I am an accomplice to the disturbing ww/bm phenom

I know i am an accomplice bc i have two white friends that like black men and we go man gazing together!!!!!!
I don't spend time with substandard white women. I would feel kind of used. I would think they are with me and/or checking for black men because they are flawed - so F them.

Call it racist but my friends who are white are lovely to look at and don't use me to help them dig up black guys.
I don't spend time with substandard white women. I would feel kind of used. I would think they are with me and/or checking for black men because they are flawed - so F them.

Call it racist but my friends who are white are lovely to look at and don't use me to help them dig up black guys.

^^^^^:lol: :rofl: :rofl:
This thread...:nono::lol: I was under the assumption that white, Asian, and Hispanic women are preferred by black men from the numerous threads on LHCF. WHITE WOMEN DON'T NEED OUR HELP TO GET A BLACK MAN. They can be ugly as sin or overweight and still get a man. Those are your words...:lol: This is because some black men deem us as having no value and view us as loud, ghetto...whatever. Black women need to love themselves more and respect themselves more than put up with some man who treats them as sub human, just to say they got a black man.:rolleyes::ohwell:
There's a difference between average women of any race and fat/unnattractive women of every race. Or are you saying fat whiteness trumps regular blackness? :nono:
I'm concerned about the amount of women in this thread who appear to be threatened by or defer to trash whiteness. :look: Like, srsly.
There's a difference between average women of any race and fat/unnattractive women of every race. Or are you saying fat whiteness trumps regular blackness? :nono:
I'm not saying this at all, if you are referring to my post. I'm saying that is like the common words expressed by the women of LHCF. There are just so many threads on this subject with the same point of view. I'm saying that black women should have more esteem for themselves to even care. If we can't love ourselves for who and how we are, how do we expect another man to do so?:rolleyes: I hope this answered your question.
Generally when the subject comes up the consensus is that fat white women are taking off our hands the men that black women don't want. So I'm not really sure how that translates into what you're saying (frankly not even really sure what you're saying). What are the "common words" expressing the "same point of view"? Yes, in hindsight, I'm not really sure what you're getting at - if you could come right out and say it?
My uncle is married to a WW with all the characteristics you listed. And for good reason. Neither one of them can hold down a job and even with that knowledge they continue to have kids. When he calls my mom the conversation always ends with "can you send me a few dollars?" He has always picked overweight woman because he knew he could get over on them.

I felt really bad for one in particular but she knew exactly what she was getting by messing with him so now when she complains, because you know they had a kid, I don't even bat an eye.
Yall so crazy. I read some of this thread Saturday and then yesterday in Whole Foods a saw a couple of "substandard" WW and ratchet BM and the first time I just giggled on the inside but the second time it tickled me so much I let out a little laugh. Um.
Yes, you're describing my ex bff a T. I was never an accomplice, but everytime the story played out exactly like I thought it would, I would just laugh and shake my head on the inside. :look:

Then I have a hispanic friend who secretly believes shes above black women, even though she dates the most raggedy, rathchet black dudes she can find. I laugh at her too. I wouldnt want any man she's ever dated, but she can continue to place herself on a pedestal. We'll see who comes out ahead at the end.
who cares black men dont belong to only black women the same way black women dont belong only to black men ,we need to get over this way of thinking ,this feeling of "entitlement " ,we re human being with options .
forgive me for being blunt ,I think you are a bit of an hypocrite to call yourself a friend when you obviously have such a low opinion of her ,you seem to find her so disgusting ,let her be and distance yourself from her .Some men are dogs regardless of race just tell her to wear a condom so she wont catch something ,thats all you have to tell her ,no need to dictate who she should have sex with .
I don't have a low opinion of her, or think she's disgusting but um.... she is overweight, and she does have a higher tolerance for trash men :look: those are objective facts, sorry. Who said anything about who she should sleep with? :rolleyes:

Dial it down a notch.

At least the serious negro shenanigans attitude gave us a whole page first.
who cares black men dont belong to only black women the same way black women dont belong only to black men ,we need to get over this way of thinking ,this feeling of "entitlement " ,we re human being with options .
forgive me for being blunt ,I think you are a bit of an hypocrite to call yourself a friend when you obviously have such a low opinion of her ,you seem to find her so disgusting ,let her be and distance yourself from her .Some men are dogs regardless of race just tell her to wear a condom so she wont catch something ,thats all you have to tell her ,no need to dictate who she should have sex with .

This thread was about a white woman who seemingly wants to use her friendship with a black woman to meet black men. Some are okay with that, some are not.
I swear mutha suckers always gotta get serious in a thread... uggghhhh... no really read the freaking thread already... Undercover agent you... It was a light hearted thread... Well in my eyes at least...
I swear mutha suckers always gotta get serious in a thread... uggghhhh... no really read the freaking thread already... Undercover agent you... It was a light hearted thread... Well in my eyes at least...
Calm down with the swearing , getting all worked up over a comment *sigh*
I don't have a low opinion of her, or think she's disgusting but um.... she is overweight, and she does have a higher tolerance for trash men :look: those are objective facts, sorry. Who said anything about who she should sleep with? :rolleyes:

Dial it down a notch.

At least the serious negro shenanigans attitude gave us a whole page first.
and thats all good.All im saying is ,I dont see the point in pretending its all good when you have a problem with her behavior ,if you dont like what she does or the way she is perhaps you should just leave her alone altogether ,dont help her find more men ,i m sure she ll be able to find em online .