I caught her using my products!

You are definitely not wrong for letting her know. If you didn't say anything, she would be doing it many more times to come....and who knows how long she's been using your stuff already.

I had the same problem when I lived with roomates. I came home one day to find my roomate in my room going through my stuff deciding which bodysplash she was going to wear for the day. And another day, I came home to find my other roomate using my blowdryer and flat iron (she ended up breaking the blowdryer but I rarely use heat now anyway). The last straw was when one of my roomates took my brand new shoes and wore them without asking me first...I hadn't even worn them yet. I just started locking my door. I didn't mind that they used my stuff, I just wished they would've asked first.
ak46 said:
You are definitely not wrong for letting her know. If you didn't say anything, she would be doing it many more times to come....and who knows how long she's been using your stuff already.

I had the same problem when I lived with roomates. I came home one day to find my roomate in my room going through my stuff deciding which bodysplash she was going to wear for the day. And another day, I came home to find my other roomate using my blowdryer and flat iron (she ended up breaking the blowdryer but I rarely use heat now anyway). The last straw was when one of my roomates took my brand new shoes and wore them without asking me first...I hadn't even worn them yet. I just started locking my door. I didn't mind that they used my stuff, I just wished they would've asked first.

Wearning your brand new shoes??? OH HELL....TO ....THE......NO! THAT'S A NEGATIVE! :whip:
ak46 said:
You are definitely not wrong for letting her know. If you didn't say anything, she would be doing it many more times to come....and who knows how long she's been using your stuff already.

I had the same problem when I lived with roomates. I came home one day to find my roomate in my room going through my stuff deciding which bodysplash she was going to wear for the day. And another day, I came home to find my other roomate using my blowdryer and flat iron (she ended up breaking the blowdryer but I rarely use heat now anyway). The last straw was when one of my roomates took my brand new shoes and wore them without asking me first...I hadn't even worn them yet.

Oh hell no...that's grounds for an a$$ whoopin right there!
chica_canella[B said:
]Not trying to be mean but she probably did use some of your Aveda and Neutrogena products[/B].....u just haven't caught her.

I suggest you lock it up.

Yep this is so true. Man, I would never wanna use anyone else's towel. She knows better!:mad:
You were completely justified in saying something. I used to have a "whats mine, is yours" policy with my roommate last semester, and she got entirely too comfortable. She "helped" herself to one of my term papers (we were VERY close too). It was good for you just to go on ahead and nip it in the bud.
Oh no she didn't! How dare she? she had no right to take your stuff without asking and using your face towel? i don't care how close your are, she should never try that. Obviously she knows this too cause she acted scared when she got caught. Please lock your room from now on. You are not a BSS.
You are definitely within your right to say something. When i was a kid my mom used to always say "don't touch other peoples things" PERIOD. I never understood it but as I've gotten older, I figuree it out. If you dont' mess with mine and I don't mess with yours, there isn't any room for contreversy/arguements. My roommate is one of my best friends and she calls my bathroom CVS and every once in a while she creeps in my bathroom to try something. (Not too often because she damn near lives at the dominican salon). That is our relationship and its okay with but if that is not yoru situation ...you have to lay down the boundaries! And the face towel thing...that is just WRONG!
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Girl...you were not wrong at all!
If you didn't say anything she would've tried you with the Aveda next time. That's just disrespectful and rude! Some people! Girl lock it up before she uses something else or worst... your expensive ish. so to refrain from going crazy on her hide it in your room and/ or lock it up.
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kandi1280 said:
Have you noticed her hair looking in better conditon that usual lately? Aveda products turn your hair around. Her hair should be noticeably different if she's been using your things (properly).

Good point! No I have not noticed because we just moved into this place together about 2-3 weeks ago. I gave her some of my old products a few months ago before we lived together and I guess she thought it was her civil right to use the other.
WillyGWifey said:
good'n well she can get her own...I swear some college students pretend they are that broke where they just gotta keep borrowing ur stuff: and not return it immediately: they'll hold on to it until u ask for it back....
....maybe I jumped a lil off topic: but girl u brought back some memories

Girl speak the truth!!! Thanks to everyone who has responded! Understandable she may not can afford hair products, but I'm a grad student, so times are hard for me too!! But as I said earlier, I will ask my best friend to her stuff, and vice versa so I feel I should get the same respect from everyone else. When we all moved in together we had a discussion about what would be shared. I let them know that I am not too keen on sharing each other's items, unless asked so she knew how I felt about sharing items w/o asking first.
No matter how trustworthy your friends may be, someone is going to falter. If it bothers you that much, it would be better not to have a roommate, because you really don't want to lock up your things. You want to leave your things out without someone bothering them so you can use them freely.

