What do you think about what she's doing?

  • DEDICATION right there! Wonderful she's doing this to help transitioning sisters out!

    Votes: 49 24.9%
  • Not a great idea at all! Why take such drastic measures? You can still help!

    Votes: 75 38.1%
  • She know she just want straight hair again "for a season" LOL!

    Votes: 51 25.9%
  • On the fence, I see both sides.

    Votes: 22 11.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I chose the first option.

If I were a woman in her profession I would do it too. It's not a big deal to me and can help a lot of people.
She seems like a sweet lady. Really does. I am one of those that have tried to transition 20 11 times and failed every time. I could see something like this helping me finally stick with it.

Thanks OP. I have a new site to add to my favorites!
Maybe her transition wasn't hard, and maybe her hair grows fast.

Either way, I don't think it's a big deal. I was surprised when I read the title, but it seems she has a goal and a purpose, so more power to her.:yep:
Since I was the one to say insane, I will reply.

I think it's insane and I am completely entitled to interpret it as insane.

WIth that said, neither Lisa A. nor anybody else has to check in with me on their hair decisions.

As for the psychoanalysis of letting go of long hair. In my case you're wrong. My perspective about this has nothing to do with being 'desperate for every inch' but instead the process involved in managing two textures for an extended period of time.

JC, I understood your saying "insane" even though my reasons were different because for me long hair is such a gift that I'd not sacrifice it just because. Maybe if I always had long hair, it'd not matter. Maybe if my hair grew fast, I'd get it. But "starting from scratch" for the sake of educating others is such a huge sacrifice, I don't think I could do it. So I sorta got your point.
This is one of those "who gives a crap" type of issues I run into a lot when it comes to going from natural to straight. Who cares why she's really doing it, I'm sure it will be funny and interesting to watch. She could shave her head bald right after her relaxer, what kind of crazy would she be then? She might just be bored with lots of time on her hands, or someone who doesn't put THAT much stock into her hair. OR she might just be that serious about teaching women how to transition.
Did I miss it? Was it live? She said Dec 30, at 7pm.
The last video I saw was the 3-day countdown. Maybe she changed her mind.

Seems she did it on UStream, but I'm having a hard time finding the replay video; maybe someone will be able to find the vid. When I did my live BC broadcast, I recorded it in case anyone missed it. If she recorded the process, I would love to find it, so I can see it.:look:

Here's where she supposedly did it:
Seems she did it on UStream, but I'm having a hard time finding the replay video; maybe someone will be able to find the vid. When I did my live BC broadcast, I recorded it in case anyone missed it. If she recorded the process, I would love to find it, so I can see it.:look:

Here's where she supposedly did it:

I thought she was just supposed to be answering questions on that day. The countdown is still active on her website, so I don't think she did it yet.
If she is successful she is going to really blow up big on the internet and elsehwere.

I truly hope for her sake and the women who follow her are successful in this great adventure. I am NOT the one though. :nono:
Crazy like a fox...folks like this that think outside the box end up laughing all the way to the bank.

(I personally wouldn't do it, though :grin:).
I will say this, what are people call a long transition? I know people here on LHCF think years but most don't. I always notice that in Curly Nikki's site a long transition is like 6 to 12 months. Not to be trite but I fully expect LA to BC within 6 to 9 months. That isn't a long transition to me.
I remember reading her book a few years ago and in it she said she transitioned/stretched for long periods of time twice so I have no doubt she can be successful this time.

I think what she is doing is great. I wish I could have found a video on how to transition when I first thought about going natural. Some times reading and fotki stalking isn't enough for everybody.
I hate her relaxed hair.:sad: It looks so lifeless to me.:ohwell: I hope she doesn't transition for more than a year.:nono:
I will say this, what are people call a long transition? I know people here on LHCF think years but most don't. I always notice that in Curly Nikki's site a long transition is like 6 to 12 months. Not to be trite but I fully expect LA to BC within 6 to 9 months. That isn't a long transition to me.

I think anything from 1-4 months is a short transitioner. 5-12 months is a medium transitioner. And anyone who transitions more than 1 1/2 years IMO is a long transitioner. A long transition IMO I think atleast 2 - 3 years or a transitioner who doesnt BC.
i like the idea of her going natural to help ladies transition. I think its a nice gesture. certainly not necessary but i dont see anyone else doing it & i think her contribution will be great to girls who need assistance since transitioning is HARD.

With that said, if that's the results of her relaxer it looks terrible & i wish she'd stop drawing on her eyebrows with chalk.
I don't get the point.

She can show transitioning styles/techniques/concepts etc without relaxing again.

That's like a personal trainer saying, ok i'm gunna gain 75lbs of fat so I can show you how to lose it. WTF?
Personally, I wouldn't do it... I think I would just settle in having a model that I transition.

But on the other hand... I totally understand the concept of "practice what you preach" and what better way to teach ppl by using herself.

Brilliant they say.... "do as I do" marketing... and a lot of folks will!
I think its great that she wants to help people out but as a doctor I'm sure she knows about the dangers in relaxing and her method is extreme. A part of me believes that she wanted a relaxer because she already transitioned before. You dont need to relax again to help someone transition.
Why would anyone need to "show" ladies how to transition???!!! There is a wealth of information out here so it is totally unnecessary to relax then transition alll over again unless you just want relaxed hair again......plain crazy if you ask me.