I am Stunned !!! Long Hair transitioners???


New Member
At the number of LONG HAIRED BLACK women transitioning from Relaxed to Natural. Is this a new trend among black women in general? Not all of these ladies are having problems maintaining relaxed hair although some are. Yes. Some naturals are getting their hair relaxed as well. It just seems to me that there is a greater number doing the big chop or transitioning. Why do you ladies think this is happening at this particular time? bonjour
Mahalialee4 said:
At the number of LONG HAIRED BLACK women transitioning from Relaxed to Natural. Is this a new trend among black women in general? Not all of these ladies are having problems maintaining relaxed hair although some are. Yes. Some naturals are getting their hair relaxed as well. It just seems to me that there is a greater number doing the big chop or transitioning. Why do you ladies think this is happening at this particular time? bonjour

I am so glad you asked this question because I thought the same thing last night. I probably could never wear my hair natural but I sure am curious about so many others going that route.
Well, I guess I'm one of those former long hair relaxed heads. :lol: Well, I can only speak for myself, but my reasons are pretty basic.

1. Health
2. I want to experience my natural hair (been relaxed since a child)
3. I like my natural hair (but definitely miss sleek styles) :grin:

But overall, I think many relaxed heads are trying the natural route, because society is changing along with the hair industry. Many realize that they can achieve the same sleek styles without using relaxers and tons of grease for a press. And thanks to wigs and extensions, many are able to transition without worrying about styling our hair, so it makes it easier.

Also, many people and job markets are alot more accepatable of natural styles. It's not as taboo as it used to be, to wear twists, dreads, braids, big hair, etc.

I think many naturals decide to go back to relaxing, because they truly understand the concept "It's just hair". They know that it will grow back and they can decide to do whatever they want at any time. And of course because of manageability. I'm sure the extra care and time that's needed to work with natural hair may start to wear on a person and then they decide to relax. It just depends what's best for you at the time.
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kitchen_tician said:
Well, I guess I'm one of those former long hair relaxed heads. :lol: Well, I can only speak for myself, but my reasons are pretty basic.

1. Health
2. I want to experience my natural hair (been relaxed since a child)
3. I like my natural hair (but definitely miss sleek styles) :grin:

But overall, I think many relaxed heads are trying the natural route, because society is changing along with the hair industry. Many realize that they can achieve the same sleek styles without using relaxers and tons of grease for a press. And thanks to wigs and extensions, many are able to transition without worrying about styling our hair, so it makes it easier.

Also, many people and job markets are alot more accepatable of natural styles. It's not as taboo as it used to be, to wear twists, dreads, braids, big hair, etc.

I'm wondering how women who live in humid areas, like I do, can wear any kind of straight style without a relaxer. My mom has a great head of hair probably 3c and she used to wear it pressed the whole time I was growing up with no problem (in Illinois) but when we moved to Texas...LAWD!!! She couldn't wear her straight lil jazzy style anymore without a relaxer so she had to do it. She no longer lives here so she's transitioned back but now she wears it curly most of the time, no straightening.
Cayenne0622 said:
I'm wondering how women who live in humid areas, like I do, can wear any kind of straight style without a relaxer. My mom has a great head of hair probably 3c and she used to wear it pressed the whole time I was growing up with no problem (in Illinois) but when we moved to Texas...LAWD!!! She couldn't wear her straight lil jazzy style anymore without a relaxer so she had to do it. She no longer lives here so she's transitioned back but now she wears it curly most of the time, no straightening.

They can't :lol: It takes too much to keep my hair straight even in the winter for some reason so if I flat iron my hair I am lucky to get 2 days before reversion.

I chose to transition because I felt it was too much work, money, and time to care for relaxed hair. I had to go to the salon because I was too scared to self relax and salon visits for me seemed to always turn into a whole day I would always sit there thinking what I could have been doing with my time. I also consider my natural hair much less "high maintenance"
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I noticed a lot of ladies, around here are transioning.

most of the reasons are because they do not know how to maintain perms,

there hairs breaking etc...
kitchen_tician said:
Well, I guess I'm one of those former long hair relaxed heads. :lol: Well, I can only speak for myself, but my reasons are pretty basic.

