I always thought you were exaggerating.....

this is exactly why now when people compliment my hair and then i see them coming in for the touch and feel i pull out my trusty scarf and it leaves them lookin like:sad: but i dont care anymore i dont care if there feelings get hurt dont flippin touchhhhhhhhh me:gunner7:

if you think im joking ask my MAMA what i just did in church 4 sundays ago and she'll tell you the exact same story:elf:
:grouphug: Girl, I would be just as freaked out as you. Continue to be strong girl, and don't hurt nobody. I don't wanna read about you in USA Today jacking someone up in Missouri in the wilderness.
O.M.Gosh! Rude,rude people.Sorry that happend to you.Hope the rest of your stay in nice.
(I had one lady pull my hair then say oh,its REAL.WTH) Happy Hair Growing!
I can imagine a rural Mizzou-rian (hehehe, Rock Chalk Jayhawk!) touching a Black person's hair. Where the heck is this town, I have to see this because I'm in total shock lolol! But then again, the states out "West" are much larger and there's more rural area. If people don't see the cities, they maybe think the whole state is rural and cowntruh-acting and fake like those silly folks? I know I think most W. Pennsylvanians are stupid lolol...

I still don't get it. White country folks from Kansas and Missouri touching Black hair Ahahahaha! Let them cowntruh gals try that mess in St. Louis :drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk: rat-a-tat-tat! Or on Prospect or Troost in KCMO :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:Hell, Quindaro Blvd in KCK!:gunner7:
:lachen::lachen:Especially Quindaro Blvd.

I am so sorry this happened to you. I understabd how you feel when people want to touch your hair or body and you know they have not washed their hands. To me that is soooo gross!!! Hopefully your training will be over soon.