How to be a good wife ?


Wealth magnet
So many of us single ladies want to be married but have never had a good exapmple growing up. I have no idea but I'm willing to learn. Can you please offer your advice. I would really appreciate it. Thank you
Just be yourself. There are really no rules....other than being honest and faithful.:look: Find a person who mesh well with your personality and be yourself.
I'm not married...yet...but I really agree with *CherryPie*

Only you and your SO can define what makes a good wife. Every man is different so it's best to find someone who supports your own morals and values. Someone who already views you as his ideal. Not a man that is going to try to "mold you" into his ideal.
Compromise. I don't know that anyone is ideal right out of the box. Since we are all unique, we have to learn how to be a good spouse (rules don't only apply to women)based on the needs/desires of our partner. At times, you will have to bend to what your spouse wants, within reason and do so with love.
IMO, communication is the most important aspect of marriage, or any type of relationship for that matter.