Ohhh - I figured out a way to rock a fro for hair that's 'droopy' - mind you, my hair isn't long enough to have to deal with this all over, but I could NEVER wear a fro because my nape hair is about a 3b/c, and I would look like i had a mullet!
What I did was put my hair in about 15-20 two strand twists using some whipped pudding while it was still damp, and then bantu knotted each twist, and went to bed. The next day, I unbantu'd and untwisted my hair, and I had these TINY tight curls that stuck to my head - it looked like I had cut off about 4 inches and then gotten a texturizer! It was a cute lil twistout, and it lasted for almost a week before the curls got too matted/started falling out, and my head was looking a little rough.