I don't DO pea-sized drops...


All is well with me
I've just got my cousin into looking after her hair and she is really getting into it (which i love)...so we were about to go out on saturday night and she watches me moisturise my hair.....SHE SCREAMED! she couldn't believe i was using so much product!! (she should see me co-wash :grin:, she'd probably faint)

Anyway, wanted to know whether any of you ladies are like me and use wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than stated on the directions. For some products......i'm using HANDFULS :blush:. My thing is:- what can a pea sized drop of anything do in a WHOLE head of hair?
Neither do I...My hair would literally laugh at me if I tried a "dime" sized drop of anything on this head...
I don't use Pea, or Dime or Quater sizes, I don't do handfuls either LOL!! I do enough to moisture my whole head, but not over mositure, I do it in sections and massage it in good.

Pea sizes don't even get the front edges.
It really depends. When I'm cowashing i load the conditioner on, and I do the same when I'm deep conditioning. When I'm moisturizing my hair I use about a nickel size amount for each quarter of my head.
I know I know. I'm just laughing at the thought of trying to add a 'dime' size amount to this jungle I've got up in here.

Moisturising is different though, I don't need to be too heavy handed here, but I still need more than a 'pea' or a 'dime' size.
I think I start out using 'pea sized' amounts.. but by the time I'm done.. Ive used a nice 1/2 handful :/
Ok, so I'm not alone. I use generous dollops of product. Dime sized or pee sized anything is a joke for my hair.
Funny topic!

My hair is really short but I wouldn't dare use a pea, or dime sized amount of anything! Even though it's short, my hair is fairly thick so such a paltry amount of any product would be laughable in my hair! :lachen:

I use handful after handful of conditioner for co-washes and DC's! I'm a little less heavy handed when it comes to moisturizers, but I definitely use more than what is recommended! :grin::grin:
I never follow those directions for size amounts. I take whatever I think it needs to get the job done. When it comes to conditioner its definitely handfuls (I go through conditioner bottles fast).
Your cousin would fall out watching me co-wash, literally, LOL.....When moisturizing I use whatever amount I need to get 'er done.
I never follow those directions for size amounts. I take whatever I think it needs to get the job done. When it comes to conditioner its definitely handfuls (I go through conditioner bottles fast).

ITA. I figure whatever is recommended on the bottle is just a jump off suggestion; I ultimately decide how much to use based upon what my hair needs at the time. There are times where I'll need only a little (although a pea size doesn't quite cut it) and other times where I'll need a lot. It just depends on what my hair is talking about that day...it also depends on what kind of product I am using. The thicker consistency products I can use less of it...and the opposite for the thinner consistency products.

I use a crap load of moisturizer to throughly coat my hair. I tried less and it was a joke. I use S curl. 4-5 squirts in the front and 2-3 in the back. Keeps my hair soft ALL day.
You're not alone, OP. I don't know who the hell "pea sized" was meant for. I laugh when I see hair product advertisements that say, "A little goes a long way?" Not really. A little goes on the corner of my edges and leaves the rest of hair like, "Seriously, kmn. Quit playin'."
The only time - and I do mean ONLY time - I ever use a pea sized amount of anything is when I flat iron my hair and I need to use a pea size amount of serum for shine. Anything more than that and my hair is limp spaghetti.

Other than that ... peas be damned. :lol:
Co-Washing and Deep Conditioning, I tend to use alot of Conditioner. I tend to overly saturate my hair.:yep:

Leave-In's not so much.
doesnt work for me either, I use like dollar bill sized amounts when I condition and shampoo and probably dollar coins when I moisturize.
i use handfuls of conditioner and deep conditioner for sure. when it comes to product, i have to use a fair amount. a dime size would cover the surface of my bangs...then i would have to work my way through the strands. i have to much hair to go with the directions.
ha i was JUST thinking about this and id watch youtubers saying only use a dime size amount. im thinkin in my head, "who u bullcrappin?" i know they use more later on. and then they have the nerve to say im gonna use a LITTLE BIT more, aka u know ur dumb self shoulda used a crap load on that thick hair in the first place!!
ha i was JUST thinking about this and id watch youtubers saying only use a dime size amount. im thinkin in my head, "who u bullcrappin?" i know they use more later on. and then they have the nerve to say im gonna use a LITTLE BIT more, aka u know ur dumb self shoulda used a crap load on that thick hair in the first place!!

^^ :)

I really do have a light touch and my products go a long way if it's just me using them. I know a lot of people are heavy handed with product but that's just never been me.