I am trying not be offended but I kinda am...


Well-Known Member
I have been thinking I might want to go to beauty school. Only thing is I am not all that good at styling. I can cornrow, braid, flat twist and need practice on TST on my own head haven't really tried them on someone else. Also of course I am going to have to learn how to weave I guess.

Today is my sisters picture day and she wanted to wear her hair straight. She wanted it bouncy and flowing. She doesn't know how to do hair for crap so I offered to do it since I have a nice flat iron and need the practice.

I washed and DC her hair. Her very coarse thick hair was VERY soft after. Then I put a leave in by CON and some IC heat protectant serum and blow dried her hair. Her hair had started to revert on the ends by the time I was done. THEN I flat ironed her hair. Her ends were fine at first but by the time we were done they were fuzzy in some places.

We got a late start so I wrapped her hair, applied some extra serum, and hoped for the best. When she woke up and unwrapped her hair this morning it was so stiff and her ends looked bad. We all need trims but DAYUM. Her face wasn't happy at ALL. I felt bad. I mean I did my best she only gave me a day. I set my Sedu 1.5 to about 360 because I didn't want to be the cause of any damage to her hair. Is that too low? She has some serious thick hair.

I guess I just feel bad because when I was trying to help fix her hair, the whole time she was just looking unhappy. SO i was like *** it you do it then. And so she went and threw some condish in her hair and she is going to wear her dried tight shrunken fro to school. I mean it's cute and all but it's never shaped nice and it's always so dry looking. I feel like as a natural sometimes we gotta represent harder because people are going to point and laugh and say things especially in highschool. Especially since we live in the land of gelled up, weaved up TO' up, dried thirsty hair. Their hair is cute, and to them her hair is nappy. Sometimes they say its soft like sheep wool...or whatever them little kids say to her.

What can I do next time to get better results?
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Gemini I would say the best thing for you to do is try a search here in the Hair forum. I know there have been lots of threads with REALLY good advice on how to get silky straight natural hair and some tutorials too.

In particular I remember this one by a girl named Patchuli - something like that. She was using all Chi products and her hair was BANGIN by the end.

A way to help hide uneven ends is to do a bump - with the ends curled under no one can really see the ends and then you only have to worry about the area that frames the face.
I did bump her ends lol. And they can out stiff and stick straight. I am going to watch youtube first cause that's easier and then I will check out the other girl.
Gemini I would say the best thing for you to do is try a search here in the Hair forum. I know there have been lots of threads with REALLY good advice on how to get silky straight natural hair and some tutorials too.

In particular I remember this one by a girl named Patchuli - something like that. She was using all Chi products and her hair was BANGIN by the end.

A way to help hide uneven ends is to do a bump - with the ends curled under no one can really see the ends and then you only have to worry about the area that frames the face.

here's patchouli's tutorials


Oh wow thanks guys. I tried to look it up the way Solie explained and nothing came up. I knew if I waited a little longer someone would come through. Thanks lots or reading. Hope I can get it down. I think I know where I may have messed up based on the little bit of research I have already done.
It sounds like you used too much product (applied extra serum). The trick to getting straight, blinging and swinging hair is to apply very little product. Also, make sure that you are applying the heat for drying her hair evenly to avoid some parts of her hair becoming fuzzy. If she has alot of hair that is thick you can dry in sections. Section the hair then dry each section if a section has airdryed by the time you get to it then rewet and apply the heat.
^^ I agree :yep:

When I straighten I already know I'm going to do it before I DC - so everything I do from that point on is geared towards putting my hair where it needs to be to get straight and silky. It even affects what sort of DC I'll do, b/c I know some ingredients will soften my hair more, or make it easier to manipulate. I always airdry over night in a stretched style so it's already detangled, and if I'm REALLY trying to flatten it out I'll go over small sections with a blow dryer before I even get to flat ironing.
I had Patchuli85 do my hair about a year ago, she did a great job! I have been working to learn her method.

I have never like my results straightening my hair myself. This weekend I did it for the first time sucsessfully. It seems that since I used very little heat protectant on my hair it came out better.
I had Patchuli85 do my hair about a year ago, she did a great job! I have been working to learn her method.

I have never like my results straightening my hair myself. This weekend I did it for the first time sucsessfully. It seems that since I used very little heat protectant on my hair it came out better.

Interesting because I always thought the more heat protectant the better the protection. I am so scared to use those small amounts the suggest. It just doesn't seem like enough.

I am going to DC her hair weekly with a moisturizing DC. Any suggestions for reasonable priced ones? If not, then I will try PM super charged? And then try to get some of those Chi products and try to straighten the weekend before her pics and then again if she needs it straightened again for picture day.