I caught her using my products!


New Member
Please tell me if a sistah is wrong. I walked into the kitchen and caught my roommate, who I am close with about to wash her hair with my hair products AND about to use my face towel also. I acted like I didn't see her and proceeded to take my vitamin water from the counter and drink it. She acted a little scared but still carried on a converstation. She was using my CON poo and Lekair conditioner but if it was my aveda or my Neutrogena poo/conditioner I would have lost it:mad: and the fact she was about to dry her hair with my face towel:eek: :eek: I have sensitive skin and only use white towels on my face... I had to say something to her.

Now I am the type of person that will ask my best friend to borrow a cotton ball, and I expect the same type of treatment from others.

You all know how much we spend on our hair products and what they mean to us. Was I wrong, or right by saying something. I am a grad student and I can't supply hair products for the entire household.
Lock it up girl!! If you don't want to be put in the situation of telling her to her face to leave your stuff alone, lock it up. They have little boxes at places like Walmart. They are not that expesive, either.

Girl! If she was up in the Aveda - it would have to be on!

Edited to add:

I just reread it and saw that you said something to her. That's good. I would still lock my valuables up. Yeah, I want to know what you said, too. :)
You were perfectly within your rights to say something.
If you'd keep quiet, she'd do it again, because she would think it was o.k.

And it's not o.k....it's incredibly rude of her not to ask if she could use your stuff.
You paid for those products, she didn't. Talk to her and let her know how you feel, and tell her if she'd like to use your products, please ask first. (ugh, but not the facetowel, NOBODY uses my facetowel but me! :perplexed)
I'm glad you said something. She should not have taken your stuff. I don't care if you are friends, if you never offered your stuff she shouldn't have touched it. I would lock my stuff up in a trunk with a key, no joke. That's just NOT cool.

I'm glad you spoke up. Plus the face towel on the hair? Why couldn't she at least use her own towel? Complete disrespect. I hope you put her in her place.
SHE DID WHAT:confused: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Lock it up! You can share your products with her if you want to, but she can not use your products and your face TOWEL:mad: without asking first.
See, this stuff makes me glad I don't have a roommate.:mad: I am very particular about folks using my hair products! Even my mother visits, she asks before she uses anything. That's just common courtesy!
At first I was not going to say something just hoping that my presence would tell her it was not okay but I could tell that she was not going to put them back. So this is how the conversation went:

Myself: You cant use that towel, its my face towel
Roommate: I don't have another towel
Myself: Well sorry that is my face towel and you know how my skin is
Roommate: I don't have another and besides it's already wet
Myself: oh well I don't know then (me grabbing it) because that is my face towel
Myself: and if you want to use those again please ask me _(insert her name)__
Not trying to be mean but she probably did use some of your Aveda and Neutrogena products.....u just haven't caught her.

I suggest you lock it up.
lana said:
I'm glad you said something. She should not have taken your stuff. I don't care if you are friends, if you never offered your stuff she shouldn't have touched it. I would lock my stuff up in a trunk with a key, no joke. That's just NOT cool.

I'm glad you spoke up. Plus the face towel on the hair? Why couldn't she at least use her own towel? Complete disrespect. I hope you put her in her place.

And that is just the thing. I have put stuff in her bathroom that I don't want anymore but to me, it is disrespectful for you to come in my bathroom and get my products. I would never do that to you. If you were at work, or even here, I would ask you could I use them. I was just wondering if it was me being selfish (because I am an only and I have been called selfish before:look: ) I hate having to hoard things from people but that seems to be the only way now
Oh yeah.... she was trippin'

She was lucky...I am so dramatic, I would have been snatching and screaming! I am one of those people who like to get behind their "dumb a$$" thinking...

I woulda been like:

"What made you think it was OK to use my face towel? Who cares if its already wet, its mine!"

And I would have really waited for an answer too! :lol:
Not trying to be mean but she probably did use some of your Aveda and Neutrogena products.....u just haven't caught her.

I suggest you lock it up.

I agree. Lock it up. It will preserve your sanity.. :lol:
You were well within your right. That was sooooo rude. And the fact that she even had the nerve to defend her usage of your towel????? I agree with the poster that stated she probably has used some of your stuff before.

Have you noticed her hair looking in better conditon that usual lately? Aveda products turn your hair around. Her hair should be noticeably different if she's been using your things (properly).
You handled it correctly. She had no business using your stuff without your permission. I hate that mess with a passion. Some people have absolutely no consideration for others.
I don't blame you and would lock my stuff up too if I was in your living situation (college/roomate stuff and all). If you don't want to do that you could always just let her know what's okay to use and what to stay away from. Now using your towel was straight trifling and I would have went off on her.

I know when folks come over thinking their gonna get a shampoo and condition going on with my good stuff they have another thing comming, LOL, I specifically signal my daughter to get "the stuff" meaning things we don't use and need to use up anyway, :lol: , if only they new they were gonna get what they have at home they would stop asking to shampoo at my house. Now if ya paying that's another story, :look: :lol: .
You're definitely right to speak up! Those are *your* products, *you* paid for them and have the right to use every single drop. I think you should put your items in a safe place. And she used your face towel? I probably just would've given that to her because I have some issues. I wouldn't be able to use it after she did.
Nope, I don't think you wrong at all. I agree with the poster who said, if you didn't say something, she'd probably get the impression it was ok and continue (and increase) her liberties with YOUR things.

