My edges are thinning (crying) What should I do?

Well see, the reason I ask that about the crisscross portion was because back in my relaxer days, I would put a do-rag on and tie it the same way as you do. It later started thinning in that nape area for me(not too bad since I caught it in time) until I figured it out on the crisscrossing part. So what I did was bunch that part that hangs in the back and take the left string and wrap around one side end of the back portion like a bantu knot and do the same to the right side as well, the bantu knots would then sit on the skin(behind and below my ear) and not on my hair. This stopped the thinning in that area for me. I don't wear do-rags at all now. But, I'm not sure if your scarf has that hang bit in the back like do-rags do, but I do that to any scarf (square or rectangle shaped) I wear nowadays so that nothing at all is sitting anywhere on my hair. Another thing that I do, you can also use a satin/silk bonnet with the thick headband on it like approx 2inches wide, and put that on, but making sure to put it past your hair line and not on your hair also. I alternate with these 2 methods being that I lose my scarfs/bonnets so much so that I have like a million of them here LOL:lachen:so whichever I find at the moment, that's what I use.:grin:

o.k. thanks.
I don't know if somebody already asked or not, but do you use a brush on your edges? It's easy to be a little too rough around our hairline and that can really thin it out. I don't know, just a thought. Hope you figure things out...