How to be certain....


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine is practicing abstinence until she is married. She asked me what are some ways to find out if a guy is well equipped the way she likes and how to figure out his "coloring" skills without actually coloring. She is willing to do "other" stuff, by the way.

I gave her one suggestion to figure out "stick" size. Which was get him hot and bothered and place your palm on the length of his stick. Measure your hand when you have a moment and there you go.

But I'm stump on the "coloring" I can't think of nothing without actually coloring. Do you ladies have any suggestions?
For coloring, how he dances could be a good indication, esp. to reggae music. Also slow grinding, you may be able to get a feel :look:
Anyone think there's a link between coloring skills and dancing ability (having rhythm)? If so, maybe she can check out his moves on the dance floor if they do relate.

To check the package, try getting him excited while he's wearing sweat pants. :look:
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I can usually tell by looking at them. Obviously my innate formula must work because Ive most if not all of my experiences have been well endowed :look:
I can usually tell by looking at them. Obviously my innate formula must work because Ive most if not all of my experiences have been well endowed :look:

I ain't mad at you!!! Actually, I'm a little jealous :look:

Also, one of my friends told me that the whole dancing thing is a myth. She had some guys that knew how to dance and still sucked in bed and vice versa.
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^^^Kissing is a good one.
I don't know about the dancing... my SO has two left feet and there are no complaints ova here. :look:
Do you ladies have any suggestions?
This best thing she can do is know her own body. My opinions are not popular about this, but I strongly believe that once a woman knows her body and exactly how to get herself off she can be less focused on all the things the man has to do to get her "there" and more focused on enjoying the moment.
This best thing she can do is know her own body. My opinions are not popular about this, but I strongly believe that once a woman knows her body and exactly how to get herself off she can be less focused on all the things the man has to do to get her "there" and more focused on enjoying the moment.

Yeah, another friend told me that and I agree and disagree.

But my argument is you do want the guy to bring it or you (the woman) is always doing the work.
Yeah, another friend told me that and I agree and disagree.

But my argument is you do want the guy to bring it or you (the woman) is always doing the work.

A woman who is really in touch with her body rarely if ever falls into that either or scenario. She can look at his penis, watch him on film, peep how he eats ice cream and any other superficial tactic but that's not going to guarantee her to have sexual pleasure. She can/will largely determine how things go. :yep:

I'm mostly speaking from personal experience so I understand how others experiences can cause them to disagree. A guy never has to do XYZ for me to get mine and I never feel like I'm "working"..just flowing. I feel like some guys when they say "I hope you're getting yours, cuz I'm shole bout to get mine!" :lol:
:lol:EXACTLY! Dancing is not an indicator of how sex will be. Some people can dance well, but can't do much else well.

I ain't mad at you!!! Actually, I'm a little jealous :look:

Also, one of my friends told me that the whole dancing thing is a myth. She had some guys that knew how to dance and still sucked in bed and vice versa.
Anyone think there's a link between coloring skills and dancing ability (having rhythm)? If so, maybe she can check out his moves on the dance floor if they do relate.

To check the package, try getting him excited while he's wearing sweat pants. :look:

That reminds me of an ET thread or two :lol:

This best thing she can do is know her own body. My opinions are not popular about this, but I strongly believe that once a woman knows her body and exactly how to get herself off she can be less focused on all the things the man has to do to get her "there" and more focused on enjoying the moment.

You make an interesting point. Maybe that's why women in their 30s-40s are said to enjoy sex more than those in their younger years?
so to figure out his size you are going to play games by teasing him?
What? What's the difference between that and going swing dancing, or any other fun date idea? It's better than deliberately leading someone on, getting them all hot and bother and then being like, "okay, thank you, have to go now!!"

I think it is quite dumb to look at how someone dances and equate it to their sex life. If you want to know how someone colors, then you need to just color.
I respect your opinion, but I think they want to find out BEFORE. It's better to do that than to find out later someone has a micropenis or something. But hey, since you know everything, I guess the following will never happen to you :rolleyes::

Dear Prudie,
I am a 30-year-old woman who has been dating a lovely man for three months. He's smart, funny, cute, and kind. I've felt so lucky to have found him. Here's the problem: We recently became intimate for the first time, and he is, unfortunately, very poorly endowed—so small that I did some Google searching and think he might have a micropenis. I believe that sex is crucial to a relationship, and the thought of having a (potentially lifelong) relationship without an active sex life scares me. When you can't feel anything during the act, that's a problem. I know that there are other options in the bedroom, but I get pleasure by doing it the old-fashioned way. I feel awful about this—it's obviously something that he can't help, and it slays me that the universe would be so unjust to such a wonderful person. I'm conflicted. I see a potential future with him in every other way, but how do I deal with this? Do women who marry very poorly endowed men end up regretting it? If I let him go, what should I tell him that won't absolutely crush him?
—A Little Problem

Dear Little,
Your wonderful guy was cruelly shafted, and it's sad to think that a relationship that seemed to have everything may be doomed because of a teeny-weeny problem. I once published a letter from a woman whose boyfriend had also gotten the short end of the stick—although perhaps not quite so drastically as yours—and in response I heard from several women who said they were initially very disappointed by their beloved's under-endowment and wondered whether it was a relationship killer. But they liked the guy so much that they stuck with it and said they eventually "adjusted" and came to find their sex lives fulfilling. The only way you can find out whether this can be true for you is to try again—but if the thought fills you with dread and despair, you pretty much have your answer as to whether you can continue this relationship. If you do give your intimacy another go, despite your love of "the old-fashioned way," this would be a good time to expand your repertoire. However, if each encounter leaves you feeling a void, then your frustration will ultimately kill the good parts of your relationship. If you let him go, you will be telling him the truth if you say he's one of the finest men you've ever known, but you two just don't have any chemistry in bed. And if that happens, I have a somewhat hopeful note for your man. I, too, Googled micropenis, and I had a shock of recognition when I saw the first image. There was a gentleman just like that at the nudist resort I recently wrote about. Every time I saw him, he was holding hands with his wife, who seemed blissfully happy to be with her little big man.

If you want to find out before, then you do the do, otherwise make do with what you get. plain and simple
I ain't mad at you!!! Actually, I'm a little jealous :look:

Also, one of my friends told me that the whole dancing thing is a myth. She had some guys that knew how to dance and still sucked in bed and vice versa.

I agree with your friends. I've had great dancers suck in bed and bad dancers that are awesome.

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who seemed blissfully happy to be with her little big man. —Prudie

:giggle: Her lil big man.

OP you mentioned that she's willing to do 'other things'. Like what? Cause if she wants to know the size, she may want to do an 'oral' exam or 'palm' check. :cowgirl: and maybe he if reciprocated that might help as well. :auto: (But actual coloring skills, can't help her there.)
You don't have to lead a guy on to excite him. They get excited over the littlest things...a flick of the hair, the way you smell, walk, etc etc.

And for the horrible dancers/good at coloring, does that apply to both black men and non-black men?
OP's question was how to be certain.

I really like this thread, btw. Here is my opinion:

I think that your friend should evaluate the reasons why she is choosing to wait. These are most of the reasons that I can think of...religion, spiritual, emotional connection, etc.

If it is one of the above...then the way he does it or the size should be of minute importance. Let's be honest... If she is waiting b/c of religious are supposed to be trusting in your higher power and his/her ability to bring a union with your soulmate. You're taking a leap of faith so to speak. That's the point.

If she is waiting because she wants to make sure that there is an emotional/spiritual/legal bond ....then if she really loves him (love is unconditional btw) it shouldn't matter. If he has "issues" the love will bring them to finding ways to fixing them in alternative ways.

If good "skills" and a nice peen are very important to her...and a deal maker or breaker...then she should test drive the car before she makes the big purchase. It's all about priorities.
Pay attention to how attentive he is. Men who are attentive outside the bedroom are most likely the same in the bedroom. That's an important part of sex as well.
I'm trying to phrase this correctly so that it makes sense:

If she's a virgin, well-endowed shouldn't mean too much to her; average should be just fine. If she's waiting until marriage anyway, that emotional bond should be strong enough so that it won't matter. Of course, I understand not wanting a micropeen and furthermore, how would she be able to assess his skill level if she's never experienced it before? Even if he sucks, it would be hard for her to discern that because she has nothing to compare it to.

I hope this makes sense. This stuff won't matter unless she's had something to compare it to previously is what I'm trying to say.