I Cut it Ladies...New Fotki Update


So I decided to go ahead and cut my hair for the New Year and start 2007 off with a new cut and i did :eek: . I was having a lot of breakage and lots of split ends and as much as i would dust and trim nothing seemed to work. Its not exactly how i wanted it cut, i actually was looking to go a bit shorter but the stylist didnt cut it as short as the picture i showed her, which i guess is good i could have been mad becuz she cut too much so im happy with the results. Im 8 weeks post relaxer and it looks pretty good, So ladies go take a look :grin:
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Wow, Tayw29!! It is absolutely beautiful!! It is full of body and look SO healthy. LOVE IT!!!!!!
Thanks so much ladies, i to think its looks a lot healthier and it gives me a better foundation to keep it healthy while it grows, because when i began to take care of it after finding this site :D it was already very damaged and although it was growing i was doing more damage control than anything else and i just got tired. So being that 99% of the damaged hair is gone i will be better able to keep what i have healthy and make what grows in even better
BAD BAD GIRL:whip::whip: ,u gonna be punish ,aren't u in the hide your hair till April fool challenge young girl? now why did u show us those pics
(P.S: i love it anyways :D,i want to cut mine just ike that.)

now u shall be punish:hammer::lachen:
prettynina said:
BAD BAD GIRL:whip::whip: ,u gonna be punish ,aren't u in the hide your hair till April fool challenge young girl? now why did u show us those pics
(P.S: i love it anyways :D,i want to cut mine just ike that.)

now u shall be punish:hammer::lachen:

:lol: Please dont punish me, i never posted a starting point for the challenge and its only been a week and this way when i post my hidden hair pics in april everyone will be amazed:p
ayoung1981 said:
Looks really good---u still have a lot of hair girl!

Thanks girl i know its a lot and the stylist didnt want to cut it but i was sure it would recover even better so im really happy with the results
I love it and it still looks great. Its very thick, too. You'll have that length back in no time because your hair grows really fast. I saw your progress pics from last summer and you gained alot of inches in a matter of a few months:eek:
Thanks so much ladies, im kinda glad i cut it, it so needed it. I havent cut my hair in years and it really never grew past BSL and i use to do some damage let me tell you, relaxing every 4 weeks, color, hot curlers, not washing for weeks and im surprised to say that it always remained thick and pretty long and never had a problem growing. But now with the knowledge i've gained from all of you i am almost certain i can get it grow way past what im use too so to be able to see the growth now that im paying attention:lachen: I almost cant wait