And she tried to explain why she was using your towel?!?!?! I have no words...no ladylike ones anyway.
I want to commend you on how you handled yourself. I would've went completely overboard...she probably would've thought I was crazy. My husband has a tendency to use my good shower gels and stuff I get from B&BW and when he does that things aren't right in our house for a couple of days. I am very territorial about my beauty stuff. I would've been like:
What are you doing?...
What do you mean?...
Those are my things...my hair stuff. MY HAIR STUFF. That's rude. Didn't someone teach you not to go in other people's things? &^^%*&(&^%^%^%$$##^&*((()_*&*^^%$%$%$%%&&*(&**(()_()))_))(*&^%$%$#$$%%&^&*&(&^^&*&*&!!!!!

Naw, just kidding:lachen:
That's funny. You were right to speak up but I probably would have caved on the hair products but the face products and towel is a no no. You probably don't want to hear it but this is probably a compliment to you in a rude, selfish kind of way. I agree you need to lock it up to avoid this.
Oh no not the hair products! :eek: :lol: But no seriously, I understand how you feel. She could have at least asked first. Let her know how you feel. Products ain't cheap.
that's some straight bullish :mad: :mad: :mad: and it IRRITATES me to no end... yes I have over 50 products but thEy're MINE!!!

When in Atlanta for Spring Break I was sleep and heard my best friend getting ready to flat iron her hair (don't know what woke me up) but when I went to go use the rest room I saw my $37.50 bottle of Chi Silk Infusion sitting waiting to be used. OH HELL NAW!!!!

But my friends know how I am; by time I finished using the rest room my bottle was back in my bag without her using it.

Now I keep my expensive ish hidden; I DON'T PLAY THAT!!!
If it bothered you, then yes, you shoulda said something. If you didn't, she woulda kept doing it. I don't understand why she'd be using your face towel at all, that's just wrong. The hair products on the otherhand, is understandable. So just try to understand, she might have always lived with people where they shared stuff like that and didn't think it was a big deal (even though she shouldn't have assumed). Me and my roommate always use each other's hair stuff, lotions etc. One day, I ran out of conditioner and used a bit of hers. The next day, I said to her, sorry I used some of your con yesterday. and she was like oh i don't care, i've been using your lotion for weeks! lol, so now we just use whatever (especially if it's the cheapy looking stuff and not special looking products ya know).
autumnbeauty29 said:
At first I was not going to say something just hoping that my presence would tell her it was not okay but I could tell that she was not going to put them back. So this is how the conversation went:

Myself: You cant use that towel, its my face towel
Roommate: I don't have another towel
Myself: Well sorry that is my face towel and you know how my skin is
Roommate: I don't have another and besides it's already wet
Myself: oh well I don't know then (me grabbing it) because that is my face towel
Myself: and if you want to use those again please ask me _(insert her name)__

I am mad this girl had the audacity to sit their and explain why she thinks its okay for her to dry her hair with YOUR FACE TOWEL......like you were in the wrong:lol: :lol: :lol:

bmoreflyygirl said:
Oh no not the hair products! :eek: :lol: But no seriously, I understand how you feel. She could have at least asked first. Let her know how you feel. Products ain't cheap.

ITA! :mad: Times is hard while in school $$$ and she has the nerve to use your products w/out asking?!! Not cool. ESCPECIALLY using your TOWEL...:mad: THAT IS DISGUSTING!!! Hide yo sh@&! :mad:
Girl I know exactly how u feel. You were not wrong for saying anything: she got scared cuz she knew she was busted: which means she had to go thru ur stuff.....my friends: all of them seem to come to me instead of each other for hair products: they kno how much I spend on each item: i'm thinkin to myself: okay u kno I let her use it and now ur gonna ask me: i'm not ur mother: stop being cheap and buy ur own. I must have a sign on my head that says "You can borrow anything from me"....how she gonna use ur stuff like that....knowin good'n well she can get her own...I swear some college students pretend they are that broke where they just gotta keep borrowing ur stuff: and not return it immediately: they'll hold on to it until u ask for it back....
....maybe I jumped a lil off topic: but girl u brought back some memories
natstar said:
ITA! :mad: Times is hard while in school $$$ and she has the nerve to use your products w/out asking?!! Not cool. ESCPECIALLY using your TOWEL...:mad: THAT IS DISGUSTING!!! Hide yo sh@&! :mad:

Right! And she went all the way in your bathroom to get them. It's not like y'all were sharing and everything is in there together.
It's bad enough that she was using your hair products without permission, BUT using your FACE towel on her HAIR. that is unacceptable. She could have asked first, and the fact that she didn't has to be because she knew you'd say no because it's wrong.

It just makes me wonder what else she's using of yours and if she is using them properly.