New Hair cut remorse :(

Altho im an advocate for long hair the cut and style is beautiful! And even tho ive never been to a salon these stories of scissor happy stylists are makin me so heated:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: I wish they would try that *expletive* with me... If i even see them look at the scissors id get out my chair and be like:boxing::brucelee::bat::badidea::hardslap: :samurai: :gunner7:
Gosh, I feel so sorry for you. A full 5" off and your hair looks....


Please gurl, you know you got it going on. I WISH!. If I were you I'd be all like:

I know that you didn't want or ask for her to cut more but GIRL WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :thud: that cut is da bidness!! :yep: It looks so lush and gorgeous! :love:Definitely old-skool Pantene commercial hair! :yep: (Don't hate me because I'm beautiful... my hair used to have a mind of it's own... until I used Pantene :lachen: )

You said that you haven't cut your hair in 4 maybe you needed it. I think it looks absolutely gorgeous and healthy. Sometimes we need to let go of a little length to gain a lot of health. Your hair will grow back in no time.
She hooked your hair up!! :yep:
It is truly gorgeous-style, body, cut, everything!

But I also feel that she could have taken a little less than she did.
That is why I am so leery of salons and stylists! You tell them what you want but in the end they mostly wind up doing what they want-it's a great deal of trust we place in someone hands.

But once again, you hair is gorgeous and it will grow back wonderfully.
I actually agree with the stylist about the cut making your hair more stylish and manageable. She did a good job! Your hair looks amazing.
I think that layered hair this length is beautiful!! I like it after better.. must be nice to have layers and your shortest layer is between APL and BSL.. looks awesome girl. Kim Kardashian/Kimora Lee hair (without the extensions) .. go girl!

I think it's very pretty. I am starting to have a personal preference for hair that is your (new) length! In fact, I am no longer keeping my hair at waist length, but more around MBL. I do think it is more stylish & manageable--go figure! (for me at least)
I wonder if she would have sat there and let someone cut that much off of her head. It was definantley waist length. 1 inch would have been enough.

With that said. Your hair is beautiful.:yep:
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