I enjoy having my space and being single. Anyone else?


New Member
I've been out of a real relationship for over two years now. I really enjoy having my space.

I don't have to answer to anyone, hear anybody *itch about anything (or vice versa) or deal with having to compromise all the time and keep my emotions in check.

I've read most of the dating books WHY MEN LOVE *****ES; THE CARE AND FEEDING OF A HUSBAND; etc., and it really doesn't matter what you do if the man DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO BE A MAN from jump. It's all a waste of time. Even the ones that do know better will try to get slick and then have nerve to get angry when you call them out on it.

I admit it. I don't understand men at all and I don't want to anymore. It's like trying to unlock a riddle that will never be revealed. :lachen: They are good for two things - SEX and MONEY. Sorry, I will always need them for these things, but trying to do the relationship thing with them is too much of a hassle. Also, once you move in together it's hard to get them out when you no longer want to be with them anymore. They won't leave! So you have to be the one to get your funds up to get a new place, because they'll stay with you until hell freezes over or another woman enters the picture. It makes you wanna put an ad on Craigslist advertising for someone to come take your man, so you can get your space back. LOL! :lachen:

Anyone else happily single? I'm not talking about some self-imposed sex ban either. I will NEVER do this. Sex is a very important human urge that I'm not suppressing for anyone.
I absolutely enjoy being single. I have someone that I see for "maintenance" and I'm fine with that. I like being able to pick up and go when I want and not have to answer to anyone about where, what, who, and how much I spent on something.
Occasionally I do wish there was someone on a regular basis that I could call upon for weddings, christenings, etc. But for the most part I enjoy being my own person. It is extremely nice.
When I was younger I wanted the marriage and kids thing, I really did, but when that didn't work out, I learned to find my joy and happiness in other things and I can still appreciate everyday of life as a gift.
I make my own money so I am very self sufficient and independent.
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Overall, I do enjoy the single life but occasionally I'll wish that I had someone. But that's normally around Valentine's Day (which I don't like for obvious reasons), some holidays, etc., you know the normal stuff where you have to have someone.
Being single and independent can be very fulfilling..but only if your not bitter about men in general. I do agree with you that men can be something else..and those books arnt worth a damn if the man is a little boy to begin with.....
Love being single. Date when I want, go home alone "if I want". I love it.
Being single and independent can be very fulfilling..but only if your not bitter about men in general. I do agree with you that men can be something else..and those books arnt worth a damn if the man is a little boy to begin with.....

I'm not bitter. I'm over 35 and realize that I like being by myself. This isn't to say that I will never, ever live with anyone or be in a relationship again, but that it's "okay" if it doesn't happen. I've been enough to know that it's not all me. What I want from a man is relatively simple, but for some reason it's difficult for them. I also believe that those men were not meant for me as well.

When I look back on what was and what could have been I'M SO FREAKIN' RELIEVED! I'm MORE relieved at the fact that I didn't have children from those fools. God was seriously looking out.

I want a man to come to as close to "as is" as possible. It's inevitable that people will have to compromise a "few" things, but it shouldn't be most of your being or theirs. I'm not about to clean anybody up. If you ain't got most of your *ish together by the time we meet, then it's not going to happen with us.

If I have to tell you something more than TWICE, then that's a problem. If you tell me something more than twice, then that means you're not adhering to what "I" asked you to do, so why should I do what "you" want? You gotta give respect to get respect.

I need to work on myself and get my life in order BEFORE I can get with anyone else right now. I come home when I want, don't check in, don't have anybody getting on my arse about chores not being done, etc.. My home life is relatively stress free.
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Yes I feel this way as well. I enjoy being single I just have friends with advangements....lol thats all i need. At this point and time my priority is my education then later I will play the dating field.
I don't have to answer to anyone, hear anybody *itch about anything (or vice versa) or deal with having to compromise all the time and keep my emotions in check.

This is the only part of the single life that I like. Not having to deal with extra BS.

I'm content with my single life. But if I had a choice, I'd much rather be in a relationship.
I really enjoyed being single when i was single. When i got married to the right man, i learned that the right man enhances your life instead of limiting it/
i like being free to go out and have fun and do what i wanna do without being tied to do some man.

i love men and look forward to one day settling down and having a deep meaningful relationship and enhanced experiences with one but yes... i love having my space and being single.

i wish my boss would stop trying to hook me up.
I'm in a relationship for about 3 years.

I will not be getting married. I will not be selling my condo and I won't be renting it out either.

I used to want to get married, but now I love being able to go to my OWN space and chill. He can continue to throw his clothes on the floor and leave used tissues all over the place at HIS house and I don't have to deal with it.

Don't get me wrong. Aside from the usual male/female relational disputes, I love him to death, but I love me more.

I'm in a relationship for about 3 years.

I will not be getting married. I will not be selling my condo and I won't be renting it out either.

I used to want to get married, but now I love being able to go to my OWN space and chill. He can continue to throw his clothes on the floor and leave used tissues all over the place at HIS house and I don't have to deal with it.

Don't get me wrong. Aside from the usual male/female relational disputes, I love him to death, but I love me more.


I can totally relate to your response. My guy and I will be moving apart soon, and I can't wait! I felt bad about not wanting to live together anymore, but I truly miss my space. There's nothing like having your own. I too, love my man, but my sanity, my space, and my clean bathroom are paramount. :yep:
I can totally relate to your response. My guy and I will be moving apart soon, and I can't wait! I felt bad about not wanting to live together anymore, but I truly miss my space. There's nothing like having your own. I too, love my man, but my sanity, my space, and my clean bathroom are paramount. :yep:

Tell me about it! :laugh: