I am very excited right now!


New Member
Last night while getting my hair ready to be saturated with Amla to prepare for todays washing, I have truly realized that my hair has gotten very thick! My hair is dirty right now and a bit oily from the castor oil that I've used during the week and yet it hasn't fallen limp the way it used to.

My husband has noticed it and I noticed it was getting thicker, after a wash a few weeks ago, but I truly notice now that my hair is dirty! I just wanted to share with you all. Here is a photo from last night


I think it has to do with a combination of Vatika Oil, Amla Oil, my own personal concoction of natural oils that I'm still testing, lots of water and the daily excercise that I had been doing for the past few months. It is either that or a growth spurt, because I'm not seeing much length in these past few months, but a lot of volume!

I'm just excited ya'll! :woot:
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I can tell the difference as well. Even though your hair is pretty regardless. You've always been one of my LHCF "idols".
Congratz on your thickness. Your hair is gorgeous Energist. You use alma and vatika oil as an overnight prepoo? I did this a couple of times, maybe i need to continue it.
I'm excited too because I was able to create my favorite Rihanna inspired hair do with NO HEAT! check out my blog for pics!
Your hair looks great, very full and thick. The change is so clear. Where do you get your amla and vatika from? Do you order them online?
:) Thank you so much everyone! I owe a lot to learning from you ladies. I would not have known about certain techniques and products if it weren't for you all!

Wheezy yes I've been doing the overnight amla treatment once per week, the night before my wash. I use a very long oil dropper and just get it all over my scalp mainly and will then coat the rest of my hair, but not as much as what is on the scalp, and then cover with a plastic cap and head scarf. The vatika I had been using instead of castor oil on the length of the hair and ends, but I've now switched to castor oil. I may start to mix the two though, because somethings going on lol.
You know I had to run in here right?! :love: your hair! So.... when are you updating fotki or have you? *off to check* BTW yes your hair IS thicker and longer!

ETA: :pullhair: only 2 pics?! Come on :cry2:
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WOW!!! Just gorgeous! You're one of my hair idols as well, and you're the poster child for Amla and Vatika! Those are my two favorite staples!
Your hair looks so pretty Energist and yes I can tell your hair is fuller and thicker in the 2nd picture...and also longer. Congratulations!
Yes, your hair is definitely looking thicker. Scientifically, they say it isn't possible but it really does look thicker. Me likey!
Thanks again everyone :hug2: I knew that no other group would appreciate my excitement the way you all would. This might seem minute to the average person.

Hothair you're so funny :grin: I update the fotki every now and then, there are a few updates, but nothing big.

Miss Cherokee I am slowly falling in love with the castor oil! I had it in a bin with other oils that I ordered online to make some soaps and skincare products, but after reading all of the threads on it here, I had to jump in and try, and I'm so glad I did :yep:
Energist I was looking at your album and your hair has really progressed! You and your hair are beautiful!

I like using castor oil to seal also.