What do you think about what she's doing?

  • DEDICATION right there! Wonderful she's doing this to help transitioning sisters out!

    Votes: 49 24.9%
  • Not a great idea at all! Why take such drastic measures? You can still help!

    Votes: 75 38.1%
  • She know she just want straight hair again "for a season" LOL!

    Votes: 51 25.9%
  • On the fence, I see both sides.

    Votes: 22 11.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
One professional to another, I think it's a shrewd business move and genius marketing.

As somebody who has transitioned once already, I think she's insane.

I'll be subscribed through her journey because I think it will be very interesting to watch. Although, I lightweight expect it to be mostly scripted.
oh and may i add. she just wants straight hair for a season. crazy doe doe bird..........(whispers under breath and leaves thread)
She's not dumb. It's her hair. Maybe part of the reason is because she wanted a change. There are members here who have done this exact same thing so no need for name calling :)
Her name sounds very familiar to me but i can't quite put my finger on it.
I'm not mad at her...stupid idea or not,it can be seen as bold and people will definitely pay attention to her for it.
Way to guarantee having your name out there for an amount of time(at the very least until the end of her transition).

I was however,slightly miffed by her "Barney and Friends" tone.:ohwell:
I'm a grown arse woman dawg!:lachen:
Kudos to her, because if handled correctly and she gets a decent amount of PR out of it, it could do wonders for her book and product sales because it compounds her abilities as someone who is probably denoted as an expert in black hair care. For the consumer there's nothing like actually seeing proof for yourself. Way to go!
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It's her hair and if she's not complaining then I shouldn't be either. I'm relaxed now, but I have transitioned in the past so I'm aware of the negative/positive aspects of it. Whether she just wants to be relaxed for a season or not, transitioning still requires DEDICATION. Therefore, I chose the first option.:grin:
Her name sounds very familiar to me but i can't quite put my finger on it.

It's because she has a line of hair products. I originally heard of her from, not so much over here.
She seems like a nice lady, but there's not a doubt in my mind that she's doing this to show how her products can be used on both relaxed and natural hair with an added emphasis on how her products will make transitioning "easy".
Did I miss it? Was it live? She said Dec 30, at 7pm.
The last video I saw was the 3-day countdown. Maybe she changed her mind.
I actually appreciate this as someone who is transitioning without the BC. It will be interesting to see how she deals with the two textures.
If she is trying to sell something and she is going to use it on her own hair to show its efficiency I say WAY TO GO!! That IS great marketing and I think she could sell a lot of products doing that...guess she wants to put her money where her mouth is...
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I think that's really awesome of her! She got some pretty bad comments to her video, but I don't really see what the big deal is...:perplexed
I think it's a business move. And it's not like she's tattooing her face or something. Relaxing is not permanent. Plus she might welcome the change. I actually enjoyed my transition--there are some who do. It gave me something to look forward to, and it's like growing out a hair cut. There are so many stages along the way and that gave variety. So that could be another factor.
I think it's extremely smart on her part. Probably will generate a lot of interest in her advice and/or website. People will also see her as self sacrificing for the good of natural hair education. Very smart.
I think it's a business move. And it's not like she's tattooing her face or something. Relaxing is not permanent. Plus she might welcome the change. I actually enjoyed my transition--there are some who do. It gave me something to look forward to, and it's like growing out a hair cut. There are so many stages along the way and that gave variety. So that could be another factor.
I agree with you. Not everyone is afraid of transitioning or cutting their hair. How is she insane or dumb for doing what she wants to with her hair?:ohwell: For some of us it is just hair. Some people have the confidence in knowing that they can grow a beautiful head of hair all over again and are not desperate for every inch so they can say they had long hair for the first time in their lives. :ohwell: It seems that to some long hair is all they have and the thought of anyone losing it seems to send them over the edge.
I agree with you. Not everyone is afraid of transitioning or cutting their hair. How is she insane or dumb for doing what she wants to with her hair?:ohwell: For some of us it is just hair. Some people have the confidence in knowing that they can grow a beautiful head of hair all over again and are not desperate for every inch so they can say they had long hair for the first time in their lives. :ohwell: It seems that to some long hair is all they have and the thought of anyone losing it seems to send them over the edge.

Brutal honesty at it's best!. lol
Its her hair, but if shes gonna relax it cuz she wants straight hair... just friggin admit that and keep it movin, ya know.? But of course she will never admit that if that is the true reason...

All i can say is i would never do it...
She's selling product. :look: And now all of us know about it. All is costs her is $10 for the relaxer.

She's brilliant. And she's probably hair-bored so this will give her something else to do.
That's bold! But like many have said, it's her hair, why shouldn't she do what she wants with it and not be labelled as "dumb"? She isn't showing up on your door step with a jar of relaxer, so what's the big deal?
Maybe she got it like that :look: I see a few ladies around here do the same thing - grow their hair to waist relaxed, cut it off to twa and grow it out to almost the same length in about 2 years! Some people's hair grows super fast so being natural, relaxing it then transitioning may be a walk in the park for her! :yep: In any case, I say it's great marketing if she successfully pulls it off...even moreso if her hair DOESN'T grow fast! :clap:
It's her hair and if she's not complaining then I shouldn't be either. I'm relaxed now, but I have transitioned in the past so I'm aware of the negative/positive aspects of it. Whether she just wants to be relaxed for a season or not, transitioning still requires DEDICATION. Therefore, I chose the first option.:grin:

WHAT SHE SAID ^^^^ With all the info i learned (i am relaxed) on this board i tried to transition AND IT WAS HARD i am not weak by any means but when i saw my hair breaking off at the demarcation line i caved and relaxed. I do not judge her because if she can help only one person then she was successful. That one person could be me!!! It is her hair:yep:

PS i do agree it is for marketing purposes
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