I bought ShiKai brand moisturizing shampoo & everyday conditioner


Well-Known Member
But didn't get to use it at all.

We were in ATL for a funeral and I saw them at the Whole Foods market on Ponce de Leon so I grabbed them. I had only seen the Everyday Shampoo at my local Whole Foods.

We had a few issues when leaving ATL since my husband's uncle threw a bit of a fit when he could not locate his copy of the funeral program. We searched the entire house for the program and did find one.

We ended up leaving a bit late but we got to the airport in time to drop off our rental & collect our boarding passes (checked in on-line via my blackberry). When we got to security I had to go back to check my carry-on bag. Full-size bottles of anything are a no-no. Well, turns out that it was too late to check in my bag so I ended up having to toss out my new products.
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OMG Im sorry you didnt get to use them... FWIW, I saw those Shikai products at vitamin shoppe today( slightly cheaper than WFs) ...

you can order them online


Thanks! I'm just glad I did not pick up a few bottles from the Aubrey Organics line. That stuff was like $9 per bottle. I had told my husband while at Whole Foods that it was probably a bit cheaper to order on-line but he suggested that I just buy them anyway. I like to smell my products so I am not big on on-line ordering....but at least I know now that the Shikai products don't smell bad. Someone had mentioned that the shikaikai shampoo bar smelled like urine so I was not trying to buy anything with shikaikai.
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I am sorry you had to throw away your products as the Shikai brand is not inexpensive. I was hot when the security folk took my Nature's Blessing. I wonder if they then get to go through the stuff they confiscate and take in home. Does anyone know? BTW: I live about five blocks away from the Whole Foods on Ponce.
I am sorry you had to throw away your products as the Shikai brand is not inexpensive. I was hot when the security folk took my Nature's Blessing. I wonder if they then get to go through the stuff they confiscate and take in home. Does anyone know? BTW: I live about five blocks away from the Whole Foods on Ponce.

Cool! I wish I had known. I would have stopped by :-)

I tossed my products in the garbage while still in the bag. I am hoping that nobody snagged them. I did take the receipt though......since it had my ATM card info. on it.