From this point on, you will always suspect her, and you don't want to feel this way under your own "roof." Who knows what else she will do. Things could get worse. By her using your hair products and face towel may just be the beginning.

My sister had a handicapped roommate (whom she thought she was helping out financially) who slashed her nice, expensive clothes, shoes, and handbags for no reason at all. She wasn't quite sure who did it, because her roommate would have friends over pretty often. So while my sister was in the bathroom showering, she heard her roommate admit to someone on the phone that she had sabotage my sister's best items. From that night on, my sister gave her roommate a "triple" dose of her own medicine while she was at Disneyland. She even flushed her medications down the toilet, and she moved out before her roommate came back home.

After this experience, my sister never had a roommate--nor will I or my other sister have one.
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Barbara said:
No matter how trustworthy your friends may be, someone is going to falter. If it bothers you that much, it would be better not to have a roommate, because you really don't want to lock up your things. You want to leave your things out without someone bothering them so you can use them freely.

From this point on, you will always suspect her, and you don't want to feel this way under your own "roof." Who knows what else she will do. Things could get worse. By her using your hair products and face towel may just be the beginning.

My sister had a handicapped roommate (whom she thought she was helping out financially) who slashed her nice, expensive clothes, shoes, and handbags for no reason at all. She wasn't quite sure who did it, because her roommate would have friends over pretty often. So while my sister was in the bathroom showering, she heard her roommate admit to someone on the phone that she had sabotage my sister's best clothes. From that night on, my sister gave her roomate a "triple" dose of her own medicine while she was at Disneyland. She even flushed her medications down the toilet, and she moved out before her roommate came back home.

After this experience, my sister never had a roommate--nor will I or my other sister have one.

wow.. your sister's roomate sounds like a total :censored: ! was she mentally or physically handicapped? that still doesn't make it ok to trash your sister's best clothes for no reason at all though. i'd never trust another roomate after that fiasco either.
Please do not feel bad.Don't let her make you feel uncomfortable or run the guilt trip act on you to make you feel that you are mean. I am an only child also, and almost everyone I knew assumed that I just had it like that and could afford for them to mooch me to death. Kudos :clapping: to you because I definitely would have burned her ears. If we were close, I probably would let her use my good stuff, if I knew that she wasn't the type to take a mile when given an inch. That is ridonkulous. And as a student, that was dirty on her part, because you are both in the same boat, as most students no matter what your financial situation may be.

I have a cousin who would go for my high end products while telling me that I spent too much $ on them. You know I had to break her of that.

I wouldn't even say anything else to her... I would just keep stuff locked up and :lachen: to myself the next time she went for the free deluxe aveda treatment.
autumnbeauty29 said:
Please tell me if a sistah is wrong. I walked into the kitchen and caught my roommate, who I am close with about to wash her hair with my hair products AND about to use my face towel also. I acted like I didn't see her and proceeded to take my vitamin water from the counter and drink it. She acted a little scared but still carried on a converstation. She was using my CON poo and Lekair conditioner but if it was my aveda or my Neutrogena poo/conditioner I would have lost it:mad: and the fact she was about to dry her hair with my face towel:eek: :eek: I have sensitive skin and only use white towels on my face... I had to say something to her.

Now I am the type of person that will ask my best friend to borrow a cotton ball, and I expect the same type of treatment from others.

You all know how much we spend on our hair products and what they mean to us. Was I wrong, or right by saying something. I am a grad student and I can't supply hair products for the entire household.

I'm so sorry this happened to you! I know how frustrating it can be to have someone who uses your stuff, having been on the receiving and giving side of this situation.

Reminds me of my old housing situation where I knew this kind of thing was going to happen and being the PJ that I was, I tended to have tons of products that were laying around. So I'd foister them off on my roommates. "Oooh girl you gotta try this!" You'd be amazed what girls will take for free and what didn't work for me often worked for them (asian and white girl.)
Put the clank clank on it girl! When I had roommates, I had to lock everything up because one of my roommates was helping herself to clothes and cd's. Another roommate told me she was going to use my stuff because it was in the same room (wth?). You never know what else she's going to help herself to, so I suggest you lock your stuff up.
I think you did the right thing. She should have asked and to use another person's face towel is just disrespectful. I would suggest(like everyone else) that you lock it up.