1. Health
2. I want to experience my natural hair (been relaxed since a child)
3. I like my natural hair (but definitely miss sleek styles) :grin:

But overall, I think many relaxed heads are trying the natural route, because society is changing along with the hair industry. Many realize that they can achieve the same sleek styles without using relaxers and tons of grease for a press. And thanks to wigs and extensions, many are able to transition without worrying about styling our hair, so it makes it easier.

Also, many people and job markets are alot more accepatable of natural styles. It's not as taboo as it used to be, to wear twists, dreads, braids, big hair, etc.

I think many naturals decide to go back to relaxing, because they truly understand the concept "It's just hair". They know that it will grow back and they can decide to do whatever they want at any time. And of course because of manageability. I'm sure the extra care and time that's needed to work with natural hair may start to wear on a person and then they decide to relax. It just depends what's best for you at the time.

I concur totally, especially with the "it's just hair" part.
I think everyone will have their own reasons for going natural, but I know for myself it would definately be a challenge, just to see if I could reach waistlength natural. So when and if I ever reach waistlength relaxed and played all my hair styles out and need something new to do I'll probably go natural. Hopefully I won't be so attached to my length by then, lol.
I transitioned because I didn't want to use relaxers anymore. I didn't have any problems with them and I had fairly long hair (BSL). I really just got fed up with kinda being dependent on relaxers. And the idea of continuing with that for years to come was not attractive to me. I wanted to experience my natural hair. It seemed like it would be "freeing" somehow. And it was. There is definitely some spiritual and emotional parts to my journey, as well. At this point, I'm REALLY glad I transitioned.

Every person will have their own reasons. The hardest part for me was cutting off over 10 inches of my hair. :eek:
wantlonghealthyhair said:
I noticed a lot of ladies, around here are transioning.

most of the reasons are because they do not know how to maintain perms,

there hairs breaking etc...

That is not why I am transitioning. I just wanted to be all natural and free of chemical dyes seeping into my scalp. After learning so much about chemicals and the human body (i'm in my first year of med school and did a pre-med post back program) and interacting with unhealthy people I decided to change my life style. That includes trying to eat better and stay away from potentially harmful things.

If I only eat organic chicken free of pesticides and hormones (majority of the time unless I am out) and organic fruits and vegetable that are not being sprayed with pesitcides....then why use chemicals in my hair.

My friend watched an autopsy and told me that you can tell if a woman had relaxers when she was alive because it leaves a sort of film in your head.

I was also VERY curious about what my natural hair looked like and I can do straight styles if I want to and my hair looks relaxed. But it was not because I don't know how to maintain a perm...
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I've been thinking of going natural for awhile now. I recently decided to stick with the relaxer. The pros for me at this point in my life outweigh the cons of being relaxed. Relaxed, natural, I love both!
NewYorkgyrl said:
That is not why I am transitioning. I just wanted to be all natural and free of chemical dyes seeping into my scalp. After learning so much about chemicals and the human body (i'm in my first year of med school and did a pre-med post back program) and interacting with unhealthy people I decided to change my life style. That includes trying to eat better and stay away from potentially harmful things.

If I only eat organic chicken free of pesticides and hormones (majority of the time unless I am out) and organic fruits and vegetable that are not being sprayed with pesitcides....then why use chemicals in my hair.

My friend watched an autopsy and told me that you can tell if a woman had relaxers when she was alive because it leaves a sort of film in your head.

I was also VERY cuirous about what my natural hair looked like and I can do straight styles if I want to and my hair looks relaxed. But it was not because I don't know how to maintain a perm...

I meant a lot of ladies around my neighbour hood :lol: lol,
Your reason for going natural is also my reason...:)
sometimes I feel that people who transition because they don't know how to maintain a perm are transitioning for the wrong reasons because it could be all about their hair routine...or lack of. I knew one girl like that. But because she didn't know how to make her relaxed hair healthier being natural didn't benefit her much either. But hey I can't change the way people think.
Mahalialee4 said:
At the number of LONG HAIRED BLACK women transitioning from Relaxed to Natural. Is this a new trend among black women in general?

Yes it is a trend that I am VERY thankful for:D I hope it lasts, but if it doesn't, oh well

Not all of these ladies are having problems maintaining relaxed hair although some are. Some naturals are getting their hair relaxed as well.

