What do you think about what she's doing?

  • DEDICATION right there! Wonderful she's doing this to help transitioning sisters out!

    Votes: 49 24.9%
  • Not a great idea at all! Why take such drastic measures? You can still help!

    Votes: 75 38.1%
  • She know she just want straight hair again "for a season" LOL!

    Votes: 51 25.9%
  • On the fence, I see both sides.

    Votes: 22 11.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I actually appreciate this as someone who is transitioning without the BC. It will be interesting to see how she deals with the two textures.

THATS WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO SEE i am a visual person so it is much better to see than to have it explained to me:yep:
As a transitioner my self, i honestly couldn't care, i voted not a great idea, but now i think she may just want straight hair...maybe she's getting married.
I did it once, this is my second big chop. I was natural and then relaxed my hair for a year and big chopped again. I didn't think this trough and i though it was stupid at the very first minute i put the creamy crack on my hair ,,,

But she is exited, and it will be good for the girls that don't know how to transition, and deal with the 2 diff textures.
I think it's a great marketing idea. She already knows her hair can grow so I don't see the big deal and it will help promote her products.
I think she wants relaxed hair. Like Oprah.

Okay..-- Just watched the video.. I see her concept. This might help some people on the fence about transitioning
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Her name sounds very familiar to me but i can't quite put my finger on it.
I'm not mad at her...stupid idea or not,it can be seen as bold and people will definitely pay attention to her for it.
Way to guarantee having your name out there for an amount of time(at the very least until the end of her transition).

I was however,slightly miffed by her "Barney and Friends" tone.:ohwell:
I'm a grown arse woman dawg!:lachen:

I could only watch about 10 seconds of her video because of this:lachen:
Ugh...her tone was sooo annoying!

I think that she is a good hustler! She is going to sell so many products to transitioning ladies. Good for her. I wish I was a shrewd business woman, but alas I'm too nice :lachen:. Seriously though, she is doing a good thing, but really and truly she is selling her products. She will be profitting off black women's desire to go natural in 2010 and she'll be hitting her goal of getting rich 2010! Can't hate on that!!! :grin:
I knew without looking at the video it was Lisa Ackbari.

She actually has written books on hair, as well as have her own products out.
I use them periodically.
If you know her personally (or in the Memphis area and frequents her shop) you will find out that she TRULY cares about black hair and is truly doing this for her fans.
Put the bibs and forks away, she is cool.
watch her instead of labeling her, you may learn something.
She started this b/c many of her clients were transitioning and felt they couldnt relate to her.
I know people who she personally has helped tremendously acquire the skills and courage to long term transition.
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I couldn't really decide on any of the choices because none really fitted what I thought. I don't think it's a big deal. I say that because while I, myself, love long hair and wouldn't want to start from scratch, relaxing hair or not to me is just a style change and for me has no "latent mental issues" associated with it.

If I had hair that grew fast (again this is probably only coz long hair is my passion), I would do it too, coz I don't know about all y'all but I get pleasure sharing what I know, especially if someone can benefit from it. I hate making videos coz it takes so long, but I'm happy to explain as best as I can how to do something if someone asks, and to show props if I can.

For example, when people ask something about how 4B hair behaves, something I don't know, I actually go to the bathroom and do the experiment--if it's one that won't mean I will have a lot of work undoing it--to see if I can answer and also learn something myself. (If you need examples, I can find them for you.)

So the willingness to walk in others shoes or demonstrate for others something you're comfortable with and that you know won't hurt you is not odd to me at all. Takes someone who's not obsessed with long hair as I am (or maybe someone who's used to having long hair) to be that brave to start from scratch. I do my "let me show you" experiments for free. She makes money and probably will make more for doing this. (Don't ask me how; I haven't processed it all yet. :lol: ) So more power to her!
I knew without looking at the video it was Lisa Ackbari.

She actually has written books on hair, as well as have her own products out.
I use them periodically.
If you know her personally (or in the Memphis area and frequents her shop) you will find out that she TRULY cares about black hair and is truly doing this for her fans.
Put the bibs and forks away, she is cool.
watch her instead of labeling her, you may learn something.
She started this b/c many of her clients were transitioning and felt they couldnt relate to her.
I know people who she personally has helped tremendously acquire the skills and courage to long term transition.

Wow, that's Lisa in the video? I read one of her books, she has some great tips on stretching.

And I agree with the bolded, we are always so quick to throw out judgements like "Oh, she wanted her hair straight anyway" or labels such as "dumb", but not as quick to actually read and get to know the person. It may be a marketing ploy or yes, she may want her hair straight, but who are we to make these calls? And what are these judgments based on?
Me too. :grin: I remember a thread where someone shared about her announcing she had plans to do this.