If she want's to use your products so much, maybe she can pay half.
Thank you all for the responses. I really am a nice person but dayum!.. I have since removed my basket of items from the bathroom and into a hidden spot in my closet. It's a shame that these common courtesies aren't taught in childhood:mad: This is what angers me, but at a certain age you should learn better
She was wrong, plain and simple. Most people would have been more harsh with her. You handle the situation very well. It's unfortunate that you have to hide things from her but she made this a problem by her blatant disrespect.
Barbara said:
No matter how trustworthy your friends may be, someone is going to falter. If it bothers you that much, it would be better not to have a roommate, because you really don't want to lock up your things. You want to leave your things out without someone bothering them so you can use them freely.

From this point on, you will always suspect her, and you don't want to feel this way under your own "roof." Who knows what else she will do. Things could get worse. By her using your hair products and face towel may just be the beginning.

My sister had a handicapped roommate (whom she thought she was helping out financially) who slashed her nice, expensive clothes, shoes, and handbags for no reason at all. She wasn't quite sure who did it, because her roommate would have friends over pretty often. So while my sister was in the bathroom showering, she heard her roommate admit to someone on the phone that she had sabotage my sister's best items. From that night on, my sister gave her roommate a "triple" dose of her own medicine while she was at Disneyland. She even flushed her medications down the toilet, and she moved out before her roommate came back home.

After this experience, my sister never had a roommate--nor will I or my other sister have one.

:eek: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
caribeandiva said:
wow.. your sister's roomate sounds like a total :censored: ! was she mentally or physically handicapped? that still doesn't make it ok to trash your sister's best clothes for no reason at all though. i'd never trust another roomate after that fiasco either.

She seemed to be okay mentally, and she talked fine, but she did have physical disabilities. For example, a taxi had to take her to and from the grocery store. Her hands were bent downward underneath her wrist, but that didn't stop her from doing her dirty work.

After my sister moved out, my sister would call her number weekly but she wouldn't say anything to her. Jeanette is her name, and Jeanette knew it was my sister playing on her phone.

It's best to keep your guard up, because the ones that hurt you the most are the ones close to you.
Since y'all are close she probably thought it would be okay to use some of your things. Like I have a best-friend who can come over to my apartment and get whatever she wants to eat or drink out of my kitchen without asking (if It belongs to my man or my babygirl I will let her know though). I had a roommate in college and we really saw eye-to-eye and were very close like we had known each other longer than we actually had. We could eat each other's snacks with or without asking (we usually did ask each other though) but we were never greedy about it. And only we could eat each other's stuff, not the other girls in the other rooms (some of them could definitely be greedy). I think you were right to let her know how you feel because if u didn't it would have ate you up inside. I can understand how she could think that it's okay to use your conditioner/shampoo but to dry her hair with your face towel--what was she thinkin? I have learned from experience that's it's good to be honest about your feelings from the jump and set rules and make agreements/come to an understanding which can keep many unnecessary problems from arising later. So If she can use certain products but not your more expensive favorites, make it clear to her.
The last (and only) roommate I had was like that. She would braid hair and I saw her using my stuff and one of MY friend's expensive hair stuff. She used to piss me off cause she was getting money out of the deal and not having to buy and products. That was freshman year of college. Didn't do the roommate thing ever again.
autumnbeauty29 said:
I walked into the kitchen and caught my roommate, who I am close with about to wash her hair with my hair products AND about to use my face towel also. <snip> She acted a little scared but still carried on a converstation.

Now I am the type of person that will ask my best friend to borrow a cotton ball, and I expect the same type of treatment from others.

You are so not being selfish--or hoarding! You purchased your products and linens and you are the one who gets to decide how (and by whom) they are used!!! Your roommate was being disrespectful (and I'd say she was also being dishonest and stealing--that's why she was brought-up short when you walked into the room. If she *really* thought what she was doing was okay, she would've been perfectly at-ease). And how can she not have towels for herself?? Puleeze!

Way to go for standing up for yourself!

No, you are not wrong. Can you keep your hair care products locked away? Please find a way to keep her out of them.

I agree, it would have been courteous of her to ask. Plus, regular folks don't know how us LHCF folks get about our hair and all things related. :whip: