Had a "Are You Niko's Cousin" experience....

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
last night! I was in the mall with my mother-in-law and we were shopping (my favorite thing to do :D ) and one of the girls that work there hair was so pretty. It was natural and her ponytail was really long and thick...whew! She looked to be around a 3/c - 4/a. Very pretty hair.

Anyways.....I said to her:

Me: Wow, you have some pretty hair there girl.

Her: Thanks.

Me: Are you natural ....(I know...duh;) )

Her: Yes and I don't comb my hair

Me: :eek:

Me: oh, really...not at all

Her: No

Me: Not even when you put conditioner on it

Her: Oh yes, that's the only time I can get a comb through it

Me: oh, ok....ummmmm can I ask you a question?

Her: Sure

Me: Are You Niko's Cousin?

Her: Smiled....:D and said "No, why do I look like him?"

Me: Ummmm....no you don't. Ok, just asking.

Her: Still smiling:D ...no problem.

Me: Walked away with my tail between my legs :cool:

I think she is a STALKER on LHCF, ya'll.

First of all...when I asked her are you Niko's cousin, she smiled.

Then, she said "why, do I look like HIM. How did she know Niko's was a man.....:cool:

Well, I guess she's right...if she is a stalker, then she can't be Niko's cousin because only MEMBERS should be. Am I right?

Anyways, it was nice seeing some pretty hair though. :grin: :grin: :grin:
bmoreflyygirl said:
Wow that's interesting. Could she be a lurker?

bmoreflyygirl...she had to be. When I asked her the first thing she did was smile. Then she knew he was a guy. Oh, also when I asked was she natural she said yes and I don't comb my hair. I didn't ask her that...she just said it.

Lurker I say....lurker:D
amr501 said:
:lol: that was cute! I'd probably never get up the nerve to even ask.

I couldn't believe I did it....I mean right before I asked, my palms got all sweaty and I felt so queasy inside but I before I knew it, I blurted it out....I was laughing on the way home though. Man, I couldn't believe how I was feeling just asking a question....:grin: :lachen: :grin:
Nice & Wavy said:
I couldn't believe I did it....I mean right before I asked, my palms got all sweaty and I felt so queasy inside but I before I knew it, I blurted it out....I was laughing on the way home though. Man, I couldn't believe how I was feeling just asking a question....:grin: :lachen: :grin:

LOL She could have at least told you her sn or something. FYI if any ladies see me out and about feel free to speak and ask if I'm Niko's cousin!! I won't bite you :p
:lol: Why didn't she just say yes but I'm a lurker. She grinned so I think she knew who you were talking about.
LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: . That's too cute! Maybe she thought the name was funny or something? Here we are accusing her of being a lurker....but I mean did you snoop around some profiles to see if you recognized her?:look:
That was a good story!!! :D :D I think maybe some ppl just dont want thier identity known.. wonder if she was a lurker! Maybe she'll find you and pm you..?
:lol: Awww, that was a great story! THanks for sharing! And kudos to you for having the galls to ask if she was Niko's cousin. :)

I actually dont think she is a lurker. If she lurks, then she would most likely have acknowledged LHCF. Id heard the name Niko before LHCF (friend in high school), so i would have known it was a man's name. And she could've been smiling just because she was friendly. *shrug* I dunno, it just seems strange that she would lie, after being so forthright about her other hair practices. :lachen:
Cool story, love it. She sounded quite friendly, so you were lucky, i don't think i'd have the courage to do that, although i'd love the opportunity.
Aw, that's cute! I can't wait to have a Nikko's cousin experience. Hopefully it won't be early in the AM at some random airport when my hair is jacked up.

And yes, she might not be a lurker, maybe she already had those practices. I did a lot of things like only combing under water, low manipulation, etc when I was natural and knew nothing about LHCF. But then again, maybe she is our one star bandit....jk!
forgive me for being lost but who's Niko?? I don't know who or what you're talking about.

Thanks everyone. Maybe you are right....she might not be a lurker. But, it was something in her smile, almost like a chesapeke cat(spelling....lol) She had the look in her eye. That's why I thought she might be a lurker and didn't want to say anything. Yes, I did try to find her profile, but not everyone posts pics, so that wouldn't be an easy task.

Anyways, it was cute and so was she and I had a great time doing it...it was fun.
What a cute story! I want to find Niko's cousin! I met one member (bumped into her at a BSS) before we started that. It would have made our meet a lot simpler...instead of me stuttering, trying to figure out what to say without seeming like a psycho.
Nice & Wavy said:
I couldn't believe I did it....I mean right before I asked, my palms got all sweaty and I felt so queasy inside but I before I knew it, I blurted it out....I was laughing on the way home though. Man, I couldn't believe how I was feeling just asking a question....:grin: :lachen: :grin:

Kimberly said:
What a cute story! I want to find Niko's cousin! I met one member (bumped into her at a BSS) before we started that. It would have made our meet a lot simpler...instead of me stuttering, trying to figure out what to say without seeming like a psycho.

Thanks, Kimberly....yeah, it was funny and nerve wracking to say the least.
Nice & Wavy said:
I couldn't believe I did it....I mean right before I asked, my palms got all sweaty and I felt so queasy inside but I before I knew it, I blurted it out....I was laughing on the way home though. Man, I couldn't believe how I was feeling just asking a question....:grin: :lachen: :grin:

OT: Love you hair Nice & wavy, I'm just wishing we could be hair twins one day:)
I must be out of touch or have been gone for a long time from this forum. Who is this Niko and his cousin and why are they so famous?
KiniKakes said:
:lol: Awww, that was a great story! THanks for sharing! And kudos to you for having the galls to ask if she was Niko's cousin. :)

I actually dont think she is a lurker. If she lurks, then she would most likely have acknowledged LHCF. Id heard the name Niko before LHCF (friend in high school), so i would have known it was a man's name. And she could've been smiling just because she was friendly. *shrug* I dunno, it just seems strange that she would lie, after being so forthright about her other hair practices. :lachen:

this is exactly what i was thinking...word for word... :)