I am putting myself on a personal HAIR and HEALTH challenge!!!


New Member
Anyone want to join? I'm putting myself on a personal hair and health challenge to improve myself all around. I'm hoping the things I do for health will affect my hair and body for the better. Here is what I will be doing.

For health AND hair
1)Exercise 30-45 minutes, 5X a week
2)Drink 64 ounces of water daily
3)STOP eating junk food...pick up eating fruits, vegetables, lean meats, low fat dairy products, and cut down on eating bread (wheat only)
4)Dedicate myself to getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night

For hair specifically
1)Stop pressing my hair as often...instead of once a month I will press it once every 3 months
2)Trim every 3 months
3)Deep condition EVERY SINGLE WEEK (NO excuses)
4)Protective styles...braids until i can get it all in a bun (will take about 2 months) and from then on I will be bunning it up and doing the baggie method
5)Be gentle
I will also be making an album specifically for this challenge to mark my progress.
So...would anyone like to join me??

That's exactly what I"ve been doing. See my signature :D .

I'm in my own little challenge world.
I'm in!

Personal Health Care:

1) Quit Smoking
2) Drink more water
3) Excercise 5 days a week
4)Take my vitamins daily
5) Eat more protein
6)Limit my sweets
7) Start going to bed earlier


1)Stretching relaxers
2)Moisterizing my hair everyday
3)Doing the baggie method
4)Deep condition once a week
5)ACV rinses/baking sode rinses
6)Put a satin scarf on at night
7)Little manipulation
Hey this sounds great just had a baby and while my hair has been responding from all the great advice that I get from the forum-my body, well my body is just... well it could be alot better. Besides I live 10 min. away from Miami Beach :cool: do you know what it's like down here. When were not bracing from Hurricanes then eveyone is strutting there stuff. I want to have great hair flowing from a great body. In fact let me hit my exercise bike. PM anybody lets really do this:grin: .
;) This challenge sounds like a great idea! Count me in!

Here are my personal goals:

Wear braids to reach my first length goal of 16" (by August, 06)
Take hair vitamins (3) daily
MTG and leave-in daily
Shampoo and deep condition twice per week
Use only silk pillowcases and scarves

Exercise 30-60 minutes Monday thru Friday
Prayer and meditation daily
Take Multi, B complex, Flax seed, and Green tea vitamins daily
Drink more water- 10 glasses
Limit take out and restaurant meals
Connect family and (positive) friends to reduce stress

When is our start date?
I'm in!!!! :yep: :yep:

Switiching to All-Natural Hair Products
Using Only Bone Combs
Trimming Every 6-8 Weeks
Wear Satin Scarf Or Hat On Windy Days
Moisturize Ends In AM & PM
Moisturize Scalp Every Other Day

Health & Body:
Increase Water Intake to 72oz/Daily
Drinking Only 100%, Unsweetened Fruit Juices
Switching From Coffee to Decaffinated Green or Chai Tea
Use Honey Instead Of Sugar
Decrease Sodium Intake
Increase Folic Acid Intake
Increase Protein Intake
Commit To Getting 8 Hours Of Sleep
Use All-Natural Skin Care Products
YAY I'm glad yall are with me on this! We can just call it what it is "The Personal Health and Hair Challenge"

I loved what someone posted above about saying they wanted great hair flowing from a great body! That's what I'm talkin about!

No time limits on this challenge! It's a personal thing just to better ourselves. Of course we can have a time goal to get to the MAIN goal but after that the challenge doesn't end! The challenge becomes MAINTAINING the reached goal.

My goal is to have 4 more inches and 40 pounds lost in the next 5 months!

Let's have the official starting date set at November 1, 2005...that way it makes it easier for me to post update threads. I will do an update thread every other month for us to post our progress on! So be looking out for an update thread on January 1!
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I would like to be in on this one. Here's my plan:
Continue w/my regimen
Purchasing the best combs and brushes
Always wearing my satin scarf
Taking my vitamins
MTGing regularly
Retaining everything w/the exception of 1/2" trim only if needed for the year
NO Dying/Coloring until I reach BSL
No more PJism, only replace the products that have been working. (unless they cross my hair)
take vitamins everyday
increase protein intake
increase water intake
continue not drinking soda and only drink carrot juice or 100% fruit & veggie drinks
I would like to gain 20-25lbs, (I know most pple want to loose well I would like to maintain or gain since my metabolism is high)
exercising at least 20-30 min. a day
Eating more baked, steamed or broiled foods like fish and chicken instead of fried.
Im wit'cha ATL! BTW I love your hair! Ive been on my challeneg for baout 3 months now... No progress. Im al eating healthier but the weight has satyed the same. Im doing really well with my hair.
I'm definitely in.

-Suzanne Sommers eat cheat and lose the weight book program (no sugars, white flour, rice)
- Firm up with pilates 1x-3x a week (I have fibromyalgia and it flares up badly)
- Dance practice (Gotta get ready for powwow season)

- Protective styling
- Moisturizing and MTG'ing consistently
- scalp massages (also helps my migraines)

consistency with tying up my hair at night, protective styling and taking my vitamins


drinking more water, eating more fruits and veggies and less junk, exercising harder to really take off the weight
I have put together my own little challenge as well. I plan to run and lift weights 5 times a week. As far as the hair, I plan to wear it in a bun for the winter and protect the ends by tucking them under in order to retain length.

By the summer of '06 I plan to be BSL and tight bodied back down to a solid size 6 vs. the size 8 I am right now.

Just in time for the FAMU vs. TSU Game in Atlanta for '06.
I'm in, I started in September. I have only lost 5 lbs but I feel better and I know my hair is benefiting.

protective styles all the time: twists (no added hair) and braids (added hair)
shampoo/condition once a week
deep condition twice a month
no heat

Overall health:
multi-vitamin everyday
64oz of water, hopefully I will be able to up that
exercise 45-60min 3-5x a week
no junk food, chips, take out, or eating out of boredom.
I'm definitely in, too! :yep:

I'm already doing this. I drink lots of water, have started eating healthier and exercising more. I don't use heat and wash my hair, frequently. I make adjustments as needed.
I am definetly in! Time for some motivation. I have been very successful over the past year using the forum but have gotten lazy. Time to step it up. Currently my hair is about 1.5 inch from brastrap. Goal is to reach a healthy trimmed bra strap by Spring 06.

MTG every other day or daily if possible
Vitamins- get back on top of it. GNC Hair, Skin & Nails and Nourishair alongside Biotin (may add MSM and Evening Primoise Oil).
Moisturize Daily and oil daily
No heat
CW every other day


Continue on Diet & Exercise Plan
Limit Starches and Bread. Only brown rice and wheat bread
Limit sweets and candy
No Junck
Drink water always- no soda and juice
lExercise 5 x a week. Running/Spining/Boot Camp 3 x a week Bosu/Weight Training 2x a week
Yes, i would like to join this challenge. I have started my own personal challenge with hair since the beginning of October. Also, i have been telling myself I was going to lose 15 pounds for a while but I haven't been motivated to start working out.