Mi madre just relaxed her hair. I wanted to just die. Literally. I couldn't believe it. She inspired me to go natural and now she has relaxed hair. the irony:lol:

Ultimately everyone has their own personal reasons for going natural. On a grander scale of things, I think a part of it has to do with The media. They have started portraying black women with natural hair in commercials, movies, tv shows, magazines, etc.
I'll probably go natural again in 07. If my hair was longer, I probably would've stayed natural. I just don't know how to maintain my natural hair short. I could put in in a pony tail if it was longer.
I am among the recent transitioners and I have to say that for me I have been relaxed since I was in the third grade and I am now 21 and the first time I have had a glimpse of my natural texture was when I did a 6 month relaxer stretch this year. After I did that stretch then relaxed my hair I started thinking about going natural. And just recently decided to go ahead and transition. I am just tired of always wearing my hair straight. Yeah I can do braidouts and rollersets and things like that but I think it is high time I got to know the natural Tiffany. Check our more of my reasoning in my Fotki album under My Journals.

The Time Has Come!!!
kitchen_tician said:
Well, I guess I'm one of those former long hair relaxed heads. :lol: Well, I can only speak for myself, but my reasons are pretty basic.

1. Health
2. I want to experience my natural hair (been relaxed since a child)
3. I like my natural hair (but definitely miss sleek styles) :grin:

But overall, I think many relaxed heads are trying the natural route, because society is changing along with the hair industry. Many realize that they can achieve the same sleek styles without using relaxers and tons of grease for a press. And thanks to wigs and extensions, many are able to transition without worrying about styling our hair, so it makes it easier.

Also, many people and job markets are alot more accepatable of natural styles. It's not as taboo as it used to be, to wear twists, dreads, braids, big hair, etc.

I think many naturals decide to go back to relaxing, because they truly understand the concept "It's just hair". They know that it will grow back and they can decide to do whatever they want at any time. And of course because of manageability. I'm sure the extra care and time that's needed to work with natural hair may start to wear on a person and then they decide to relax. It just depends what's best for you at the time.

Good points. I had shoulder lenght relaxed hair which is not long by anyone standards. I did want to grow my hair out of the perm. I wanted to see what my natural hair looked like.
I did the BC with BSL hair. I decided to go natural becasue like someone else stated, I got tired of the time consuming salon visits, and the time consuming styling of doing/maintaining relaxed hair. My hair has always been healthy. My hair only broke off once and that was becasue my ignorant self used a Dark and Lovely Permanant hair dye. :eek: I got a DPR treatment by Dudley ( I think thats what its called!) and all was well afterwards. So no, hair health wasnt my reason. I always wanted to go natural so I just decided to shave my hair bald one day. My stance was its only hair and it will grow back. If I ever want strait hair, I can press it and then go back to my kinks. I can have the best of both worlds. ;)
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I know for me it was definitely spiritual. It was a way for me to begin to accept myself for who I am instead of trying to conform to who everyone else expected me to be. I did my big chop back in 1998. My family, friends, and co-workers all thought that I was crazy because I had long, healthy, relaxed hair.:eek: It was definitely a trying time because I was in the military at the time and as my hair started to grow I had a hard time finding products that would work on natural black hair and allow me to abide by army standards. It is easier now because there are so many different options for us now.

I had dreadlocks for six years and I just took them down about three months ago, so I am getting to know my hair all over again and I am enjoying every minute of it.:lol:

100% Natural
4A Hair
i cut off my long relaxed hair too which shocked my relatives because having long relaxed hair was considered a rarity. i hated the maintenance and cons and never really liked straight hair. i didnt transition for long because i hated having 2 textures.
I began my transition about a year and a half ago on my college campus. Another girl in my dorm started a month before me ( I didn't know though) and we both BC around the same time. One of my friends once commented that she could never transition, now a year later she has already begun growing her relaxer out. I hesitate to say I may have started a trend on my campus, but many more ladies (teammates and friends) are considering letting go of their relaxed hair. I am pleased that they no longer feel as if relaxing is something they HAVE to do and now realize they have optioons. I am proud to have facilitated this change in mindset.
Mahalialee4 said:
At the number of LONG HAIRED BLACK women transitioning from Relaxed to Natural. Is this a new trend among black women in general? Not all of these ladies are having problems maintaining relaxed hair although some are. Yes. Some naturals are getting their hair relaxed as well. It just seems to me that there is a greater number doing the big chop or transitioning. Why do you ladies think this is happening at this particular time? bonjour

My honest opinion answer to this question is because natural looking hair is becoming trendy. You see it a lot on videos and commercials.

