How will they explain away the rapture?


Well-Known Member
Anyone want to weigh in on how the world will explain the disappearance of millions all at one time?

“For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.” 1 Thess 4: 16-18
Lol I think that's going to be the last thing on the minds of those who were NOT taken. They should be worried about their own souls right about now. Lol Ijs

But Id love to hear (read) what somebody would actually come up with. Lol
Lol I think that's going to be the last thing on the minds of those who were NOT taken. They should be worried about their own souls right about now. Lol Ijs

But Id love to hear (read) what somebody would actually come up with. Lol

Think about it though... those who refuse to believe that Christ has indeed taken away the believers will long to think of some plausible explanation for the disappearances. True many will immediately understand what had taken place and repent - but those who have chosen to willfully deny Christ will be forced to come up with some other reason.
I'd like to share something that happened one day.

DS stayed a few days at my home. On the day he was leaving to go back home, DH and I went quietly out the house in the early morning, and was on the porch talking. Well, DS opened the door real quick and was out of breath. He said "Oh, there you are, I thought the rapture came." Needless to say we were like :blush::look::lol::sad::sad::sad:

It didn't change anything in his life, at least he hasn't said anything, but the reality was there for him and it scared him, for real.

The sad thing is is that people hear it being told, and it doesn't faze them at all. Just like in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the Lord takes away the church! A suddenly will happen and then it may be too late for some.

My prayer is that people take this seriously. God is not playing around...He means business.

Wow! I have had a similar experience myself as a teenager. I was so rebellious and knew I was living outside of God's word - I used to be so terrified of being left behind I'd do exactly what your DS did - wake up looking for my parents. lol

What a blessing though that your son knew that if the rapture had indeed occurred Mom and Dad would have been taken away. That is a testimony of the life that you both live in front of him - an authentic walk with The Lord. :yep:
the rapture is not biblical

Through my personal studies I have come to a different conclusion but I do understand that there are many Christians that do not believe in the rapture or hold to other time periods for the rapture.

I'd rather not stray off topic though for this thread though :drunk:
I can't even imagine the horror you felt as a teen experiencing that, not knowing if it did happen and you were left behind. My son told me that it took awhile for him to calm down, even after knowing that it didn't happen. I asked him, "what if it did happen?" "What would you do?" He just looked at me and stared. Never said a word.

I know the Lord has His hand on my son. My son is running from the Lord. The Lord has opened his eyes in the spirit realm where he has had many experiences with angels....seeing them in services on the platform with the pastor while preaching, at missionary fields, etc. When he became an adult...he ran for the hills...but the Lord is calling him. He calls me and talks to me about it and I just tell him to stop running and surrender.

The bolded made me :cry: momi because your words became alive to me and I appreciate you saying that. I am humbled :cry:

Sis Wavy - now you have me teary...

Continue to keep him in prayer - he has heard your words and prayers... it may be time for you to just listen and allow him to hear the Holy Spirit's calling.

As a former prodigal - it was something that broke on the inside of me hearing my parents (my mother specially) tell me that she had turned me over to The Lord. It's hard to explain - let alone type but when I knew that she truly released me to The Lord it put the weight of responsibility concerning my salvation squarely on my shoulders. When I knew she was no longer "contending" for me I was forced to either seek Him or deny Him on my own.

Continue to keep the faith - pray and know that The Lord will finish the work that He started in DS. Trust me - I am a living testimony. :yep:
The scripture that was posted by @momi (I Thess. 4:18) is not biblical?

To be suddenly caught up and taken away to meet the Lord in the clouds sounds like a rapture to me.:yep:


I am not talking about the term, but the doctrine that has been built up around the word.
Think about it though... those who refuse to believe that Christ has indeed taken away the believers will long to think of some plausible explanation for the disappearances. True many will immediately understand what had taken place and repent - but those who have chosen to willfully deny Christ will be forced to come up with some other reason.

This reminds me of Lot's wife when she turned into a pillar of salt because she was too worried about what was left behind once God has called her & her family. Ijs. Those that were left will be the last thing on my mind. They chose their paths & we chose ours. ;)
That will definitely be an argument, the word rapture is not there but words 'caught up' are

Yes I understand. But their is a "Rapture" doctrine that states that God will take away his people before the tribulation period begins and leave everyone else here .Thats not biblical. Not sure what of what "Rapture" is being discussed here, but that is the only one I am familiar with.

Iwanthealthyhair67 Good to see you sis! :grin: How have you been?
I'd like to share something that happened one day.

DS stayed a few days at my home. On the day he was leaving to go back home, DH and I went quietly out the house in the early morning, and was on the porch talking. Well, DS opened the door real quick and was out of breath. He said "Oh, there you are, I thought the rapture came." Needless to say we were like :blush::look::lol::sad::sad::sad:

It didn't change anything in his life, at least he hasn't said anything, but the reality was there for him and it scared him, for real.

The sad thing is is that people hear it being told, and it doesn't faze them at all. Just like in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the Lord takes away the church! A suddenly will happen and then it may be too late for some.

My prayer is that people take this seriously. God is not playing around...He means business.

How old was your son at that time?
This reminds me of Lot's wife when she turned into a pillar of salt because she was too worried about what was left behind once God has called her & her family. Ijs. Those that were left will be the last thing on my mind. They chose their paths & we chose ours. ;)

I am not "worried" about it in that regard... :ohwell:
BUT, it should be on your mind right now.:yep: The importance of seeing that people come to Christ is paramount in this walk we call Christiandom. Remember, the Lord wants ALL to come to repentance...He doesn't want ANYONE to perish. We must have that heart too (not saying you don't, speaking in general):yep:

I absolutely agree. :)

I guess I was only thinking about the 'day of' from what the OP originally asked. For me personally, at that exact time its every man for himself. I have always thought like this. If Im wrong for thinking like this - please tell me so I can do something about that feeling asap!
I understand what you mean...:yep: I do have to say to you is this: If the scriptures tell us what it tells us in I Thess. 4:18 that the dead "In Christ" will rise first then "those of us who are alive and remain (the Church) shall be 'Caught Up' together with 'Them' in the clouds to meet the Lord and we shall always be with Him, why do we believe that this isn't biblical? He isn't talking about those that are not Christ Followers....He is talking about Christ Followers!

The word 'Tribulation' means - an experience of great distress, suffering and trouble. The Church will NOT experience that...the Lord will 'Catch us up' to meet Him before that time comes. When that time comes, the Holy Spirit will no longer be here on the earth. He won't need to be: The Church will be gone and He is here for the Church.

“For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.” 1 Thess 4: 16-18

We are experiencing tribulation right now. Look over seas with Christians being beheaded and killed by thousands every month. Just because it is peace in the U.S. right now does not mean it is peace everywhere. Christians are being persecuted and suffering GREATLY in the world. It just has not hit us....yet.

matthew 24

21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

We will be here for the tribulation period. That's why Jesus said if we endure to the end we will be saved .

The doctrine of the Rapture was established in the 1700's. There is not doctrinal proof of it before then. Yes we will be "caught up" but that is when Jesus comes back for the last time. There is not taking away of His people and leaving some down here. When he comes back, the heaven and earth will be destroyed. The bible states all this.
The bible says that it is not the will of God that any should perish and we should be like minded in our thinking, wanting all to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth even though we know that everyone will not.
Nice & Wavy God is so good and merciful. It takes some of us a looooooong time to come around, but Praise God!! we do come back around to Jesus! Some of us just have to take the rocky path. #hardheaded :yep: