I accidentally found a way to defeat shrinkage...

Your hair is georgeous girl!! I didn't know it was so long, good grief.....lovely!

I agree with the twists. I've been doing them a lot lately to help with shrinkage. My wash n' go's shrink up to my shoulders and were fustrating me to no end. The twist n' curls are helping me with shrinkage a lot. I have to re-twist at night though and I always put rollers on the ends. I think we are around the same length stretched.
Bear in mind that I was not planning on doing a twistout at all when I washed.
* I did a homemade protein treatment first with egg, olive oil, some Tresemme conditioner to hold it together, and maybe some other stuff that I can't think of now;
* one shampoo with Trader Joe's Nourish Spa shampoo;
* a pseudo-deep conditioner with some Tresemme and Garnier Fructis conditioners augmented with olive oil, honey and maybe something else - covered this with a plastic cap while I enjoyed a long, very hot shower;
* another conditioner with Trader Joe's Nourish Spa conditioner to finish detangling
[squeezed excess water out with a t-shirt, put my hair up with a clip, got distracted, forgot about finishing my hair and fell asleep... 10 hours later... ]
* applied leave-in mixture (water, TJ conditioner, jojoba and wheat germ oils) to still very damp hair, sealed ends and edges with castor oil, and put it in a bun for the day... 13 hours later...
* added more leave-in in small sections to still damp hair, made 40-50 two-strand twists, sealing the end of each with a dab of castor oil - it took a little over an hour to make the twists
I put the twists into a hair net to sleep. As I mentioned, the twists themselves looked terrible, so I decided to take them out - that was about 14 hours afer putting them in. I guess my hair was finally dry by then, but was super-moisturized. The first pictures were taken about 8 hours after I undid the twists.

About the products I used, I am trying to get rid of the stuff I already have before buying new products, and I am still trying to figure out what I want to try (I kind of wish a product junkie/mixologist would just make a shopping list for me, :lol:). I wouldn't really recommend the Tresemme and Garnier Fructis conditioners; I just want to finish them up. But the leave-in mixture works better than any of the many leave-ins I have tried over the years, not that any of those were truly quality products.

As for my hair type, I think it is mostly 3c/3b, with a small, annoying 2b/2c patch in the back, and bits of 4a around the edges.

Just to compare, I did a wash and go today with the same leave-ins. I'll add the resulting pictures once it has shrunk up and dried.
Woah....you did 40 to 50 twists! The most I do is 11-12:blush:. Maybe I should try doing more.....but I'm so lazy. Again, your results are beautiful!:yep:
beautiful hair, i find whenever i do a twistout it takes away from my natural curls but it may be that i am not doing enough....? i also hate how long it takes to dry... i want instant styles... lol
... I agree with the twists. I've been doing them a lot lately to help with shrinkage. My wash n' go's shrink up to my shoulders and were fustrating me to no end. The twist n' curls are helping me with shrinkage a lot. I have to re-twist at night though and I always put rollers on the ends. I think we are around the same length stretched.

Yes, I think so, I was looking at one of your blog posts recently and thinking about how much your shrinkage resembles mine, :lol:. It's crazy to have to put so much effort into making hair *look* like a wash & go, but without the excess shrinkage, frizz and poof that a wash & go entails.

Woah....you did 40 to 50 twists! The most I do is 11-12:blush:. Maybe I should try doing more.....but I'm so lazy. ...

If I had been *planning* to do a twistout, I probably would have only done about 12-18 (since I only have 18 soft rollers); I'm very lazy too, :lol:.