Thank you!
I used 100% kanekalon hair. The hair is braided about 3/4 of the way down to give me more stling options. I did split the time up over about 3 days just like you suggest. That was just collective time. Sorry to have confused anyone!
HOw did you wear your hair in the days when your hair was half done?

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The first day only the back and sides were finished so I tied a scarf around my head.:D Luckily that day the only thing I had to do was a grocery pickup! The second day I had enough done in the fron, back and sided to put it back in a ponytail. No one noticed that it was not finished.
I actually skipped a day because I was making preparations for my son's birthday. I didn't do any braids on thay day. So technically it was spread over 4 days. I finished up the last day and I was so relieved!
You did GREAT!!! I might have to order a video when I have some money it would save me so much money as well as save my hairline from some of these vicious braiders!

Your hair looks wonderful, I was hoping to do the same thing. I also ordered the video tape, however, I have not received it yet. It's been two weeks now. Did you have to wait so long. Again, your hair looks great !!!!

DAYUM!!!! great job, girl.. your hair came out awesome!!!!

wow you did an amazing job. i would love to learn how to do that. it would save money. i may have to check out that website and see if i should purpose that tape.
God bless you all.

You did an awesome job DSD!! For your first time, I think it looks fantastic. I could only imagine what it takes to braid your own hair. Hats off to you!!
Thanks ladies for all of the compliments. You all have really got my head swelling!
DSD - how did you secure the ends? Did you boil them or slightly burn them or something? TIA

[/ QUOTE ] I boiled some water and dipped the ends in the water. That makes the ends very silky and they swing and sway every which way! I love them!
Your hair looks wonderful, I was hoping to do the same thing. I also ordered the video tape, however, I have not received it yet. It's been two weeks now. Did you have to wait so long. Again, your hair looks great !!!!

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If you haven't received the video yet you should contact Wheats and let her know. She will get back to you. She's a nice lady. It took about six days which ways kinda slow since the company is based in Atlanta and I also live there.
Thanks for the compliment! Good Luck!
Girl, I am very proud of you! I used the video to do my own braids too! That was back in April... actually, I did my daughter's hair first which came out great. Doing my own would be the challenge. I didn't do them as small as yours, and thankfully so, because by the time I reached the midpoint of my head, I wanted to bawl, "What was I thinking! I can't go on! I'm going to loose these out!" then my better judgement kicked in and I was like, "I went this far, might as well keep on going." My pics are in my album. I kept them in for a month to a month and a half as my hair really grew fast! Mind you, I had 49-50 braids, so you must know!
Thanks a lot! It was a very tedious job. But like you I had to finish once I got started! I did my daughter's hair and my niece's too. What a task! Now my sister wants me to do hers. I don't even want to think about how many braids I have as I have to take them out. What a job I have in store for me.
Your hair looks great. I like the color. You did a great job. Hopefully I can keep mine for 8 weeks.
Thanks! I was hoping to keep mine in for at least 2 months, but to no avail. I was rinsing 2-3 times a week with diluted Humecto, followed by braid spray. Everyone loved my hairdo and was like, "Ooooh, I'm gonna go and buy some hair and come over so you can braid my hair!" I was like, "NOT!" Because my braids weren't too small, the take down wasn't too terrible. I was very gentle when handling the take down. Even when the hair was in braids, I didn't put it in styles that caused too much stress on the hair. What a relief it was to be able to touch my head after braiding, unlike some of my friends who holla the minute you've touched their head. You can then say, "Let me guess... you just got your hair braided." and they go "yup"! No cringing for me! The last time I took my daughter to some African Hair braiders, they were yanking through my daughter's hair with a fine tooth come. Mind you, I washed and conditioned it and it was detangled prior to me going to the braiders. I was like, "Easy!" Literally tearing out my child's hair! I was like, "No more!" My daughter is 9 and I school her about proper haircare. She gets a wash no less than once a week. Let me tell her "I'm tired today, I'll do it tomorrow" She starts with "Mom, my hair needs care!" I'm like "Well!" and end up doing it. I plait my hair in two pig tails and then roll up the ends to protect them. My daughter has to comment, "I know why you're doing that... it's because if you leave the ends down they'll be dry and frizzy and snap off! Do I get a good grade?" "A+, My child!"
I think we as Mom's need to start schooling our little girls at an early age.:) I've put my Mom and sisters on to the hairgrowing as well. I'm glad everyone is so receptive. They actually look to me for advice as I seem to be the only one who has enough time to read these hair boards!
Amen to that! I am also in the process of teaching my daughter how to properly care for her hair. I try to wash her hair at least once a week but I think I am going to throw in a couple of conditioner washes also. Meanwhile I will keep her hair braided until it reaches her goal.
wow ajamericandiva you and your hair look gorgeous. i am loving that braidout pic. if only i had the skills to braid my hair like you and dontspeakdefeat. you guys did a fabulous job. wow. God bless you all.
Awww! Thank you!
The braidout was done by cornrowing my hair straight back in about 7-8 cornrows and loosing them out... as usual, the ends are kind of frizzy! Dontspeakdefeat, what is your daughter's goal?
That's nice to know. Maybe sometimes you can give me some makeup tips.

My daughter wants her hair to be waistlength. It is already about 4 inches past her shoulders. I can just see her swinging it in everyone's way!
if only i had the skills to braid my hair like you and dontspeakdefeat. you guys did a fabulous job. wow. God bless you all.

[/ QUOTE ]
You can braid you own hair if you just pace yourself and set your mind to it!
How old is your daughter? Can you imagine what length she can get it to? My daughter had this friend her age that had AA hair to somewhere near her butt. When I took them to the park this other black West Indian woman asked me, "How di chile hair look so? Her mother or father Indian?" Deep sigh... they're both "regular". I'd love to share tips girl. I've got makeup pics in my folder of work that I've done that has been in some hair mags, i.e. Sophisticate's Black Haircare, etc. Out of curiosity, where do you live? I'm in NYC!
My daughter is seven. She loves long pretty hair. Her hair is longer than most girls her age but there are others that surpass her easily. I just don't want her to have the short breaking hair I had as a young girl. So I take care of her hair the same way I do mine. People always think that we have to be mixed to have long hair. What a shame! Wow you have done makeup for hair mags. Great. I would love to see those pics! I live in Atlanta.
Dontspeakdefeat, the braids look great. I ordered my video back in January but have yet to put braids in my hair. How did you get the extension hair and your hair to blend and I the ends of mine keep getting knotted while I am braiding. I plan on eventually getting a mannequin but have not gotten around to it.
Thanks. I used my hair as the third section until it got to the very end of my hair then I borrowed from the kanekalon hair section to make it even. You have to make sure you get the right color also. If the ends keep getting knotted then you should run your fingers down the hair and pullit separate about every other stroke. I hope this helps!
Whew girl I gotta hand it to you! You did a great job and they look so pretty!

I have never had braids before but your hard work can sure make them seem appealing.LoL yea the opposite sex has always had a main attraction to long hair.
This is what I get for looking at a thread late in the evening....I'm like...didn't DSD just put a weave in her hair:confused: ...

then I see this is originally from 2003....wow...we went back with this one...