I am Stunned !!! Long Hair transitioners???

Cichelle said:
I transitioned because I didn't want to use relaxers anymore. I didn't have any problems with them and I had fairly long hair (BSL). I really just got fed up with kinda being dependent on relaxers. And the idea of continuing with that for years to come was not attractive to me. I wanted to experience my natural hair. It seemed like it would be "freeing" somehow. And it was. There is definitely some spiritual and emotional parts to my journey, as well. At this point, I'm REALLY glad I transitioned.

Every person will have their own reasons. The hardest part for me was cutting off over 10 inches of my hair. :eek:

OK, Cichelle, It seems like I wrote this post myself!

ditto, ditto, & ditto :)
I pretty much had no choice after a relaxer made my hair break. So I transitioned after doing a lot of research on the internet and realizing that I didn't "have" to relax my hair. Now, I'm so glad I did. I love my natural hair. I love its versatility. I love not having to deal with new growth. I do hate that I have to worry about sweating and it reverting my hair though. :/ My hair was waistlength when I began to transition and I'm slowly working my way back to that but hopefully thicker and healthier this time.
I pretty much had no choice after a relaxer made my hair break. So I transitioned after doing a lot of research on the internet and realizing that I didn't "have" to relax my hair. Now, I'm so glad I did. I love my natural hair. I love its versatility. I love not having to deal with new growth. I do hate that I have to worry about sweating and it reverting my hair though. :/ My hair was waistlength when I began to transition and I'm slowly working my way back to that but hopefully thicker and healthier this time.
DDtexlaxd said:
My Q to the long transitioners is how long does it take to grow out the relaxer? Is it possible to be natural without the BC? I want to grow my natural hair long first before transitioning again.:ohwell: I know that if I BC my hair short again, that I'll relax it just as I have over and over again. This time, I'm going to focus on learning more styles with my hair and be patient as it grows.

I've been back to relaxing for over 4 years but when I was natural I never did the BC. I transistioned for probably close to 3 years. I wore braids the entire time so it wasn't really that hard.
i think it's mostly because most black women have had their hair relaxed since they were very young children. that wasn't my case but i understand the urge to see what your natural hair looks like.
Well, I'm 13 months into my Transition, my hair overall is fairly long. I decided to Transition simply because I grew tired of relaxing my hair and I wanted to fully embrace my natural God given texture. My hair wasnt damaged or breaking off, it just was something I wanted to do. :)