Hsn Vitamin/supplement 2017 Challenge (january 1, 2017-december 31 2017)

I really need to get on my green smoothies. Here's an article from http://www.bbc.com/news/health-39057146 about getting more fruits and veggies.


Fruit and veg: For a longer life eat 10-a-day

Eating loads of fruit and vegetables - 10 portions a day - may give us longer lives, say researchers.

The study, by Imperial College London, calculated such eating habits could prevent 7.8 million premature deaths each year.

The team also identified specific fruit and veg that reduced the risk of cancer and heart disease.

The analysis showed even small amounts had a health boon, but more is even better.

A portion counts as 80g (3oz) of fruit or veg - the equivalent of a small banana, a pear or three heaped tablespoons of spinach or peas.

What counts as five-a-day?

The conclusions were made by pooling data on 95 separate studies, involving two million people's eating habits.

Lower risks of cancer were linked to eating:

  • green veg (eg spinach)
  • yellow veg (eg peppers)
  • cruciferous vegetables (eg cauliflower).
Lower risks of heart disease and strokes were linked to eating:

  • apples
  • pears
  • citrus fruits
  • salads
  • green leafy vegetables (eg lettuce)
  • cruciferous veg

Harriet Micallef, from Chippenham, says she often manages eight to 10 portions a day and has multiple portions of spinach every day.

She told the BBC: "I have a lot, I don't ever have a meal without veg or salad so eight to 10 portions is a regular thing."

She starts her day with a veg-packed omelette containing spinach and sometimes avocado or tomatoes.

Harriet's salad-based lunch is also packed with a mix of veg and her evening meals tend to be stir fries or stews.

Snacks during the day include blended fruit smoothies or peppers dipped in hummus.

She added: "It's definitely healthy, if you've got loads of colours on your plate then you're pretty much okay."

The results, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, also assessed the risk of dying before your time.

Compared with eating no fruit or veg a day, it showed:

  • 200g cut the risk of cardiovascular disease by 13% while 800g cut the risk by 28%
  • 200g cut the risk of cancer by 4%, while 800g cut the risk by 13%
  • 200g cut the risk of a premature death by 15%, while 800g cut the risk by 31%
Image copyrightTHINKSTOCK
The researchers do not know if eating even more fruit and veg would have even greater health benefits as there is little evidence out there to review.

Dr Dagfinn Aune, one of the researchers, said: "Fruit and vegetables have been shown to reduce cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and to boost the health of our blood vessels and immune system.

"This may be due to the complex network of nutrients they hold.

"For instance, they contain many antioxidants, which may reduce DNA damage and lead to a reduction in cancer risk."

However, many people struggle to even eat the five a day (400g) recommended by the World Health Organization.

In the UK, only about one in three people eats enough.

Harriet, who started cooking family meals at the age of 12, thinks more should be done to get children eating more.

"I think it comes from schooling and the traditional British meat and two veg.

"I think if you teach children to always have something green on their plate in addition then they'll naturally start having more.

"There's just so many different veg that people don't have like bean sprouts and chard."

Dr Aune said the findings did not mean the five-a-day message needed to change.

He told the BBC: "There are many different considerations if changing policy, it's not just the health effects - is it feasible?

"But our findings are quite clear in that they do support five a day, but there are even some further benefits for higher intakes."

Dr Alison Tedstone, chief nutritionist at Public Health England, said: "The five-a-day target is the foundation of a healthy balanced diet and is an achievable way to help prevent a number of diseases.

"Whilst consuming more than five portions of fruit and vegetables a day may be desirable... adding pressure to consume more fruit and vegetables creates an unrealistic expectation."

Not all of the 95 studies that were analysed fully accounted for other aspects of lifestyle, such as exercise levels, that could also play a role in prolonging lives.

However, Dr Aune said the conclusions were "quite robust".

Wow! great article thanks for sharing! I'm going to attempt to eat 8-10 veggies/day!
Did anyone notice an increase in shedding when they first started their vitamin regimen? I feel like the past couple days I've been shedding way more than usual. I've been taking a multivitamin daily (started that a week ago) and two days ago I started taking the Beautifully Bamboo pills. I've been exercising this week along with drinking more water (not as much as I should, but I'm working on it) my diet is pretty much the same, but I've been healthier lunches.

I'm going to try a coffee rinse this weekend and see if that helps...
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found out I'm vit D deficient even though I take it. My doc is recommending 5000 IUs daily of D3. I've been taking 1000 IUs of D3 along with a little extra in the cod liver oil.
I did some reading and found out that vit D deficiency slows hair growth exponentially. So everything I'm taking is basically negated. Sigh.

