How to Make Someone Fall in Love with You...


Well-Known Member
in 90 minutes or less.

I was browsing the shelves at Marshalls today and came across this cute little book.

I decided to skim through and I was really impressed!

It isn't exactly like the likes of "The Rules" or "Why Men Love B*tches" in the sense that it seems to focus on more GENUINE approaches...approaches that actually try to get you to love and cherish yourself more rather than formulaic "get-and-keep-a-man" behavior.

Even though it was super cute and seemed really interesting as I was skimming, I was reluctant to buy it.
While I do have the love part, lol, I am still a socially awkward young woman:lol: and I want/need to work on that!

I figured, what the heck? and spent the $4 that it cost:lol: b/c there's no guarantee that I'd find it again.

The way it's broken up:
Part 1. Get ready:
The first steps toward falling in love are knowing yourself and finding the person who will complete you.

chapter 3 seems especially interesting: GETTING OUT THERE-
the art of socializing,
the two key rules,
internet dating,
socializing action plan,
excuses, excuses,
there's no rejection, only selection

Part 2. Get set:
Fine-tune your people skills so that when you meet your matched opposite, you are ready to connect.

Chapter 4 seems pretty interesting: A FABULOUS FIRST IMPRESSION-
it's all about attitude,
actions speak louder than words,
standing tall, feeling terrific,
poise, pace, and posture,
the seven keys to dressing well

Part 3. Go!
chapter 7. Conversation and chemistry
chapter 8. the art of flirting
chpater 9. creating intimacy
10. getting to love

Epilogue: it all begins with you...

Doesn't it sound GOOD already?? I love this "self" confused approach! for blossoming into a more socially comfortable person.

Let me know what you think:)
It has some good reviews on Amazon.

The author also has another book called "How To Make People Like You In 90 Seconds Or Less".

I am not understanding your post.

Make up a batch of that special sauce, invite the man over for dinner and... :look:

What? :lachen:

I assume you're referring to the title?
It does sound a little much:)

The parts I skimmed touched upon basically all the single-woman complaints in the Relationship forum, and addresses some of the advice that many women, including you, have given. I like that this book is a little more matter-of-fact in some ways, yet still... gentle.

I think the "Perpetually Single" ladies could find this useful, or anyone who, like me, is shy in public settings.

For example: Sit in the middle. That's where the popular people sit. That's where you get noticed.

In reference to the suggestions made by many women, this book has a particular excercise where it has you find out what you're interested in, think of something you've always wanted to do, and then find out how to get involved, WHAT DAY you will make it happen.

And in reference to a recent thread: "People who do the same thing over and over and expect different results are setting themselves up for disapointment."

There's a segment called "Using Body Language to Build Trust"

and a piece of advice: Always be on the lookout for opportunities to sincerely say "Me too.".... stuff about building rapport, closeness, and intimacy.

I haven't even read the entire thing, but the parts that I've read sound very positive and uplifting. I'm really excited to read it:)

Thought I'd share with you all for anyone who might be open to it, despite the "reaching" title:)
I am not understanding your post.

I assume you're referring to the title?
It does sound a little much:)

The parts I skimmed touched upon basically all the single-woman complaints in the Relationship forum, and addresses some of the advice that many women, including you, have given. I like that this book is a little more matter-of-fact in some ways, yet still... gentle.

I think the "Perpetually Single" ladies could find this useful, or anyone who, like me, is shy in public settings.

For example: Sit in the middle. That's where the popular people sit. That's where you get noticed.

In reference to the suggestions made by many women, this book has a particular excercise where it has you find out what you're interested in, think of something you've always wanted to do, and then find out how to get involved, WHAT DAY you will make it happen.

And in reference to a recent thread: "People who do the same thing over and over and expect different results are setting themselves up for disapointment."

There's a segment called "Using Body Language to Build Trust"

and a piece of advice: Always be on the lookout for opportunities to sincerely say "Me too.".... stuff about building rapport, closeness, and intimacy.

I haven't even read the entire thing, but the parts that I've read sound very positive and uplifting. I'm really excited to read it:)

Thought I'd share with you all for anyone who might be open to it, despite the "reaching" title:)

Hey Carlita! :wave:

I wasn't making fun of ya... I was just being silly because that was the first thing that came to mind when I read the title! But hey, a catchy title makes people want to read, right?

Actually, that sounds like a good book with decent, usable tips. :) Thanks for sharing!

And uh, oh, don't be bringing up that thread again! You tryin' to start somethin'? :lol: