I fell off my hair bandwagon...What are your new year hair resolutions?


New Member
Since I relaxed in October, I've barely done more than slap some Carrot Oil in this head of mine and keep it moving:eek: I see that my hair is suffering and I'm getting back on the wagon for 2007!

I want to order an Ojon Kit, and MyHoneyChild's Honey Hair Conditioner as something new for the new year, to whip my hair back into shape. It has grown, is still growing, but it dry and just looks like "UGH!":antlers: I accept my whoopings,:spank: and I'm baaaackkk:lol:

I think I just felt like I was obsessing over hair too dang much and I was just plain being LAZY. :hammer:

This is my new year hair resolutions.

To be consistent with my regimen.

To make it to APL this year... Please Please Please!!!

To eat at least one egg a day and begin exercising.
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Take My Vitamins Daily
Step Up My Daily Moisture
Dust instead of Trim
Nurse the Hair at My Nape and Temples

If I can focus on taking care of these four simple things, I will be very proud of myself :o
I need to do the following:

~Take my vitamins daily and stick to it
~moisturize and seal daily
~Trim/dust my ends (whenever needed)
I need to take my supplements more consistently.
Deep condition more often!
Experiment with more styles while transitioning to get accustomed to styling my new growth (I'm sick of buns!):lol:
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