I began taking high doses of Vitamin D3 last fall...I have fibroids and read a study that fibroids and low Vitamin D3 have a close bond. I take 50,000 iu once/week and 6,000IU the other 6 days. I noticed that my hair was growing and my blanket thickness was returning. I recently read that low iron can contribute to thin/breaking hair...so I started taking 325mg every day along with my HSN & prenatal Vit. p
my vit D deficiency is based on my thyroid, I found out after speaking to my dr again. She said people who have autoimmune diseases have vit d deficiencies. Fibroids are an autoimmune disease.
Are you taking the high doses of vit d under drs orders or going "rouge" aka on your own?
Thicker and longer hair from just rebalancing my vit d as well as the bonus from the hair vits would be great.
Completed my 6 month stint with Phytocap energy. I am taking a 30 day break and started taking tricovel with msm (1000mg) and biotin (5000mcg) daily.

After my 30 days are over I will go back to to phytocap energy and finish the last two months I have left.

So I am due to start my Phyto vitamin regime tomorrow, but went with Phytophanere. I am tempted to buy Cap'Energy to compare.

I ordered a 4-month supply of the Phytophanere. Can't wait!
Honestly...i am not impressed by phytocap...once done i am not rebuying. I cant wait to try phytophanere.

Yeah, I was looking at them ingedients and it was seriously lacking when compared to the ingredients in Phytophanere.

I was only tempted because of your hair pic (gorgeous and thick!) and other reviews on here. I may try and get the Cap on a Sephora sale.
Yeah, I was looking at them ingedients and it was seriously lacking when compared to the ingredients in Phytophanere.

I was only tempted because of your hair pic (gorgeous and thick!) and other reviews on here. I may try and get the Cap on a Sephora sale.

Try bathunwind.com first they have it for a lot cheaper. Free shipping to us & canada.
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Did anyone experience breakouts when they first started their regimen? If so, how long did it take for your skin to "normalize"? Especially those supplements with a lot of biotin and/or MSM or those stand alone supplements.
I've been taking everything since Monday.

HTN Hair Growth vitamins ✔️ (2 months)
Beautifully Bamboo tea ✔️
Bamboo organic supplement ✔️
Chlorella ✔️
Collagen ✔️ (2 months)
Maca root ✔️

+64 oz water daily ✔️
Protein/egg shake bid ✔️
Exercise 6 days a week ✔️
@Wenbev are you taking a liquid vit d? I prefer liquid vitamins over pills. I think they absorb better.

I was reminded of this because I'm almost out of my calcium/magnesium/vit d supplement.
I am taking capsule form, I think I may try the liquid form the next time around. That is a good point. I take zinc and silica in a liquid form which also helps to keep up my water intake too.
I take my vitamins as best as i can currently i just started taking back my 10,000mg Biotin, consistent with manetabolism and Omega 3. right now i'm mot popping a lot. I also take MSM 2 full tsp and beauty fusion powder.
Current Taking:

Nature Made Adult Gummies Multi For Her Plus Omega-3s
Walgreen's High Potency Iron Pills 65 mg
Nature's Bounty Zinc Pills 65 mg

I'm also trying to drink at least 60 ounces of water a day. No animal milk, soda or juice at all.
going strong with everything except juicing. Need to get on it.
Received my order from bathun.wind. Phytocya.ne leave in scalp treatment and phytop.olleine prepoo scalp treatment. Only took two weeks to arrive from across the pond. Going to use the prepoo tonight since I'm getting color and a blowout tomor evening. Going forward, will use the prepoo the night before a wash and the other treatment 2x a week.
going strong with everything except juicing. Need to get on it.
Received my order from bathun.wind. Phytocya.ne leave in scalp treatment and phytop.olleine prepoo scalp treatment. Only took two weeks to arrive from across the pond. Going to use the prepoo tonight since I'm getting color and a blowout tomor evening. Going forward, will use the prepoo the night before a wash and the other treatment 2x a week.
You make me wanna buy this again.:angry2: It's a tiny bottle but very powerful.

You also got me looking at the Ampoules.:nono:
You make me wanna buy this again.:angry2: It's a tiny bottle but very powerful.

You also got me looking at the Ampoules.:nono:
@IDareT'sHair Get it! Buy it! which are the ampoules? the phytocyane? there's a duo and special price.

The pytop.olleine is strong smelling no lie, but its use is just before a wash. I'll wait a couple days before starting the phytocyane since I colored my hair.
just about done with my first bottle of beatifully bamboo. so far so good. i didn't do a length check before i started taking them. but i'll do once when i start my second bottle to see how much growth i get. i have noticed that my nails aren't breaking as often though so that's a big plus for me.
I think I may order these and do a 3 month trial of them.... Ive just been so busy and everything keeps falling by the waist side. (Except for my hair ) Im currently remodeling my kitchen and I have a old friend of the family living in my house and my life is turned upside down. I need to find a way to get ahead of everything so I can get back to doing me...