It is seen everywhere now. That's my personal view on it.
I cut off my healthy permed hair 3 years ago. I did not have problems taking care of my relaxed hair.

I just wanted to be natural. I think natural, nappy, kinky, coily, hair is fly.

I love the way my natural hair feels like cotton.
The way it loves water, I don't have to run out of the rain.
I love the way it curls up around my finger when I am playing in it.
I love how versitile it is. I can do every style out there fro, twist, braids, straight, mohawk, roller set, et.....
and without extentions (I am not trying to make the chinese rich any more)

I also got tired of the salon over night stays:lol:

someone on another site said she thought about how she was applying a chemical on her head that had all kinds of warnings on the box. You have to wear gloves to apply this chemical to your head. It made me think. All the scabs and soars are are not worth it to me at this time.

Mostly that society had me so brain washed into thinking that how God made me was bad!

I think India Arie said it best. I AM NOT MY HAIR.

Don't get me wrong I like natural and relaxed her.
But for know I am loving my Nappiness:lachen:

I had very long relaxed hair about 10 years ago, but I only relaxed once (virgin hair). Therefore I had no clue how to take care of my hair so I decided to cut it all off to about an inch length after 3-4 months of having relaxed hair. It just wasn't for me.

For other people, maybe they feel that they already made the "relaxed" journey and want to try something new?
My Q to the long transitioners is how long does it take to grow out the relaxer? Is it possible to be natural without the BC? I want to grow my natural hair long first before transitioning again.:ohwell: I know that if I BC my hair short again, that I'll relax it just as I have over and over again. This time, I'm going to focus on learning more styles with my hair and be patient as it grows.
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DDtexlaxd said:
My Q to the long transitioners is how long does it take to grow out the relaxer? Is it possible to be natural without the BC? I want to grow my natural hair long first before transitioning again.:ohwell: I know that if I BC my hair short again, that I'll relax it just as I have over and over again. This time, I'm going to focus on learning more styles with my hair and be patient as it grows.

How long it takes to grow out a relaxer varies so much. It is definitely possible to be natural w/o the bc, it would just be harder to style if your textures are so different. Luckily my relaxed hair was not much different from my natural hair because my hair just would not relax straight no matter how hard I tried to get it to. The noticeable difference with my relaxed hair and natural hair was the thickness. If you don't want short natural hair just continue to get trims until your natural hair is the length you want it to be.
ITA with Cincy. So much depends on your actual length and the desired length you want. I'm not sure how long I'll keep transitioning, but I like retaining my length and still growing my natural hair. The extra time and work, may be too much for some, but I think it's worth it, b/c I'm still satisfied with the it. Wigs and phony ponies are my saving grace. :)

DDtexlaxd said:
My Q to the long transitioners is how long does it take to grow out the relaxer? Is it possible to be natural without the BC? I want to grow my natural hair long first before transitioning again.:ohwell: I know that if I BC my hair short again, that I'll relax it just as I have over and over again. This time, I'm going to focus on learning more styles with my hair and be patient as it grows.
Thanks 4 yr replies CBS and Kitchtician. The reason I relaxed was because my texlaxed hair was 1/2 strait and 1/2 wavy. Styling it was impossible. This time I have a short cut that I have to grow out. I have alot of research 2 do. I loved my nat hair, but couldn't stand the fact that I could only do one thing, wash n go. I need my hair 2 B longer so I don't get discouraged. I also have hard 2 relax hair and it is reverting a bit in the sides. With MTG use, my hair will look like I need a touch up in 2-3 weeks, so I have been barely using it. Now I'll be using it full time with a goal to grow this cut out. I'm going to attempt this long transition route and will be working on learning how 2 style my hair. I'll be stalking all albums again.:lol: