent xenoestrogen (but not the only one) that seems to associated with menstrual cramping is parabens that are present as preservatives in shampoos, lotions and liquid personal care products. Although parabens are relatively nontoxic, and are not very carcinogenic, parabens are a xenoestrogen. It seems that in my practice if we eliminate parabens (along with other xenoestrogens) in the patient's environment much of the menstrual cramping goes away. Giving the patient Natural Progesterone gets rid of the remainder of the menstrual cramping.

John Sumpter from the Department of Biology & Biochemistry, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex found subcutaneous administration of butylparaben produced a positive estrogenic response on uterine tissue.

In my practice, I initially used progesterone creams that had parabens as preservatives and many of my patients complained of increased menstrual cramping. Endometriosis patients complained of increased pain from the progesterone cream formulated with parabens as a preservative.

One of my physician colleagues, had a one woman that had a menstrual cramp for 15 years. She went on a program of avoidance of xenoestrogens and taking Natural Progesterone. She was menstrual cramp free for one entire year. Then, all of a sudden, she began to have menstrual cramps for 3 consecutive months and called my physician colleague to complain. The colleague asked her, "What did you change 3 months ago?" She answered sheepishly that her daughter worked for a beauty salon and was able to get designer shampoos and hair care products for half price, and so she began to use those products 3 months ago.
Thanks for the info enchantment! I have noticed a difference since I started phasing out parabens etc from my cosmetics. FOr a hair reconstructor i use One from the long hair care website. Deoderant is natural Nature's Gate Organics no proylen glycol or parabens. TOothpaste is DR. Harold Katz from the Calif. breath clinic.NO sls. Facial soap is Aveeno positively radiant. SHampoo Im thinking of doing Aubrey GFB.

:D HOpe this helps someone
ive been good. ive phased these things out for maybe a year? maybe less. I use:
kiss my face olive oil soap-this stuff is MEGA concentrated. I cut it into pieces and they last for months
shea butter as a moisturizer
occasionally I use ACV as a toner
jason toothpaste or tom's of maine

Dr. Bronner's castile soap
homemade body oil: castor oil and coconut oil OR shea butter. Thinking og getting Burts Bees Buttermilk Baby Lotion for the change of weather.
Oyin's Funk Butter deodorant:THIS STUFF WORKS!!!! Its been 90 degrees and its still working:

dr. bronner's castile soap OR kiss my face olive oil soap
Aubrey Organics GPB
gotta say though, i did just order Elucence because I haven't yet found an amazing replacement conditioner.
Wild Growth Oil or my homemade Body Oil or just plain castor oil.
Aloe Vera gel-the kind you refridgerate.

i should add all these things are pretty concentrated and I get multiple uses from my soap, my oil, my ACV, etc, so its really quite economical.

so I've been pretty good. I cut ALL my hair off in Feb. and i wanted to see what would happen if only used natural products on it. I am still looking for that holy grail conditioner, maybe I will give Elysian Fields a chance.

This process is a natural complement to my cutting out refined foods and ingredients like High Fructose Corn Syrup, Modified Food Starch, Enriched Flour, etc from my diet, which also poisons the body. I just saw some guys friends for the first time in a while, and they all told me I looked "healthy" and "glowing." I feel good and the process has been painless.

I haven't changed makeup yet, and honestly, I don't know if I will. that might be the only toxic area of my life. I only wear gloss and mascara and occasional eyeliner these days though. I've never worn full face makeup on a regular basis.
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wow! This is such a great thread. I'm a newbie to the site so this has been a great educational thread. I'm going to transition from some of my current products to other alternatives. I'm PO'd cause I just bought a bottle of conditioner and now I see that it has parabens but I'm going to use it and just replace it with something else once the bottle is gone.
Hotshot, that is a great idea for the olive oil soap. I never would have thought about cutting it up. Those bars are huge. I will have to try it again, as I liked the soap when I first start using it, but after the bar sits for a while, its not as appealing. Also try Qhemet biologics soap, you can use it on your hair too. Right now I am using the ayurveda stuff. I recently tried the unscented funk butter, but I am waiting a while before I totally pass judgement. I wanted to try the scent but I had recently tried the jason long lasting deodorant, which also works well, but it irritated me and I am still having skin issues behind it. I will come back later on in the week or early next week and post the products I am currently using.
I tried all natural products last summer on my transitioning hair but it didnt work for me. I was using oils and dr bronners almond soap then. The past few weeks I have been using oils only (no grease) and I must say that my natural hair loves the oils and I have no oils sitting on top of my hair like before. I still have my small bottle of castile soap and I think I am going to finish the bottle. I may end up giving my basket of products CON, conditioning gels, etc to my niece. I had hoped to be using all natural products by the end of this summer anyway. And I hope I can do it. You ladies are inspiring me.
Hey all you ladies that tried this chime in and share your experiences. This is a great thread. I am printing out all the info so I can try some of these products. Since I am still trying to work with my natural hair I may as well try natural products. I am making an appointment for a colonic so maybe once I get that I can change products and my diet. The food is going to be the hardest part though.
Wow....This is the first that I've heard of this. I'm going to look through my products and see what I have. I know that I just finished using the remainder of my infusium. Guess I won't be purchasing any more of that. Thanks for the info.

Does anyone know a good natural paraben free substitute for cholesterol? TIA
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Ladies does anyone have suggestions for a natural substitute for Kinky-curly curling custard? It works really well it moisturizes, defines and shines all in one. but I'm really having trouble finding a similar product. TIA
It's best to check the source of most of these articles and where they are posted. Usually the information is on a website promoting the products sold on the website as being superior to the competitor's products. I looked up this claim of parabens considered carcinogenics in the International Journal of Toxicology. The FDA website also has data regarding parabens, although parabens can act similarly to estrogen they have shown to have much less estrogenic activity than the body's naturally occurring estrogen. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review(CIR) board has determined parabens to be safe up to levels of 25%. Since parabens are used as a preservative and generally pretty low in the list of ingredients, there is only a small amount in products, levels ranging .01% to .3%.

I'm not making any drastic changes without published results provided by clinical research. Giving large does of chemicals to a rat doesn't always prove that human results will be the same, or spraying a rabbit in the eyes with deodorant would cause me to check other studies as well.
Lucia said:
Ladies does anyone have suggestions for a natural substitute for Kinky-curly curling custard? It works really well it moisturizes, defines and shines all in one. but I'm really having trouble finding a similar product. TIA

Mine doesn't have parabens...