Hype Hair and Black Hair Magazine are both Guilty of Fraud..

ITA with everything. I did an internship in college where I worked with other black female interns, and they used to tell me to read hair magazines so I could learn to do something with my hair. How could I when the magazines are full of models and celebrities with weaves, hairpieces, and hair much longer or much shorter than mine.

That Black Beauty magazine is definitely at Borders and Barnes & Noble. I saw it there a few years ago. I forgot about that magazine.
LMAO. I just got home from braiding my best friends hair. I read all your responses and all I have to say is I am always the last to know. I bought one Black Hair magazine when I was in high school. I never bought one since. I go online to look at hair styles I like. The other day in Walgreens and I planned to buy a black hair magazine, because I thought it would show me something new. All I saw were fake hair (nothing wrong with that)...but then I noticed they started to plug their products, like your hair would like that if you used this. I was like, "oh hell to da nah," I know Mary J. have weave in...what the heck. That's when I grabbed another hair magazine thinking it was going to show me something different and it was the same crap. I was like ohh forget this mess. I better off on my own (with lhcf).
See I just picked up a copy of Hype Hair after not seeing it for a long time (years) and notice this too. I like Black Sophisticates better and I will continue to buy it. Hype Hair did more articles on people instead of interviewing them and I love BS section where they let people ask a hair specialist who gives the same advice I hear on the boards and from stylists.
Jessy55 said:
I figured that out years ago. It's a shame you can't get an honest black hair magazine!! That's why I am sticking to hair forums.
I hear you, too many of those mags have the same pics in them for year after year. I have a book from 2002 and my co worker had one from 2004 with the exact same style and model in them. :(
I never really thought about that until reading this thread. It makes sense, and the only time I browse through them is when I am at the salon getting a touch-up to pass the time and it's more than Hype and other black magazines.
I agree with all of you, I like this forum better because you have Real Women with Real Hair and not Celebrities with all this weave all the time and then claim that it is all their hair (no offense to anyone). But I remember when Kelly from destinys child had her hair Relaxed in SBH about 3 years ago and then Last year she says she hasn't relaxed her hair in 5 years until she used the new Dark n Lovely No Lye Relaxer and I am like did you forget what you said in the last Magazine:eek: ! I still have those magazines.

But I mean to each is own but I like to see real women working 9-5 with families that can take care of their hair and grow it to great lengths without having the Luxury of celebrity stylist etc. I mean you ladies have Beautiful Hair and it is very Healthy, I think that they need to move those Celebrities out and put some of these LHC Forum women in their:lol:!!
I can't believe those stupid magazines even still exist!:eek:

Are they still recycling the same styles from issue to issue?
I totally agree. I wish they would show more of the actual mechanics involved in acheiving these styles. I guess they don't want to make beaticians mad. :lol:
You gals could have not said it any better. These magazine lie... Its mainly just advertising to get the sistahs to purchase diffrent products that cater to women of color.
What leaves a bad taste in my mouth are the celebs or celeb stylists who say "(Insert name) has a pretty hair texture or a smooth hair texture or has naturally curly hair and doesn't need a relaxer".

First of all, the same bad hair sentiment is reinforced here. It is nice if the hair is a smooth texture, but NEEDInG a relaxer? So, do my 4b natural sistahs NEED a perm, but Beyonce or Nivea (and the list goes on and on) don't. I mean, we all got some texture.

Just cause I have a medium texture doesn't mean I'm gonna go around saying I don't NEED aperm. It's a choice to do it, whether you got wooly, curly, or wavy hair.

And sometimes, it's obvious that the chick is wearing a weave anyway. Some claim their hair is just as long as the weave, but they are just using pieces for fullness. Okay, but if your hair is at your butt in SBH, but on the street you are at shoulder length, something ain't right.
melodee said:
What leaves a bad taste in my mouth are the celebs or celeb stylists who say "(Insert name) has a pretty hair texture or a smooth hair texture or has naturally curly hair and doesn't need a relaxer".

First of all, the same bad hair sentiment is reinforced here. It is nice if the hair is a smooth texture, but NEEDInG a relaxer? So, do my 4b natural sistahs NEED a perm, but Beyonce or Nivea (and the list goes on and on) don't. I mean, we all got some texture.

Just cause I have a medium texture doesn't mean I'm gonna go around saying I don't NEED aperm. It's a choice to do it, whether you got wooly, curly, or wavy hair.

And sometimes, it's obvious that the chick is wearing a weave anyway. Some claim their hair is just as long as the weave, but they are just using pieces for fullness. Okay, but if your hair is at your butt in SBH, but on the street you are at shoulder length, something ain't right.

Thank you! I hate when I read stuff like that. :perplexed