I could've sworn I saw Niko's cousin last night


New Member
So I'm working at a promotional table for Visa during the Nets vs. Warriors game last night and this girl walks past me to get refreshments. She caught my attention because she looked like "that girl" not to mention she had all of the signs of being "Niko's cousin":

1. she was wearing her hair in a protective style (bun with phony pony)
2. she was wearing the shoes that Salt wears in the opening credits of the S&P show. (there was a thread about these shoes in the Fashion forum)
3. she was working her "that girl" status!

I was so tempted to ask her if she was Niko's cousin but I punked out. :perplexed

So, "Missy" if you're lurking, I saw you last night. You were wearing those shoes! :yep:
:lachen:I saw one of Niko's cousin at the post office yesterday but she was already at the counter when I was getting in line. She just had that look as well. And funny thing is she looked at me as if she thought she knew me as well. Gorgeous full BSL healthy hair. If she had've been close enough I definitely would've asked her was she "that girl." :yep:
That is cute....I was at an NCLEX-RN review course last week and I saw a girl who I thought was Niko's cousin bc she had long pretty hair and it was in a protective style each day....I wanted to ask her but she didnt seem too friendly and never really made eye contact lol. She even had a flexi 8 clip!

I think there are lots of Niko's cousins around bc I notice SOO many young girls wearing buns (some with their real hair and some of those phony buns) and that just seems strange to me lol. It looks like a lot of them are just starting out on their journey. I just dont know what would make someone want to wear their hair like with no reason behind it.
I thought I saw a potential cousin in Walmart a few weeks back. Damn near bumped my cart into the shelf looking at her APL full, jet black hair. And i'm critical about hair since joining LHCF so for me to verbally say "oohhhh" meant something.

Hair was nice and shiny and CLEAN! Not a SPECK of dandruff or anything.

I asked a co-worker of mine and she wasn't but i complemented her on her on her SL healthy hair and she said "oh, i got some tracks in there" :perplexed

Sure fooled me. It looked good as hell and blended VERY well...I'll find a cousin one day..
I met Nikko's cousin at my work. I started about 3 months ago and I noticed that this woman always wore her hair in protective styles, stretched her relaxers, and when she did wear her hair out it was always something that reminded me of an LHCF semi-protective style. Well we have gotten pretty friendly since I have been here but I was always nervous to ask. Last week however, we were talking and I 'casually' mentioned that I loved her hair and the styles that she wears, and if she had ever visited any hair websites. So she kind of gives me this strange look and I'm thinking, 'oh lord, she must think i am beyond strange.' Then she sheepishly says, 'well there was this one site I used to visit some years ago called longhaircareforum!' And I just busted out with excitement, like 'yeah yeah, me too, I love that site.' Anyway she says she lurks but hasn't renewed her membership in a while, but she will soon.
What does 'Niko's cousin' mean? Is this a code question for someone who might belong to this forum?
I thought Michelle from MSNBC was Niko's Cousin: any other ladies ever met or think they met Niko's cousin?
I think I've seen Niko's cousin a few times. Once at Bi-Lo, this girl had a very healthy looking bob. Nice and even, like she grew her hair and then decided to cut it. I told her it was pretty. Then at church. I always look for Niko's cousins. (It's a pretty big church.)
i think i saw 2 of his cousins in wal-mart, i started to ask but didn't want to look :spinning:

hahahha. me too: a lady actually came up to me and asked me for product advice and everything i was throwing at her I named from the board: she was like tried that: it makes my scalp itchy: or i need something better: but i was too scared to say: YOU NIKO'S COUSIN!!!!! She would have ran! :grin::grin:
I swear I see a bunch of people that have the potential to be Niko's cousin by my job.

I work in Peachtree Center, in Atlanta, and everytime I go down to the little mall...I see someone, but I am too much of a punk to ask...so yeah if you work in or near Peachtree Center...I peeped you!

Let's do lunch! :grin:
So I'm working at a promotional table for Visa during the Nets vs. Warriors game last night and this girl walks past me to get refreshments. She caught my attention because she looked like "that girl" not to mention she had all of the signs of being "Niko's cousin":

1. she was wearing her hair in a protective style (bun with phony pony)
2. she was wearing the shoes that Salt wears in the opening credits of the S&P show. (there was a thread about these shoes in the Fashion forum)
3. she was working her "that girl" status!

I was so tempted to ask her if she was Niko's cousin but I punked out. :perplexed

So, "Missy" if you're lurking, I saw you last night. You were wearing those shoes! :yep:

Who/what is "Niko's Cousin"? I'm so lost right now. :yawn: And what do you mean by "that girl" status?

ETA: Never mind! I got the answer.
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I remember when I first started here last aug I saw a potential Niko's cousin working at Big Lots. Her hair was almost tailbone length and either she was texlaxed or she airdried. I wanted to ask but I was too nervous:look:
i think i work with one. she is a natural and her hair is soooooooo beautiful. she wears kinky twist and every time she takes them out she will wear her own hair for like a week or two and then back in kinky twist. she reminds my of so1913. im almost positive she is niko's cousin. i would put a full check on it:spinning::blush:
There is this one girl that I see all the time in every hair section.. We were both at Target and she was in the vitamin aisle talking about biotin with someone on the phone.. the next day i see her at the organic food store in the hair section.. i wanted to ask her but i knew i would look weird she had short natural hair like she just did the BC.. so if that was you in Adams Morgan and the Target on 14th and Irving NW.. we should meet up!!
There is this one girl that I see all the time in every hair section.. We were both at Target and she was in the vitamin aisle talking about biotin with someone on the phone.. the next day i see her at the organic food store in the hair section.. i wanted to ask her but i knew i would look weird she had short natural hair like she just did the BC.. so if that was you in Adams Morgan and the Target on 14th and Irving NW.. we should meet up!!

OT: What they put a Target on 14th and Irving???? I remember when I had to go all the way to VA to hit up my beloved Tarjay....:look: sorry
Yea they got Payless, Vitamin Shoppe, Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Marshalls, Staples, and Best Buy also

Whaaaat?! That's really cool. I haven't been up there in years. I'ma have to visit one day and see how the city has changed....sorry for hi-jacking:perplexed
who is niko? :perplexed

the guy or founder of the hair board: and LHCF Members are called or referred to as Niko's Cousin in public: spares you of asking :Do you belong to the Long Hair Care Forum Hair Board? Instead: Ask are you Niko's Cousin.....thats all
I'm usually brave in my daily interactions but something about asking.."Are you Niko's cousin?"; just ties my tongue in a knot..I gulp, consider asking then punk out..I dunno:perplexed.
I found out my cousin is a cousin :yep:!!! She's completely natural and we were just talking about some things using the same jargon and acronyms and we looked at each other and she said "do you...?" then I said, "know Niko?" and we busted out laughing. It's crazy because she lives on the east coast and we haven't seen each other or talked in years until she recently had to come to Detroit. She said she's on Nappturality too. Cool! There's another girl I know in the PhD program here that's on Napptural as well. It's a small, but wonderful world!