She tells her clients too, like every time they come and see her.:lachen:
She really REALLY knows her ish.
I can't hang with ll of her products because they are protein heavy.
She specializes in broken hair and I dont have broken hair..ish just dry lol
She tells her clients too, like every time they come and see her.:lachen:
She really REALLY knows her ish.
I can't hang with ll of her products because they are protein heavy.
She specializes in broken hair and I dont have broken hair..ish just dry lol

I've seen her on YT and seen her books on Amazon and heard of her, but I don't know enough about her to know about her products. (I guess coz I'm not a product junkie and coz I'm OK with my regimen and coz I'm lazy, I just haven't had a need to.) I love how thick her hair is and it looks healthy. I did think it was funny she made a promise to grow folks' hair in X amount of time, coz I think if you make a claim like that, you should at least have proof that you did it. So maybe this will give her an opportunity to do that. Maybe her hair does grow as she promises folks that they can grow, but she cuts it. *shrug*

Anyway, I think it'll be fun for her too to do this. When I see people with TWA wondering what to do to make it fun, I keep wishing I had access to a TWA head with no mind of its own that I could style daily and take pics of to show that it really isn't a boring time. A lot of styles come up just by chance when you're trying something else... So I know Lisa will have a blast. :yep:
From what's ive, seen..she does retain length
I had to tke a break from YT and hair vids because I was doing too much with my hair.

She probably does retain length but I don't think I've seen her hair at 24 inches which I think is what she was promising she'd help people grow. :look:

I think that's a fishy claim when we know some people's growth cycles are only 2 years long so unless they're growing 2 inches a month, I don't know how she was going to pull that off. What's more, I think it's best to make that sort of claim when you yourself have at least that much hair. Makes it more credible.
She probably does retain length but I don't think I've seen her hair at 24 inches which I think is what she was promising she'd help people grow. :look:

I think that's a fishy claim when we know some people's growth cycles are only 2 years long so unless they're growing 2 inches a month, I don't know how she was going to pull that off. What's more, I think it's best to make that sort of claim when you yourself have at least that much hair. Makes it more credible.
I didn't know she claimed that.
Um, no!
lol. I never read that either
WOW SHE'S COOL!! She's got a lotta balls....just sayin'. I'm gonna be keeping tabs on her. Although I'm not transitioning, I may gain some useful info from her *shrugs* who knows?
This is out of respect to all of us here don't take it personal but it's how I feel:
It's funny to see how some folks like to call folks out. Oh, how the pot calling the kettle black. We relax and go natural vice vs. here all dog on day and yet it's cool...we support one another, but as soon as someone like a doctor whose invested her time into healthy hair care practices decides to to take a journey for her followers...y'all show turn your nose up.
Gone on Dr. A girl I'm not mad at ya. What a great way to start the new year. Not many Trichologists can say they'll take the time to take a journey of transition for her followers. Maybe some, if not most will feel comfy and succeed. And if it doesn't go so well, oh well, at least you tried. I like to see a mind of "I'd rather have tried than not tried at all."
Ladie 2010 is at the stroke of midnight...we need to stop tearing one another down and start building each other up. Our slogan should be, "Let haters hate."
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I'm not mad at her at all! I'm with Crackers Phinn, it's a very smart marketing ploy. :yep:

It could never be me though, this is my last transition, I'm not perming my hair for NOBODY let alone some strangers on the internet. :lachen:

marketing genius, if she does it right.

I almost choked on my gum when I saw that cat with that pink wig on.....OP you ain't right:lachen:

I too think its a great marketing ploy to get people to buy her books and products, who knows int he process more sisters may go natural cause they realize its not as difficult as you think, even if they don't get her products. Since she knows what she's doing its no danger in her damaging her hair and even if she did it for other reasons so what? we can all do to our hair whatever we like, cause we're the ones that have to walk around with it.
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I'm glad she's doing it. I've Bc'd so many times because I had no clue about transitioning. I lacked patience. I'm hoping to learn as I stretch my relaxer. She said that she hopes it will lead to a lot of people changing their minds about going natural. I don't judge her on what ever she chooses to do to her hair. I'm just happy she's willing to be a ginea (sp) pig.:grin:
I agree with you. Not everyone is afraid of transitioning or cutting their hair. How is she insane or dumb for doing what she wants to with her hair?:ohwell: For some of us it is just hair. Some people have the confidence in knowing that they can grow a beautiful head of hair all over again and are not desperate for every inch so they can say they had long hair for the first time in their lives. :ohwell: It seems that to some long hair is all they have and the thought of anyone losing it seems to send them over the edge.

Since I was the one to say insane, I will reply.

I think it's insane and I am completely entitled to interpret it as insane.

WIth that said, neither Lisa A. nor anybody else has to check in with me on their hair decisions.

As for the psychoanalysis of letting go of long hair. In my case you're wrong. My perspective about this has nothing to do with being 'desperate for every inch' but instead the process involved in managing two textures for an extended period of time.